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CUVILLIER BILL TO BE REPORTED. AU.any. . v.. March 31.— Asseasbiyssaa Louis A. Pn Writer declares thai his bill, which proposes to . amend the penal law by relieving tii - responsibility iwners ami directors of raciag associations s Hum liahility should betting occur oa their property. rill he reported bj the rules committee this week. Mr. Certifier has received many letters from the moat Important agricultural societies .if the state heartily indorsing and urging the passage of this ■ proposed legislation, which will correct an Injustice " ■ed upon t ami whi.-h has been the cease of : venting to a large extent horse racing at the ntj fairs since the enactment of these drastic laws. lining ihe organisatioaa that have Med letters ■ with ir. Caviller advocating the passage of his ■ i. ill an- the Ps-. County Agricultural Society. Wi oming bounty Agri cult oral Association, Ststen Island J i handier ..r Commerce, Putnam County Agricultural 1 Isooriathm. Deposil lair Association, Otsego County ■ J an- Society, Albany Coantj Agricultural Society. - 1.. Whitney Polnl st...-k rami Company and the si. ii,. Association, Patrons of Industry of th. staii •• . a fork.