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VENERABLE ENGLISH TURFMAN DIES. One well known in England passed away March 1 :. when Arthur David Saaaooa died at Ascott, Leighton Iluzzard. the residence of his brothor-in-law, Leopold de Rothschild, where h.- had heaa staling for a week. He had only been ill for three •or f-.ur days. Mr. Sassoon, who arai well known in ■ M iety and was honored with the friendship of hut* Edward VIL. was the tifth son of the late David BasaauQ, of Bombay, and was desci oded from ■ H brew family of very great antiquity, that were wealthy merchants iu Bagdad for generations. Mr. Sassoon at one thne owned a somber of race borne*, hut his colors cardinal, sky blue cap have i : be n tees on a course for some twenty years. In the ■•eighties" he bad a few useful thoroughbreds running for him. the best of tie m being Theodori . a s..n of sir Bevri the Derbj winner ol IST.M sad MsgdalS. Though Itmwtag BO particular form as a Juvenile, tx did very well la snbeeqnenl iteasftaa. sad la I860, as a three-year-old, sraa ■ anmher of races, small in value, hut snowing a considerable total at the Close of the Mason. The following year be accounted tor the Alexandra Plate ai Doocaster, and in isss be won in succession the Great Cheshire Handicap, the Newmarket Handicap and tbi Prince el Wales Plate at Kempton Park, and was a winner also in 1R80 and IBM, after the latt.-r year being -■•. i • II tsgary. Other horses to run at various titui • !■ r Mr. Sasanou were Nimble, Serge, Cassock. Tremolo and Cylinder; the latter was ■ fairly good horse, ■. Si i Baa froai Bloueyinooa, thai won the Brighton Autumn Handicap, and after boing parted with out of a selling race at Hasanwa Park, was often Bil.-c MM in other ownerships.