untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1912-03-21


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, • | Be Conservative! The Occasional Bettor Wins ! 8 to 10 Plays a Month ! ,000 A YEAR GUARANTEED on a ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR FLAT BET on my selection*, or all money sent me returned * TFDMC • WINNINGS OF A 5 BET ON EACH SELECTION TO BE ILHIY13 ■ SENT TO ME DAY AFTER SELECTION WINS. | 363 Edgecombe Avenue ADLPIITtflRal • D L 1 1 I U 1 1 NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Jim Bascy, 10-1, Won w* yesterdays Harm Special. This makes 6 WINNERS and :; seconds in hist 14 starts. Well, this ■bows »li i niakis ? I. The Standard leails them all. OtluTs COOM and ro. We are here to slay. Dont Fail to Get NEW BOOK NOW ON SALE at all leading news-stands In the l. S. sad at oflloe. All it eoati is 25 Cents Per Copy. .00 Per Month. If your newsdealer does no! handle It, send suh scriittlon direct to om e. THURSDAYS FORM SPECIAL: March Apple 54-33-28-32-57-55. SPECIAL OFFER for Saturday-XX SPECIAL end PARLAY— all tor .00. Bel your rabscrlption In at once. resterdayi Daily last. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 405, 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago, Illinois. • 11 w 1 inaiiawi ■■ iiiiaani nan 1 111 mn rim ni—iiamn • THE SPORTSMANS " BANNER WEEK AT CHARLESTON. , Past weeks "Money Horses" of the great "SPORTSMAN SYSTEM" were: t March 9 FATHEROLA 10-i WON f Maich 12 BREVITE 3-1 WON March 12 G. M. MILLER . 2-1 WON March 12 CHILTON SQUAW. . 5-1 WON t March 13 BERKELEY 7-2 WON March 15 HELENE 9-2 WON March 15 REY 10-1 WON March 15 SUREGET 6-5 WON March 16 ROYAL CAPTIVE.. 12-1 WON 5 March 16 ALL RED 9-10 WON S March 1G MONTGOMERY 7-1 2ND Areracei three nmrs 1 dsr. SPECIAL : OFFER .00 FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. Write today. Remit by exprem money order. i HAROLD MATLOCK. I Reading Road. :: :: Cincinnati, Ohio. THE RACING LETTER. CHARLESTON: Maple, Apt, Arm. Yellow, Pea, Pow. No Juarez. 25 Cents per Copy. .00 Monthly. Room 810 World Building New York City. National Racing Review. Chicago Moadayf Wire, Carroll, 6-1. won. and resterdsyi Wire, Bertis, 3-1, won. Tnesdsya tost. Todays Form Special. No. 65. I.uv lli«- National, at BR aews-staada today. FREE PARLAY SATURDAY. 6 DAYS FREE*****! O Tnesdsy and Wednesday I advertised ° ► THE BALANCE IF .11 AUK/ AND O d CHARLESTON MEETINGS -OXE HORSE O _ DAILY FOR THE NOMINAL SIM OF . o 4 1 als;. advertised that if si the ni of si o 4 days these selections did not ohow a .m.i j| ,. proalt, 1 would refand your subscription. 4 * That offer will positiTely I am-elcd ihuis T tey« Knsii yonr sabscrfptloa Now. O SPECIAL For Sunday. March 21. 1 hare ► ► .1 K» _oi awtfy sleeper from Jnarea. Here ► is a rare good one. GOOD PRICE and an O 0 easy victory. Thais it. The letter as k rsiAi. is included in subscriptions i; re a .. eeired prior to Thursday noon. . n BERT E. COLLYER j ► Formerly with the Chicago American. ► 4 ► Suite 309 Oxford Building. I ► O US Noith La Sallo Street. Chicago, Illinois. O POLLY WORTH . 2-1 WON was Mondays wire. IVABEL 15-1 WON was Tuesdays wire. Yesterdays wire lost. TERMS: PER WIRE. Losers Substituted. JOHN MULLER 141 South Sangamon Street, :: Chicago, 111. Bell Telephone Monroe 23C7. notice: Editors and Individuals: ;;/;:; ::XZ- ball and ail other ipeillni events promptly. Rates reasonable. Address GENERAL NEWS BUREAU 604 Strauss Building:. : : Chicago. Illinois. Yesterday* Form Special, 2ml. Dally »n,- Hon". Denotek, 10-1. lost. Thursdays Special: Pink-W«d-nesday-Main-Mi no-Cop-Mezzo-Auburn. New book out.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912032101/drf1912032101_6_4
Local Identifier: drf1912032101_6_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800