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PROVISIONS OF MARYLAND RACING BILL. Baltimore, Mil.. March 4. -Mr. Bowea has in traduced ins bill for tbe establishment of a racing commission to govern the racing of horses In Baltf ■tore County. The act la framed after the law which created toe New York Racing Commission. in its preamble tbe act undertakes to provide for Die regulation, control and licensing of borae racing within Baltimore County. The commission s,» named i* composed oi Redmond C. Stewart, Frederick Von Kapff and Spaulding I.. Jenkins. They are to hold office roc four rears and their successors shall bo apt ointed bj the governor. An Important section of the ael Is thai no peraoa or persona, aaaociation or corporation shall hereafter hold a meeting In Baltimore County, whereat borne ja ring shall be conducted, except such corpora tkwa formed for the porpaoo of improving the breed o€ boraea, regularly incorporated agricultural associa-tjons or fair associations, or limit dubs, which shall bare been Incorporated or organised and bead meetings annually foe not leas than two years prior to the passage of the act. It is aSo provided that n le issoeiatlou shall receive more ; . . , 1 1 twenty-six racing days in any one rear, divided into two meetings, and that no dates si. all be awarded for racing to be held during the mouths ol October, November, December, January. Februarj ind March • ■ an] year. Nor shall more than ing be ln-ld on any one day in the county. The license fee i- set at for each day ol a meeting ii| to live days and 00 a day for each addithma] day. rii - penalty clause provides thai every person aiding "i- abetting in the conduct of any meeting except in accordance with tin- license duly Issued shaii In- guilty of a misdemeanor and upon eonvlc iii.ii shall be pnnisfaed by a fine of not less than 00 and not more than ,000, for each daj of such unanthorixed meeting, i- by imprisonment -f not more than one year, or both. There is alao an in Junction clauae providing for such ■ procedure agaiaol anj offending aaaociation or corporation. out of the license feea the commission is to pay its running expenses, which :hum aoj exceed 61,200 a year, and the surplus hi to be turned into the treasurer of Baltimore County to be used for the maintenance and const me lion of public roads. The proposed act Is to take effect from the date of its passage. Phis hill has been proponed for a considerable time as thi- beat to safeguard the spurt in Maryland, and it is the hone ol the horsemen and breedeis generally that its careful restrictions acaint irregularities in the sport will sec ii safely through.