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DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. , 441 PLYMOUTH COURT. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS."" Entered as second class matter, April 2. 1896, at the post-office at Chicago. Illinois, under the Act of • March 3, 1879. TERMS: Per Week $ .BO Per Month 1.60 Half Year 9.00 One Year 17.00 . " CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. MARCH 1. 1912. . 4* 4. CHARTS OF MONTHLY RACING. The .Monthly Racing Form, containing charts «.f »n racea run oa irrogalnrd tracks in the Dotted states aad Mexico during tke aaoath of Febaaaiy, will in- . ■ sale today noon. :it Daily Racing Form office. 441 Ply-month Court, Chicago, 111. Price .60. Single copies bj mail must l e sent as regis tared mail with an extra Charge of ten cents lor reKistratii.n. N..t responsible for ltooks sent as regular mail. + — J.