Would Lift Ban Against Racing., Daily Racing Form, 1912-05-05


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WOULD LIFT BAN AGAINST EACING Minneapolis Minn May 4 The Board of Bishops of this Methodist Episcopal church have reported to the general conference of the church in session here in favor of lifting the church ban from dancing card playing gambling and attendance at horse racing theaters and circuses circusesIn In making this radical recommendation the twenty four active bishops who formulated the report de ¬ clared that the American people are too far ad ¬ vanced longer to be restricted by church rules as to what their amusements shall bo It is suggested that each individual follow the dictates of his own conscience conscienceThe The bishops declared that the church reiterated its opposition to theater going and gambling but that the acclesiastical rule in force since 1872 could not fix the point between the turf and the stock market marketThe The report in part said We would joyfully acclaim the day when every Christian would abstain from the amusements which have been prohibited but we cannot repress our conviction that John Wesley dealt more wisely with the danger

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912050501/drf1912050501_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1912050501_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800