Canadian Half-Mile Track Dates., Daily Racing Form, 1912-04-24


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CANADIAN B LFMILE TRACK DATES Muiiiroal Qu ° APril 23 The spring race mect iit iiteR for tllc Delorimicr Park halfmile track noiineed for the same week UK the Ontario Jopfcov Club meeting at Woodbine The control of tiin Vfontreal Driving Club under whose auspices III inciting is announced Is no longer here the having passed some time ago to the same monnizpment as at Dufferin Park Toronto and the wSmV Beting will be in charse of the Dufferin Pnrt management The officials formerly employed hr the Montreal Driving Club will be replaced Pro sHliiiB f Jndge Ed Cole gives way to Wash Norvell A nmiiber of horses are expected from Toronto as authorities have refused to i oiistoms accept IJlnds for such as came in at that sort with no intLntlnn of racing there until Aucnst when the nnnerln Park meeting will be held The stables Vci Striker and E L Fitzgerald are already here last winter Juarez They were

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Local Identifier: drf1912042401_1_6
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