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1 t 1 : r r - r - 1 I ". _ • - ,. i- il il i a a e it t •- - ty y s ii •i ■. t- MISSOURI BREEDING BUREAU ORGANIZED. Officers Elected and Much Enthusiasm Shown in i Plans for Work of Bureau. St. Louis. Mo.. March -■.. — The meeting held at Jefferson City last Wedaesday night for the purpose of orgaaiatag the bureau for breeding army remounts in the suite of Missouri created considerable enthusiasm the capacious hall of the Madison House being crowded with horsemen from all over the Sim.-. These embraced practically every type of the light horse breeder and there was a unanimous opinion thai tremendous good coald 1m done to the hors,- industry of the state by actively aiding the government. lue .l.eiion of officers resulted as follows: A. W. McAleater, Columbia, president; John Donovaa, St. Joseph, vie. president; Joseph A. Murphy, St. Louis, secretary-treasurer. Directors -James Honehln, Jef fersoa City; Wallace K-iiil. Howard county; John CaUison, wladsor: J. E. Thompson, Batler; K. II. Merrill. Greenheld; Jay L. Tomy, Frultvllle; B. A. lieiisim-ier. Wright ii: W. H. BmoUinaer. Iron Mountain: A. R. M.C.nias. Sturgeon: R. B. Tilley. Plato; and William Harrison of Marshall. The annual dues were placed at *- with a view to i making the movement a popalar one in every respect. The secretary, under the direction of the president, vvill work out a plan to establish a si ml hook will hat hate every grade of stallions aad mares suitable f..r army remounts. The stud book will include a correct list of f..als which shall Ik i furnished io the government for the use of its . agents in purchasing remounts. The secretary will also - cure a report from the breeders of the state • of h wa in their possession suitable for this par- pose for ti-- Information of the governmenl officials. Such siallions as iii.iv be acojuired by gift or pur- chase will be assigned under the direction of the prealdeal and will remain the property of the ha-. reau with the right of recall at the discretion of the • board of directors. The produ.e of then horses will be turned over • to the government under a contract made with the ■ ovvm-rs of the mares at a price io be agreed upon i between them aad the governntents agents. The foil. .wing telegram was received from Geaenl I I iar.1 Wood. Chief of Staff: "i eaaan yoa of the deep interest of the depart-s ment and army gem rally in the success ol your un dertaking. Which bids fair to lie of the greatest t s.rvie.- m unproving the quality of moants and 1 improving the breed of horses generally throughout t the coaatn " August Belmont seal Ihe foDowiag telegram: "Regret extremely that l caaaot be with yoa t day. Von may depend upon me to reiidi-r anv a- si lane,- vviihin my power to farther ihe growth and 1 snecess of your association. What la needed «ro ■ stallloas wisely distributed through year state and I government contracts witli farmers to buy the get of f • • ■ i I t 1 t 1 ■ I f th-ir mai-s. We are working earnestly at this end alao." A telegram was received from Fzra T.. Fuller. lieutenant colonel ..f cavalry at Port la iveaworth, Kan., the bureau to protest to the senators and members of the bouse against the bill to reduce the nvelry bj oae third. He urged that tin r.- is every reason any the cavalry should be increased by six regiments rather than rcdaced. A resolution was |h-m| protesting ngainst the bill and the seera-tary was notified Io apprise in.Ui . f tin sens ton and the members of the boose fr this state. Joseph A. Miupliv. secretary of th -aaniaatloa, will take up at OBCe with Ctieral .h»1 i.i,- question of using Jefferson Barracks a. ■ horse recruiting tatlon. it may in- necessary in order t- secure proi er remounts f,,r the government to take horses i two yi : - i h, and develop 11m Knglisti governmenl i-. now baying yearibagn " Ireland and the German governmenl has agents wherever borne* are bred in an effort to overcome a shortage of T.VHHi horses.