Jim Basey Again in Form: Joseph Schreibers Good Colt Scores in Chief Race at Juarez, Daily Racing Form, 1912-03-21


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j i JIM BASKT AGAIN IN FORM JOSEPH SCHREIBERS GOOD COLT SCORES IN CHIEF RACE AT JUAREZ. Beats Thistle Belle in Closing Strides of Handicap — High Wind Again Prevails. Making Fast Time Out of the Question. • ■ Paso. T. v.. March 2o.— Cjod-priced winners, well backed by the public, accounted for most ,,f the purses at Juarea today. Bob Lynch araa the oaly ravorite to scon-, a alga wind blew, making fa-.t time out of the question, although the track was at its best. John Hurie. against whose chances tea to one .•.a- laid, woa the first race. There was extensive support tor several of the contestants in this race notably Di-notek. which faced the starter for the first time. The handicap at five and one half furlongs found I ride ot Lismore. with his burden of 125 pounds, ruling the public choice. He temporarily gladdened the hearts of his backers by opening his usual lead on his opponents, but he weakened a sixteenth rri,m the finish. Thistle Belle took the lead away from him momentarily, then Jim Basey cane- like a whirlwind and beat her in the last stride. Jim Basey showed sudden Improvement as compared with his preceding start. Coincident with extensive backing. i. II. Ke.-n,-. who has been saddling winners with considerable regularity of late, took the sixth rac-with Zahra. Joeke.v Kstep was suspended for the remainder lit the meeting for disobedience at the post in the first race.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912032101/drf1912032101_1_9
Local Identifier: drf1912032101_1_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800