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CHARLESTON FORM CHART Presiding Judge W F Schulte Starter A B Dadc Racing Secretary P J Tons Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p in Indicates apprentice allowance I W O FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs 1730 107 1 107 Purse 350 3yearolds and upward O Colts Horses Fillies and Mares Special Weights Breeders Purse Net value to winner 300 second 35 third 15 Infl Horses AWtPPSt 14 StrFin Jockeys Owners LUCETTA WB5112 5 2 I5 1s 1 11 E Martin D C Cambron 2 2J S5 45 12 gORIXTH WB4111 9 7 3l 2l 22 2J J Wilson E P Cooney fgOTAiJGO WB6117 S S 8 = 71 3 3 C Miller G E Gilford 15 20 20 8 4 SKILLUTE W3105 6 3 4i Si 4i 41 R HoffmanH C Applegate 15 15 10 4 2 2CJ SS5K TVB 5 112 311 CJ cu 5 51 Jensen T D Martin 15 20 20 8 4 31 ROSSALLO W4103 1 9 7 S 6 6s Obert S Ross 30 CO CO 20 10 102i CHARLIE OBRIEN w 3 106 10 1 2i 4 7 7J T Koerner J T Deavers 20 30 30 12 6 ° J JT T CHAIRMAN W 4 116 2 5 9 9 9 S5 Butwell P J Miles 4 6 5 2J 65 1 SO DACIA w 4 111 7 4 10 10 10 9 = Hopkins W A Massey 4 6 6 2i 65 JxS MISS STANNEL WB 3 99 12 6 5J 35 S 10 = Skirvin J H McCarron 30 50 50 20 10 20luoO 133S LEON B w 4 116 4 12 12 11 11 II1 Steinhdt P Kuhns 50 100 100 40 20 luoO LYDIA LEE w 4 111 11 10 11 12 12 12 C Peak W V Casey 10 20 20 8 4 4TtT TtT fastUlnner Time 24 4S i 102 109 Track fast Ulnner Cambronwent Ch m by Cesarion Mobalosca trained by D C Cambron went to post at 230 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the Fame LUCETTA showing great early speed ran into a long lend at once but tired badly In the last six ¬ teenth and barely lasted long enough to win CORINTH finished fast through the stretch and was gaining last at the end POCOTALIGO closed a gap and came with a rush through the last furlong SKILLUTE ran fairly well and may do better presently SILK ran well CHARLIE OBRIEN and MISS STANNEL Mwwed speed but quit quitScratched Scratched lStt Tippy 111 1773 Glucose 117 117Overweights Overweights Skillute 1 twund Rossallo 4 Charlie OBrien 2 I Q SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlongs 17S5 54 2 10S 300 added 2yearolds Maidens JL O JL tt Fillies Selling Net aluc to winner 205 second 55 third 30 I lid Horses AWtPPSt 4 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 1792 121702S ST AVAXO W 109 9 3 21 I1 C Peak W E Nunn 5 G 4J 65 12 1702S FOLLANE w 104 4 2 IX If 2l F Moore J L Holland 37621 1792 BETH STANLEY TV 109 8 5 4 4J 3U Butwell S Ross 5 6 3 65 3 1779 LADY ANNA W 109 1 1 2T1 4 J Wilson G W J Bissell 20 30 30 12 6 TVB 104 10 6 7 = 52 5 = J Hanover H H Emmons 30 HO 50 15 8 1702ALICE LEE v 104 2 10 8 7 G Hazcn J W Burttschell 20 40 40 15 8 17793MISS 653513I53SDEVOTA VELMA TVB 109 G 4 u C1 71 Fain A P Doyle 852 653513 I53SDEVOTA w 104 5 7 6 = S S1 Forsythe A Weber 12 20 1C C 3 1702ORMANDA SPICE w 104 7 S 9 9 9i Ambrose W J Toombs 30 GO 50 20 10 1792 SEAL BROWN V 109 3 9 10 10 10 Skirvin J P Bryant 50 50 20 8 4 fastWinner Time 23 48 56 Track fast LandWent Winner Ch f by St Avonicns Orsova trained by G Land Went to post at 259 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the Mine ST AVANO ran close up from the start and coming fast through the stretch disposed of FOL LANB in the last furlong and won going aawy FOLLANE showed much speed and set the pace fast but tired near the end I5KTH STANLEY finished with a rush LAD1 ANNA showed speed but qnit MITE ran fairly well MISS VELMA tried to bore out most of the way ALICE LEE ran a good race from where shi got off Tho winner entered for 400 was bid up to 503 and tnught in 1 O l pr THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs 1730 107 1 107 Purse 350 3yearolds and up JL C3 JL 3 ward Allowances Net value to winner 275 second 50 third 25 Ind Horses AWtPPSt = 1 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 1794MAR W LITTLETNw 4 114 7 4 2 21 Ink 1J C Peak G W Scott 3 3 11535 13 S517U1 1248 BETTIE SUE w 4 105 1 2 1 S 1J 2J 2S E Martin E W Moore 6 8 S 3 S5 17U1 RIGHTEASY WB C IOC S 5 31 3l 3 33 Forsythe H G Bedwell 4 5 5 S5 710 1810 EATON wn 3 102 9 6 H = 41 41 4 F Moore J L Holland 10 15 15 C 3 DfilSfi MISS NETT w 4 103 4 3 4 u 5 T Koerner E H Garrison 10 15 12 5 25 1787 SURFEIT WB 3 SS 5 7 C 6 6 C8 Hopkins W A Masrey 15 20 20 S 4 DST 1 FIRST AID wr 3 SS 6 S 777 7 Connors B Schreiber 100 200 200 SO 40 SAXON BARON w 41 10 39 S 8 8 8 Chappell G F Sterickcr 0 T 0 40 15 8 81774s 1774s BABBLER WE 4 107 10 1 Pulled up Ambrose J F Adams 30 50 00 20 10 99421 ETHEL D w 5 106 2 Left at the post Fain P II Donnelly 2 2i 115C5 35 35Time Time 23 48 107 Track fast fastWinner Winner ScottWent Blk c by Campus Lady Britannic trained by G W Scott Went to post at 325 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same MARTIN W LITTLETON away forwardly followed BETTIE SUE closely to the stretch and out tiyed the latter in a game final drive BETTIE SUE was away well and making the pace fast held on rcsolntely at the end RIGHTEASY took third place quickly and lx ing hard ridden all the way main ¬ tained her position gamely ETHEL D bolted at the start BABBLER was bumped out of contention at the start EATON and MISS NETT ran well wellScratched Scratched 1801 = Suffragist Ill 9 230 Mif = sVTiggs 03 1816 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 17SS 145 5 113 Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 310 second 40 third 30 Inl Horses AWtPPSt A J2 StrFin Jockeys Owners O II GPS 173DDU DUDNXER W 4 106 3 1 2fc Si 21 1 li Butwell S Ross 2i 3 3 1 12 1744I5AnD OF HOPE TV 3 89 4 2 3b 2 1J 2i 2 Skirvin PM Walker 4 4 1651 12 179GUY FISHER WB 6 112 7 4 5h C = 4l 3s 3 J Wilson E P Cooney 3 4 3J 65 35 UG72OOL HOLLOWAY n 3 93 6 6 7 7 6 4 4 ° Ambrose Beverwyck Stable6 762 65 1774 STICKETR W 5 107 S H V 4J 5J 5l C Forsythe II G Bedwell 10 30 30 8 4 41S10ICNIGHTS 1S10ICNIGHTS DIFFER W 3 94 1 3 I1 1 3 6 65 E Martin R Davies 10 15 4i 2J C5 C5177SSIR 177SSIR CLEGES TVB 1 109 2 7 61 5 7 7 7 Hopkins W A Massey 15 30 3D 10 5 512S4 12S4 SILVER KNIGHT w 6 109 5 8 S S 8 8 S Gould G H Marlman 50 60 60 20 10 10Time Time 24 48i 114 140 145 now track record Track fast Winner Ch g by Prince of Melbourne Rossair trained by W H Brooks BrooksWent Went to iwst at 352 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving Dft DUEXNER was saved close up from the start and under a good ride finished fast and won easing up BARD OF HOPE ran well but was forced to go wide on the lirst two turns and was excessively used in Ihe earlv running and after having disposed of KNIGHTS DIFFER tired near the end OTJY FISHER closed a gap and was going fast at the end COLONEL HOLLOWAY only ran fairly well STICKER was prominent early but tired KNIGHTS DIFFER quit after setting the pace for threequarters Scratched 1705 Mockler 108 1781s Any Port 112 Overweights Dr Dnenncr 1 pound Knights Differ 5 1817 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 1274 113 4 IOC Purse 3TO 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 275 second 30 third 23 Ind Horses StrFin Jockeys Owners 18n3MAGAEINE WB 7 109 75 21 2 25 IS Hopkins W A Massey 2 3 11545 25 17811 JACK PARKER WSB 6 112 2 1 I1 15 15 2 C Peak Tennessee Stable 2J 2S 2i 91025 17 7ELI55H HARWOOD WB 6 108 4 4 3l 3 35 3 T Koerner R F Carman 45 5 5 85 7 1774 CAMEL VB 6 113 1 6 617S93KING 6 4h 4 4J Skirin J H McCarren 20 50 40 10 5 17S93KING OLYMPIAN 5 111 5 3 317SS3SPOHN 5J 6 5 5l E Martin W F Schulte 8982 910 91017SS3SPOHN 17SS3SPOHN TVB 7 114 6 7 7 7 6 6s Forsythe H G Bedwell 4 4 4 7535 1755 LEWIS SB 3 94 3 2 4J 5h 7 7 J Allen J W Tledrlck 30 100 100 30 12 12Time Time 23 47 113 equals track record Track fast Winner B g bv Mazagan Pink Rose trained by W A Massey MasseyWent Went lo i ost at 417 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same MAGAZINE In his best form at present ran In closest pursuit to the stretch then came on fast aril outstayed JACK PARKER in the final drive JACK PARKER took the lead at once and setting a fast SIXTH RACE 78 Mile 1230 127 5 113 Purse 300 4yearolds and upward 1818 Selling Net value to winner 240 second 40 third 20 Ind Horses AWtPPSt 4 i StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 17SCHILTON SQUAW WB 4 103 10 4 I1 1S I3 IS I1 Ambrose S Louis 8 S 8 2i 1 1I I STARE WSB 4 115 4 C 2 2 2J 4 2 T Koerner R F Carman 6 10 9 3 65 65n70ST n70ST VR BLUE wn 5 115 3 11 S 9 4 2 3s J Wilson C Woodford 9101 91013 01 0117073R 17073R ASH WB 4 110 1 2 10 8 6i 35 4 5 Fain Gallaher Bros 455 32 3 31S03 1S03 RUE w 4 103 9 1 3l 3 35 5l 5J Forsythe II G Bedwell 60 75 CO 20 8 81S04 1S04 OTILO WSB 6 112 5 3 5 6 S 6 = 6 Jensen W C Weant 20 30 30 8 4 41TOO 1TOO DUST WSB 4 105 7 8 6h 5U 7 75 75 J Hanover Mrs E Lutz CO 100 100 40 15 1775 AVIATOR WSB 4 105 2 7 11 11 9 9 S1 Connor P TJL Walker 40 100 75 30 15 15H7OHJORD H7OHJORD WELLS w 4 113 8 5 4h 45 55 S 95 C Peak C Reed S 10 C S5 45 45mo mo LOUIS D COGNETS ws 4 110 6 9 7 7 10 10 10 = Spellman Tennessee Stable 50 100 100 40 20 161 1619 A ACE m uu OF CLUBS WB 4 110 11 10 SJ 10 11 11 11 Skirvin J W Hedrick 50 60 60 20 10 Time 24 48 48s s l14ys 128 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch f by Chilton Minnehahi III trained by W A Burttscbell BurttscbellWent Went to post at 444 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving CIIILTOV SQUAW went into the lead at once and showing the most speed held on gamely and withstood a stretch challenge and won going away STARE ran in closest contention from the start and finished resolutely STAIt BLUE suffered from much interference soon after the start and closeda big gap into a fiW aining third RASH also had a rough race and finished fast RUE tired after racing well to the trotcli LORD WELLS quit The winner entered for 400 was bid up to 005 and bought in Scratched 17 = Top Note 110 1803 Jacobite 112 95C2G Captain Swanson 115 170C Claque 103 70S3Sweet Owen 113 r t O SEVENTH RACE 1 MUe 124S 1 40M J 103 Purse 350 3yearolds and upward I Q J J Selling Net value to winner 275 second 50 third 25 AWtPPSt y ± Str Fin Jockeys Owners LEM w a 100 S 4 4 4 45 35 Forsythe H G Bedwell 10 16 12 4 4mq mq hJ H HOUGHTON w 5 110 2 2 I1 I1 I1 h 2n Fain G W Scott 6762 6762i i LORD ELAM w 5 107 9 7 S 7 5f ink 3X Butwell W G KingDodds6 S 6 2 1 1iol iol V POWERS WB 4 108 3 3 2h 1 2 4J 4 J Wilson C Woodford 46521 46521i i SLEETH WB 3 92 4 5 35 3 3J 5 = 52 Skirvin C S Wilson C 8 S 21 65 65M M mMlTFF SB 4 99 5 S 7 5 6s G1 6 Schwebig W B Carson 65 75 65 25 14 14yjisRRACII yjisRRACII SAND w 4 105 6 6 5 6 7 7 7 Hopkins C T Comerford 12 25 25 10 5 5wr wr 4 106 1 1 61 S S S S8 Bruce AV T Anderson 50 100 100 30 15 15w w 5 107 7 9 9 9 9 9 C Miller R S Brush 100 200 200 SO 40 Time 25 50 110 142 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch m by Confeslor Hide and Seek trained by II G Bedwell BedwellWent Went to post at 511 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the themo mo BELLE CLEM running in much improved form was kept well up from tho start and saving ground illn turning into the stretch finished fast and got up to win in the last stride J H HOIIGHTON showed Ti showedTi most early speed and but for being taken wide into the stretch would have won LORD ELAM was in m for the first half and taken wide on the last turn but made a game finish V POWERS ran well to ctroteh and tired MUFF was repeatedly taken back SLEETH finished well The winner entered for forcln cln wis bid up to 800 and sold to S Louis Scratched 1004 Howdy Howdy 102 1750 Park view 115 1812The Golden Butterfly 105 1707 Belle M rr VKt 1791 Merman 107 177S3Bertis 111 17UGBay of Pleasure 84 1742 Maxcntius 94 1S12E1