Coeur DAlene Officials Named, Daily Racing Form, 1912-03-19


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1 C0EUR DALENE OFFICIALS NAMED. Spokane. W.a-h.. March is.— The CoeOT dAlene lair ami Racing Association ha- announced .hat there will !„■ a breed, r - race every week, a- a result of which a mare or stallion is to be pre sented Io an Idaho farmer for breeding purposes. "We ban at ranged for express service on three i dr i :- which ii.- withSn ■ ;.,"ty t :t of our until gate." -aid Secretary Frank W. Smith, ••and ever] endeavor will be to furnish a daily program of high cla — racing wilii an open ring. The Pacific Jockey Clubs rule- will govern, we have -table facilities !,,:• tOO horses, and expert to have aj Icasl 500 at the course for tin- opening day." Robert P. Lelghton, of Vancouver, p. c. his been appointed presiding Judge, with Frank St. 1. skin ln-r a- A--, elate .judge and handieapp.r. Richard Dwyer, who i- favorablj known to horsemen ami track followers all over tin- continent, will serve aa -taii.-r. wnh Jack Diane as paddock judge and timer. Phil Bellly will have charge of the scales.

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Local Identifier: drf1912031901_1_8
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