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OLD-TIME ENGLISH TURFMAN DIES. After an illness of considerable duration. J. Win-grove Smith, one of the directors of the Kempton Park Race Coarse Company, and at one period a prominent owner of race horses, died March •". His colors dark nine, light blue cap, have not been seen on the race sonrse for a loug while, but they were carried at raikma times by some good horses. One of the earliest to make a mark for him was Tonans. which as long ago as ISM. won the Lincolnshire Handicap as a six-year .Id. for which he was well backed sad did so easily, in lsfrj WotTs Crag won him a couple of races as a juvenile, and the following season credited him with another Lincolnshire Handicap. He was a good three yet old. and one of tiie few that have been successful in that particular race, and the occasion was made notable from the fact that he was followed past the post in second and third places by two other horses of the same age iu Gangway and Marelon, both of which afterwards distinguished tin -nisei ves by some excellent performances. Unfortunately Wolfs Orag could not be trained afterwards, but i he has made unite a name at the stud as the sire of thoroughbreds of high, if not the best, class. : a Another to win for Mr. Smith was Miss Dollar, i which accounted for many good races, and created a sensation bv unexpectedly carrying off the Puke of York Stakes in ISjtU from the largest field that I ever went to the post for it. She started at 1 .KM to 15, and won easily, the Joint favorites. Wind-gall and Iddesleigh, failing to get placed, though Wlndgali finished fourth, other horses that earned I brackets for Mr. Smith at various times were Preferment. Mignon. Judith. Hearthstone, Kinglet, Ilau. Wild Berry, sir Robert, Auricula, lurtiter, Saglo- -grapher, Damaris. Curlycraft. I.ady Chelsea. Ix rd Munden and I.e Dauphine. but they won nothing of much account, and he had not been credited with a winner since 180 1. !