Juarez Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1912-03-21


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_ JUAREZ FORM CHART. JUAREZ. MEX., WEDNESDAY. MARCH 20. 1912.— TerrOM Park. Ninety eighth day. Jockey Club Juarez. Winter Meeting of K 2 days. 1 1 books on. Weather clear. | Presiding Jud :e. W. II. Shelley. Starter. Mars assi.ly. Racing Secretary. Edward Jasper. Racing starts at 2:15 p. in. Chicago time 3:15 p. m. I. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Figures in parentheses, following the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse mid weight carried. Indicate;- apprentice allowance. 4 fc FIRST HACK— 1-2 Mile. 94452— #8%— 2— 115. Purse . 2-year -olds. Selling. Irj I Jj £ Net value to winner 25: second, 0: third. 5. Ind Mors, s AWtlISt 4 V % Str Fin Jockeys Owners H 0 P S 8612 JOHN UURtE w 113 2 8 M 4" l1 Small il T Batcheler Hi 1" M 1 J MWTILPY WoLFFARTll w 166 1 3 I I U f Mill .1 Quirk 1 l-l K12 LITTLE BIRDIE " 119 8 2 l1 -i 8» H HoffmanM McDaiml : 8 Imi3-o 16.% ROSA R A P.I. KB. w MB t; 7 n-i "1 +■ A Murray . I F Newman 3 .". 3 1 P2 HB6 BUL A WELSH a 1"" 4 5 6 ♦;« 5J E«tep W H Bnearley 3 31 a 1 l-i MM Moss ROBE w 1 3 10 1 43 "* 6:i Buxton N MOON Ml Ml IV 4 2 DENOTEK w 104 3 4 7l 1* 7i Moleswh B M Phillips 1 W ■"• I 7 o 1636 DEBUTANTE w 100 8 I 8 8 8i J CallahanG M odom IS B 18 6 I 1556 PHILOPKNA WB 100 9 I 9 9 IV* Qroth I Striker 86 86 SB I J 1150 TENDER EST w 100 7 10 10 10 10 Potf Neeser * Bishop 38 3V 30 18 I Time. 242;,. 49%. Track fast. Winner— Rlk. c. bv Right Royal — Etta Gllroy trained by L. L. Mason. Went to post at 2:1c. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. JOHN IilRlE made up ground steadilv and. drawing clear at the paddoek gate, stood a drive gamely and won going awav. Til. BY WOI.FFARTM was speedy and ran into the lead in the stretch, but began to tire in the final hundred yards. LITTLE BIRDIE set the early pace, but gave way when challenged in tie last Sixteenth. BOSA RABLEE closed a gap and BBJaned with ■ rush and so did Bl LA WELSH. MOSS ROSE tired. There was considerable crowding on the bend among the leaders. Scratched . lcootBully. 11 : 1086 Oidsmobile, B»0: 1410 Icicle. MS. Dverweiuhts Moss Rose. :i pounds: I enotek. 4. Iff. O * SECOND RACE— 1 Mile. UM— 1:89%— 4— 112. Parse 06. 3-year olds and upward. %_jU S -lling. Net value to winner 25: second. 0: third. 5. Ind Morses AWtPPSt U M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S BttCHBHS w I1K11 - 81 zi 1| 1- M Small K Weaver 19 N 10 1 - 1084 GEORGE GUYTON * .nolo i 8 8| 6* ** 2" Burgan* T F white - 1 me RUBINON W 8 in 1 1 N Ml 88 9 8*1 GrotS T Breedldve M N Ml 1 I 1S97 FAIR LOUISE w .". M8 I S 8 8 Vit V R KofCmanJ W Young 4 4 81 8-2 I 5 MM PORTARLJNOTl i v. 1108 8 3 i:,ll#.V!..11 BUXtOfl C W OlMl Ml 88 10 4 - 8BJ87 JUDGE CABINISS w fi HO 3 7 4 8* 8»1 8* «| J CillahanT B Morris :_ U 8JJ 1 1-2 K13 CRT BABY w 4 109 4 S 6»t 8" 93 7i 7«* Rosen I B Freeman ii •; « 2 i»!.-. ;i-:i 1 1 i-:i wicks ■ I 88 i ; 1«* 1" V tF*W Hill C n Baird 3 5 5 2 1 3613 MAURETAJNIA w t; 10S 2 9 :,3 X1 B*l 6h 9- A Murray Sanity fc DunlaplO 10 10 4 2 Mri3*BRIGHTO*J W S MB 5 1 V 7J 81 10 lo Willis .1 It Koven 8 8 8 2 1 15S0 MKNUV WILLIAMS w 5 110 6 11 11 Ran out. S Johnson J M.-uttmann 10 10 10 4 2 Time. 24Vi. 47«i. 1:14%. 1:42%. Track fast. Winner -Br. f. by Filigranc — Crisscross I trained by E. Cline. Went to post at 2:42. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the rame. CHESS ran in close pursuit of BTHBL WICKS to the backstretch. then took the lead and kept it, but was tiring at the finish. GEORGE GUYTON began slowly, but made up ground steadily and was pressing the winner hard at the end. RFB1NON was away poorly, but closed a great gap in the last quarter find finished with a rush. FAIR LOUISE also made up mu h ground and finished fast. ETHEL MCKS set the early pace, but quit badly. PORTARLINCTON. JUDGE CABINISS and MAtRETANIA Showed speed, but failed to stay. OVerwejghtS Chess. 4 iounds: Cry Baby. 5. THIRD BACK 3-4 Mile. 908O— 1 :1H.-.— 2 -inc. i Purse $:?O0. 4-year-olds and upward.* 1r7t/l 1 and 4lb Selling. Net value to winner 25: sicoml. ": third. 5. Ind Morses AWtPPSt :. "g % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P g W78*BOB LYNCH wbb 5 MO I i ;-"-4; 1. r Hill -i Randolph 1683 BBN WILSON « 1MB 1 2 Bit* 5i 2; Moleswh J H McCracken 8 8 13 8-o 1683*MARLSAND I l":: -1 5 l1 11 21 8»* • CallahanJ H A. lams 8 d t; 2 1 1697ME Till HOLITAN W 5 111 1 4"t 3 3» C Rosen W M Cain 8| 8 8 8 5 1 4 17H JEANNE DARc w 1 MB 7 1 s 8 7 SJ Poal Neeser ft Bishop 6 S S : ]ffi»9 ANNUAL INTEUrCiST w fi 108 2 4 7 P 6 P Huxton C T Brownfleld S 8 8 3 I 5 I65SXHTDDEN HWD w 7 MB ■ 8 "" 2"k 4" 7* Small Powell and Parker « fi fi 2 1 1668 JOHN H. SHEEHAX w S 108 J 3 2* 7 S s R HoffmanStern and Ievy 10 10 10 4 2 Time. 232k. 48%. 1:15. Track fast. Winner — Br. jr. bv Dungnrven— Queen Lithe trained by J. Kaadotph. Went to post at 3:06. At po-t 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. BOB LYNCH was awaj slowly, but nfored an fast and. running kindly today, outgamed BEN Wll. SUN at the end BEN WILSON" came laM from the rear in the laM quarter and finished gamely. MAR SND s,t a fat pace to the stretch and tired in tie final drive. METROPOLITAN ran well, but »lso tiro, in the stretch racing. ANNUAL INTEREST was sharply cut off early and could BOt recover. HIDDEN HAND quit badly. Scratched- 1;7 Fundamental. 115: 1C7!t Clianticlor. 10i: 1017 Cranger Twist. 105. Q pT IOIRTII RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 18870 1:06% t HBO POTS* 60. 3 y wir-olds and In f O upward. Handicap. N-t yalue to winner Si25: secoml. 0: third. 5. Ind Hors.s AWtPPSt .4 £ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S KM JM KASKV wn -1 1", 3 4 :.- .v ::* 11 Moles Wh .1 Schreiber 8 M fi 2 1 1080 THISTIjE BELLE s 6 KB 7 E 8*| 2J 8*| 2" Buxton G Palmer Ml lo 10 4 2 1041DBLANEY w I l":, :. ;; fi p 4- 3 • .1 Callahan H McDaniei I q 8| 1 2 5 SSSSNAPA NICK htb 5 MB 1 1 8 4?. ,% 4-i Small Powell and Parker fi fi fi 2 1 1559 IRISH OENTLBMANWB 1 107 4 fi 7 7 • ""k R Hoffman J Hochrein 88 88 10 4 2 1880 PRIDE OF LISMRBwb 5 12a 2 2 1-. D li 8»» Rosen T Gonlding 2 a 81 1 1-2 1039 AM HALKO M 1 88 I 1 1 8 7 7 Hill T F earner S 10 10 4 2 Time. 23%. 47V3, 1:01%. 108. Track fast. Winner Ch. c. lo Silv.itioii Dora I. trained by J. Lowel. Went to posl .11 5:31. At iiost 4 minutes. Start go xl and slow. Won handily: secoml and third driving. JIM BASEY. showing sudden Improvement, came throngs the stretch with a great rush and won going away. THISTLE BELLE was a keen contender from the start, but tired la the Stretch drive. DELANEY cloned ■ gap Into 1 fast raining third. There was considerable bumping on the turn into the stretch in which NAPA NICK and DELANEY suffered considerably. PRIDE OF LISMOBB tired badly under his weight after setting a favt pace to the stretch. IRISH GENTLEMAN and AMOHALKO left the post sh wly. Overweights— Irish Gentleman. 2 pounds. 4 /-» FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. I8BM 1:68% t 108. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. 1r7 I Q Selling, Net value to winner 25: second. 0: third. 5. ind Horses AWtPPSt »A yi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S lii.-.-NARFI W MB 1 i - .l:1 1 Hill • S McBride 2 21 21 8-5 1 1 1.m:.iM.i:v EMILY a p« fi t l«j 1". y 2 | Kederis .1 Lowrie 4-5 1 1 2-5 out ifi.M n.IEiT SAWYER w- 110 .". ! 3". l*j 38 8* Moleswh .1 O ft G H Keenefi S E 8-6 1-2 K.M error w 111 1 i 41 3» P 4 -• Buxton C Y C.asser 88 88 88 10 4 MBS si.KKil.AND a 110 2 :: ."» I| P Groth W L Schaefer S 10 10 4 6-2 K81 RAQUETTE w 113 I « fi fi 8 fi Small G H Coyle 8 S S I 6-6 Time. 24%. 48. 1:07%. Track fast. Winner Br u. bv Solitaire II.— Handsome Florry trained by J. S. McBrldeL Went to posl at :::.".!. At p ist 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won driving: Second and third the same. NAKFI. cli.se up from tie start, wore MARY EMILY down in I long and hard stretch struggle and won going away. MARY EMILY showed much speed and ct the pace to the final sixteenth, then tired in i game Onish. LIEUT. SAWYER ran well throughout and Mtstayed ERROR for third place. The latter showed early speed, but tired. Scratched HM4 Bredwell. 1 irt: 1GS1 Secrete. 108. O rT SIXTH RACE -l Mile. ISM — ltXt% — 4—112.1 Purse 00. 4-year olds and upward. 1r7 j £ % Selling, Net value to winner 25: second. 0: third. 5. Ind Horses AWtPPSt 4 M; »j Str Fin Jockeys Owners O HOPS MB7 ZAHRA w 5 108 7 l ." .:;-*::■ :; 1*| Buxton J O ft O H Keene4 1 4 s :. 4 :. I «i7 FORT JOHNSON wb 7 110 4 ". 1 . 2| 1* B* 2»k Small J C Ferriss 6-6 S-6 8-6 8-5 owl MBS SAM BARBER WB 8 116 •"• 4 4. H M 1 P A Murray W St Vine-nt 8 6 •" 2 4." 1684 DOTTIE R ■ 1 l" 2 s 7 II 21 21 c Kederis .1 Lowrie 8 H 8 • MBPMINNOLETTE w- 6 MB 3 1 S| P P P " Hill B C Burttschell 8 li S ;; 6-6 MOI ll.MM.KM MAID wb 8 KB fi 2 fi 7 7 7 ; Bstep I H Hopper M 10 M 4 1 l«s| i ixi w7 MB 1 7 8 x ■ « 7 11 H iffmanJ Hayes 88 88 88 I 1 K 5 THE PEER ws 6 no _ l s Pul.up.C Grand T Y Rutherford 16 lo 10 4 I Time. 24. 47%. 1:14%. 1:41%. Track fast. Winner B. m. by Maaagaa -My Beauty trained by O. II. Keene. Went to poet at 1:21 At poal 1 minute. Start good ami . t. Won easily: second and third driving. ZAHRA ran on the outside, but was always cloai Dp and. Bntshlag fast, easily wore the leader down in the fens eighth and won pulling up. 1ort JOHNSON set the early pace and. after being briefly headed hy DOTTIE B.. txik the lead gain and appeared the winner, but tired in the final drive. SAM BARBER came fast through the stretch and almost eel up for second place. DOTTIE B. ran well to tlir stretch ami ■ail aader panisnaaent. The others woe outpaced. Scratched IPO; Traveler. 113: 10f 7 High Range. 113. CHARLESTON FORM CHART. CHARLESTON. S. C. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 20. 1912. Palmetto park. Forty ninth day. Charleston Fair ami Ra • I ng Association. Winter Meeting of 75 day-. i!5 I ks on. Weather clear. Presiding Judge. W. F. Schulte. Starter. A. B. Bade. Racing Secretary. F. J. Pons. Racing starts at 2:: p. m. Chicago time 1 :"0 p. in.. Indicates apprentice allowance. rj ~l pj FIRST RACE -5 1-2 Furlongs. I960— 1:07"-. 6—167. Purse $:;0O. P.-year-olds. I JL »3 Maidens. Selling. Net value q wiuuur .«"4ii: second. ?I0: third. 0. i»i Horses A Wt PPSt £ V: *, Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 1022 DR. R. 1. SWAJPGERwb 111 8 « 3 2 l- 11 C Peak O W Scott 3o 66 68 IS 8 • tick TACK stb 111 2 "■ I 41 ■ . 2j Butwell A G Blakeley 2j 2 r: :- JIM MILTON us:: 11111 1 3 ::.:: :: Hopkh Team set Stabli 8 10 Hi I ! ORPKRTH aw 111 li" 7 i.n .". I Bra W T Anderson 80 50 20 I t 1027 MOTH ERKINS w 166 12 I 1- r S McTagrt C H Knebelkamp 8 lo 8 I. in- tor a 108 7 8 8 8 7 ■ T Koerner W O Joplin I ■ 6-5 1-2 i LACK RIVER a in Ml 8 6 ■"." 61 7* W Doyle B Ua ea M 88 86 U fi 167i CRACE Mc • 1 - W :• 8 8 Oberl E MeCl .-key 10 U to 4 6-C •DOHA M LUTZ sm i"i 8 12 8 1! !•• P l Hanover Mrs K Lata 86 80 " .. :_ REX IMIP.r "i: UJ •. 7 11 H 11 1" Bkirvin .1 F Keith 56 !"•! loo to ■ , n- ; JUNEAU ■ i"- "ill .; 7- :i u Pain J Orimn » 66 68 1622 GAY BIRD W 114 6 3 F" AW •• s 4 - t Time. 24*b. 49. 1:09".,. Track fast. Winner Ch. g. by Abe Frank or Oampw R. 11 Led! trained bv O. W. Seoul. Went to posl at Z .::o. At |n.st • minute-;. Starl good and slow. Won driving: second and third the l K R 1. BWARENGER moved up Eteadlly from a Blow begiaaiag and. alter taking a goo i lead in tin Stretch, tired and won doing hK beat. TICK TACK was hard ridden for the entire race and tiuMio.! fast and gaining. JIM MILTON nn forward]] throogboal and hud BO mishap-. ORPF.RTH came from a long way back In the Inst quarter. MOTHERKINS Mt the early pace and |uit badly in the last furlong. CAY BIRD WSJ prominent when she a- crowded to I fall. CLIFF TOP finished well. Scr.-it.hed -147S Hughie Quiiin. 114. -| / BKOOND HACK 5 1-2 Furlongs. 1J60— 1:07%- 6 107. IMirs«. j:ua. r; year olds and TuT Irr I JL O ward. Soiling. Net value lo winner 10: second. 0: third. *2 . Ind Horses AWtPPSt 4 -j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S ! ;!and MQNCRB1F Wi 4 Hi « 8 V 4H 24 ih McTagrt E F Oondran .". I 4. 3 1 DOMINICA ■ 8861 8 I ! J. • :" _! T Koerner W Elliott :. 7 7 . • .STRIKE OUT 6 •• 19 M 7 4« 31 1 y- Butwell J 0 Holder 3 oi a I .. 1 i UhPROmR WB4 10.S 4 6 U r-1 4 f Fain T Burn, 6 7 5 2| M 1«71*UNCLB JIM. GRAY w 6 112 1 1 1" 3 7= 7,1 C Peak O CWarren 8 N N 4 I 99783 AMERICAN GIRL wJ 94 9 4 12 12 U 12 i AIJeB L L« I.lond 30 60 o » J W Time. 24Vi. 48. 1:012,. 1:0745. Track fast. Winner— Ch. c. by Cesarlon— Lizzie Keller trained by I. Duffy. nnd third the Went to post at 8:01. At post 1 minute. Start g and slow. Won *»▼»*. "•£_* -n.l fSft V.-f. . same. I40NCBEIF, showing sodden improvement and saving ground a 1 t he wa . a [«■"« .f1 , Mart and. standing a hard tinal drive gamely, got up to win in the last strides. °Vrwas "force. closest pursuit of he pacemakers all the way and antabed faat waA tM*.hsJBt?J,w*JL .TrrVtch go wide and tired after taking the lead in the stretch. PREMIER came *1and»I1£ronfh A1.11/. l t *. KS TBI R was In a jam , Bl the fast for five turlongs. a I SCI B JIMMIE CRAY .piit after making pace th. start. LOVE WATCHES finished fast. Scratched nti45 Charley Brown. 94. , - 1 P71 1-7 THIRD RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. 1133 -57 %-2-127. 1 Pine Forest Inn Stakes. Yalue ± j ± j .200. 2 year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner fggOj second. 00: thud. 81 n. TFTi Horses AWtPPSt U g y, Str Fin Jockeys Owners u c — P S ■ 1670 LIBERTY HALL w 125 8 3 . 4J V 5 T Koerner R Havies 3 4 »W 7-W , 17 YORK VILLE wb 117 10 4 l4 V 2J Butwell u Ham i I 1 M 1657 SOLlR STAR WB112 4 S 8P » Goose A Wet** | I I f M 4h C Turner C Woodford 8 1- - - 8 1438 JESSIE PORTER will 1 1 5J 5- fl228NASH CASH w 117 9 6 8 M .V- Jensen N B Davis J 3 ll-« - 1670CBI AR BROOK w 117 S 2 2* 2,.. 6 Kenn.-. y c A Matlk M B 6 8 1553BURQEOIS w 112 2 9 9 S 7; McTagrt Mr Earte » » 3 * 1667 GEORGE KARME W 112 7 7 V 7 8 J peav p t . I I to M boefei 26 » ♦» » T •• : ! ROSEBURG IV. WB xl 2 1" 1« 9" 9". ski rv in J H Met arren .. Vj" 1|H 1|| St :■ 1" 1" F»ln i-.iodell . . . q 1 •■ 1436 SOUTH BJRN SHORE fill 8 a tAdded starter. Time. 2325. 48»/a. 562s new track record. Track fast. Winner— B c. by Marta Santa— Baltimore Belle trained by C. T. Patterson. lie Went to post at .1:20. At post 2 minutes. Starl good and slow. Won driving: second and third same. LIBERTY HALL, well ridden throughout, was reserved in the early running and. resin, 1,11. ..nel when called on. wore YORKVILLR down steadily and got up to win 111 the last few KHdea. lUBh VI LOjB occurred and ran mto a long leal but I lie. 111 1 secured an advantage soon after the start when a jam last few strides. SOLAR STAR closed a big gap from a slow beginning and made a fast BDlSh. t.Bl AK BROOK showed speed, but tired In the stretch. JESSIE PORTER ran a good race and lad no mi baps. and tired in the Imal drive, but hnished . his • NASH CASH was prominent for the first three furlongs iip. r-l Q FOFRTII RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 1233— l:48«f.— 4— ! .Y Purse 00. :i-year olds and up- § JL O ward. Handicap. Net value to winner 75: second. 5: third. 0. Bid Horses AWtPPSt j »/. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II G P S ,.-■. ivy port m 4 11 1 :» 61 2 » 11 H c Toner E E McOargo 3 2. Ml M •• 1 - [673LOCHBBL1 W. 4 m 7 v 2 P 8? : Butwell H p Bedwell 3 * 4 2 2 7-10 1673MOCKLEJR w 4 888 8 1 6» # 3i 2f SJ T Koerner C S Wllioii 16 •■ K 6 •• 1510 CHESTER KRUM WB 6 1166, 6 G 6«* 5h 61 5 4" Mentry E Movir J W 8 8 » ■_• 1673 HIGH PRIVATE W 6 121 I 5 Z 1*1 3 H •"" Kennedy J R Walnwright 8 8 6 21 . ■; 1673 BOB R. Wl 5 112 7 S 7 7 7 I 6* Fain BeverwyckStable 4 8 B S 8-| 7 Ambrose P Aust n 6 6 4_, Jo 4 .. 1691*JUDOE MONCK W 6 100 4 1 8 8 I 7 i.vii -BEAi-coiT- wn 7 no D J a 31. U V 8 Wggins B 1 w 0mm g 1. u 6 I 1373 CRACKER BOX wn 2 85 2 4 lt Pulled un. SWrvin J mm y M o0 16 m s Time. 25. 50%. 1:15%. 1:41«5. XM. Track fast. Winner— B. e. by Star Shoot— Amy Davenport trained by F. D. Weir. Went to poal at M:55. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow Won driving: Second and third the same. NY PORT began slowly, but escaped Interference and moved up rapidly after going a half and. coming fast through the stretch, took the lead and outstayed LOCHIEL 111 the tinal drive I. IIH. . -ul fered from interference and was forced to go wide, but ran a good race and barely failed to win MObK-I.F.R ran foruardlv throughout, but tired at the end. HICH PRIVATE led toto the stretch, but tiled in the deciding drive. CHESTER KRUM closed B gap and was gaining fast at the end. BOB It. finish.-, last and. better ridden, would have been dangerous. CSACKKB BOX was in the lead when he was suddenl l..ken out of contention. Scratched 1608Gny Fisher. 105. Overweights— Mockler. 2 pounds: Chester Krum. 2j. r? ~i f rTFTH RACK— 7-8 Mile. 12.-.0— 1 :27*-.— 5 ~li::. Parse 50. 3 year olds and upward. I JL Yf Selling. Net value to winner 75: second. 0: third. 5. Bid Horses AWtPPSt H * % Str Kin Jockeys Owners O H C P S lMDSUREGET wit 5 114 i 5 lil1 V V V Butwell W Gerat 4 V :■ 2 I l«7lAIiL Ri:i nlM E 4 » n 16 21 8* T Koerner J R Wainwrlght 6 18 M 4 iiaiiNKiN JACK w 4 110 11 7 3i Zj 2l 2J H J Hanover S Iuiis N 16 12 B -. I674=BBRKBLBY W 8 121 8 8 S1 41 4 4V 4 Mentry HG 1. .dwell E II 12 6 - 1690**THRIFTY wn 4 0! 1 1 6* 7J V- 5 S] Ambrose H Penny . 8 8 - 1 1497*CHEER 1P w 3 102 1 3 S 3 S 8J 6 C Turner 1 Woodford 4 E 18-57 •• . W 1663 i-.MH.Y LEE ws 4 107 I 2 10 8 10 7" 7« C Peak CDH*jr 6. 6 I 8-6 4-5 1634 CAMEL wn 6 120 10 10 7 » 6" 5J S si Skirvin J H Met arren IS 88 86 » 6 1530*MITFF us 1 lo.". 4 6 li 16 8 16 8] Schweblg w B Carson * 12 12 5 q W66»BOI KIN wsr. 4 H 8 8 4- S| P 8 16* Connor P M Walker 15 20 26 IT I 1375 NDRJOS wl 88 7 11 :• 11 11 11 11 Connolly I N Prewitt 166 260 200 86 10 Time. 24%. 48%, 1:15%. 1:27% cnuals track record. Track fast. Winner— Ch. g. bv Woohtthorpe — Luzelle trained by G. Hami. ..,.,, Went to post at 4:24. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third dnv in" SIRFCFT lucky at the start, moved into a good lead at once and easily held the others sate to the end M.L RBI ran well, but had to be hard ridden In the stretch to outstay UNION JACK. The latter ran forwardlr throughout, bnt finished tiring. BERKELEY ran prominently all the way. but went wide 111 the stretch. THRIFTY was weakly ridden and suffered from interference. C1IF.BR LP was knocked out of : nv chance soon after the start. Scratched— UP! 1 King Avondale. 100; ItiOO Working Lad. 101. f/ SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 12410—1 :07%— 6— 107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up Irj I JjYJ ward. Selling. Net value to winner 10: second. 0: third. 0. IuTi Horses AWtPPSt Vt u. 34 str Fin Jockeys Owners O HOPS MM lord WKIJJ3 w 4 ill t 4 3 lj HJ 13 T Koerner « Rce.l 4 :. « 2 1 1663 STARBOARD wn 5 10! 4 3 li V 2i 28 Fain WCWeatmorel nd la 20 20 s I 1684*RUE w 4 101 2 2 v. El :.. 8* Foraythc H G Bedwell 4 41 2 1 1396 COONEY K wb S 100 1 1 21 4- 4- 4*1 C Peak Mrs J W Flynn f. S S 3 s ■ 1632*MARK ANTONY IL wax 6 MB 13 0 7 7 7 .".J Obert C K Lyman 1. 26 26 1 _ 4 1232*PAUL DAVIS wn 5 101 11 7 4l 2" 31 Gl F Moore E W Moore 1 E 8 s-o 4 .. 1 ;10Ici W 4 166 13 E f i fi1 61 71 Hopkins W A Massey IS 26 W 1 1661 HATjLACK wb 5 101 9 9 S S 83 Connor J S Tyre.- 5 1 . 3 3 2 P-.5S SFjMI CiCAX BJR WB 4 HI 5 12 13 11 9 U8 J MclntyreL H A.dnir 12 12 9 4_ 2 - Wfi 1IARIJE OBRIEN w3 .9 lo 10 10 9 10 10- J Allen J T Dcauis 30 GO "1 -,. 12 am 1550»GALVESC W 5 MB 311 12 12 12 11* J Hanover Mrs E I.utz 60 00 160 40 30 K31 DAY MAY wt 84 712 11 12 13 1 -1 Ambrose w v Casey 18 ■ 38 u I 1496 IRISHTOWN Wl .1 8 1 81 M n 13 Skir in T Mfcguire 8 12 1 I 2 Time. 23%. 48%", 1:01%. 1:08/.. Track fast. Wimi.r Ch. c bv Ort Wells — Ladv Manners trained by C. Rce.l. Went to post at 4:19. At post 4 minute-. Stall - * d and slow. Won ea-ilv: second and third driving. I ORB WELLS suddenly and vastly improved, went into the lead after going a |tlartcr and. drawing away ■ b cisively. won in a cantor STARBOARD began fast and sot the early pace, then gamely outstayed RIE lor second place. RUE stood the final drive resolutely and got up in the last strides for third place. COONEY K was well up in the early running, but tired in the stretch. SEMIQUAVER ran poorly and ran away a mile after the finish. MARK ANTONY II. finished fast. PAUL DAVIS ran a good half and tired as if short. - ... f"7 O "| SKVENTII RACE— 1 Mile. 124S — 1:40..-,— 4— 103. Purse 50. 4-year olds and upward. I j JL Selling. Net value to winner S27.V. second, $■■ : third. .ii2." . Ind Hors.s AWtPPSt V* % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S~ it:..-,.M!F,RTIS Wll 4 104 i i li 1" 41 4 li Forsytie H C, i:e.1.vell . 2. 2 10 2.". 1WMERMAN W»i 88 1! P l1 V- - 2*1 Connor P M Walker |B 1. E 6 2 1458*URSA M .OR WB S MR 7 M S 7*171 5*13* C Turner It If Taylor 10 26 20 8 4 1695 i;Nl wan 4 109 2 « «t « 8* 2* 41 Fain W Martin 8 lo 10 1 t 11-iiiTN HUTCHISON WB 5 111 4 7 3t» 21 21 3* 5* Hopkins W A Massey 2 H 9 . , 4 . , 2 2 1696*DETECT W 4 86 11 2 7 S 8 8 K Ambrose W I YoWBg S 9 8 8 7 .. 1*46 o OF Bc, i:v.TF. 11 ■ 7 109 I 9 r.l :.i t;1 7 7J Steinhdt P Kuims 10 12 r: :, t% .."•: THE RoY I. PRIN "Ewb 4 102 6 4 4 3| 8» 6] 8* Connolly A Vogeler 86 68 fi*» 26 12 P35ft»F"ROG w 4 i »; I BM 10 10 9 9- T Koerner W G Yanke 8 s li s o 4-5 1650*WARN. GRIHWELXi a 8 MM 1 1 6 8 9 10 ym Moody B C Evans IS 8S 26 N E dm; WIMFS wb 8 mi 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 .1 Hanover C S Wilson loo i hi lofl 10 _. Time, 25. 49%, 1:15%. 1:43. Track fast. Winner— Ch. e. bv Star Shoot — Bonnie Blue II. trained by II. G. Bedwell. Went to post at 6:13. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third easily. P.FRTIS followed the leaders close up to the last quarter, where he came on resolutely and wore MERMAN down at the end. MERMAN showed high speed and set the pace nearly throughout, but finished tiring. "RSV MAJOR showed surprising improvement in closing a big gap into a fast going third. AONAR ran well "anil was in a iam most of the trip. HENRY HUTCHISON showed Speed, but tired in the last furlong. DETECT suffered from much interference. THE ROYAL PRINCE ran well to the stretch and tired in the hist quarter. Scratched -12.-.Q Cold Spring. 107: 101 V Eddie Graney. 100.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912032101/drf1912032101_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1912032101_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800