Plans for Jamestown Meeting, Daily Racing Form, 1912-03-19


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FLANS FOR JAMESTOWN MEETING. Ken fork, March 18. The spring aseetlnaj of tin Jamestown Jockey Club al Norfolk, Va., will begin 1 April s and end April 7. Word to thi- effeel naa received todaj from Manager Bob Levy. Thbt arrangemeul ,f dale- has been sanctioned by the Jock. Club. Boring tin eighteen days of racing about ten Make- will Ih- run. The li-t W now being pi. -pared. Ili, .. -; ,.., , - each d.i.v . with Ihle. parses worth *■■ " each, one ,■• si.m and a handicap ,■ |500. Jumping races will be a feature of the ;i .;.!!,,, ami ii then ik enoogb cross-country ihirseti on ibe grounds to warrant ir. there will be i-l four of these event- ea.ll W -ek. 1 aeph Murphy, Bdward oh- and I rank .T. Bryan will !.• again engaged a- oaaciala to govern the rai

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