Will Be Great Social Occasion.: Notable People Planning to Visit Churchill Downs on Derby Day, Next Saturday., Daily Racing Form, 1912-05-05


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WILL BE GBEAT SOCIAL OCCASION Notable People Planning to Visit Churchill Downs oa Derhy Day Next Saturday Louisville Ky May 4 One frequently hears liorae racing referred to as the sport of kings It wat In the long ago It is now the sport of the people as It was once the pastime of royalty It is wen more according to M J Winn general man ¬ ager of tho New Louisville JocUey Club Charles F Grainger Us president and Charles F Irico pre ¬ siding judge of the course and one of the most eminent racing officials and turf authorities in America Racing they agree has for its professed object not mere amusement but rather the better ¬ ment of the race of horses Louis horsesLouis Napoleon knowing the benefit the methodical breeding of cavalry horses would confer upon France issued a decree ordering horse racing in Iaris and the iirovinces lie also established a Grand Prix de Paris In the gay French city going to the races is something like going to a garden party The flower beds shady paddocks and the velvety lawns of Auteuil bear out this Maisons Laffittc in the season is a mass of flowers flowersAttaching Attaching to the great turf events in America Is tho same sentiment the same keen interest and the identical thrills coincident with the rich fixtures nbroad At Churchill Downs on Derby Day there will be the same kaleidoscope of color and bright array of gowns in the grandstand until it will resembles a monster bank of Mowers of every hue The picture will be equally fascinating on the club ¬ house lawn on the low r promenade and in the jicwlybuilt boxes twentysix in number on the roof of the building set apart for exclusive use of tlub members This is an innovation provided by Mr Winn out of compliment to society not alone in Louisville but Kentucky and the Union for year nfter year the elite Journey to Churchill Downs to bestow their approval and patronage upon a sport characteristic of Kentucky and dear to the heart of every man and woman appreciative of a contest between blooded racers both tleet and courageous Manager courageousManager Wluus ideas concerning the comfort of the patrons of the course the beautiflcation of the plant remodeling It in keeping with uptodate methods the elimination of everything unsightly the substitution of something better and pleasing always elicit from his business associates Charles F Grainger and Col Andrew Vennic hearty ap ¬ proval so when he decides to make alterations and improvements no discussion ensues as to the ad ¬ visability of dolug this or that simply because It rep ¬ resents a heavy expenditure of money Liberality and progresslveness are the keynotes with the Jockcy Club judging by what has been done heretofore by what is being lon now and what Mr Winn has In contemplation for the future futureTills Tills system is what has made Mr Winn the fore ¬ most nnd most successful manager of race courses in America It brought to him in New York before adverse legishillon closed those tracks the unre ¬ served approval of metropolitan turfites It has enabled him to Kecurely establish in Mexico one of tho anywhereWhen greatest racing plants to be found anywhere When x n May 11 the best marches upon the Powns to attend the inauguration of the spring race meeting the feature of which will be the thlrty f Ighth renewal of the Kentucky Derby it will walk in an atmosphere agreeable and unchanged at old Churchill Downs but there will be many changes agreeable to the eye yet retaining the sentiment lioverlng over the place and which for some unex ¬ plained reason makes it different from other race tracks tracksOn On the front lawn will be beds of dainty flowers artistically trimmed evergreens and palms lining the entrance to the grandstand This structure will be bright in fresh green and white But at the club house it will be found that the most extensive trans ¬ formation has been wrought On the roof over the promenade where the beauty and the chivalry of the country have on so many occasions participated in tho gaitles there will be colonial style boxes extending the entire length of the club house Each box will seat as many as ten persons The boxes will be of snowy whiteness and on Derby day will be decorated Behind the boxes will be a promen ¬ ade Between races Beauty Row will be packed with women and their escorts visiting the occupants of the various boxes Here on Derby day will be found representatives of high society from the four corners of the Ilepubllc From this elevated posi ¬ tion the club house members and their guests may view the races without any obstruction whatever never finishIn losing sight of the horses from start to finish In order to relieve the congestion of previous Derby days Mr Winn will have thirtytwo pariumtuel machines in oiieration Three will be available for club house members and will be located just out Bide the entrance to the club house almost oppo ¬ site the judges stand In the betting ring proper there will be twentynine machines The space usod heretofore for boards to display the entries in the races together with the names of the jockeys will be occupied by five cashiers stands for the cashing of 2a and 10 tickets In all there will be twenty three cashiers Every arrangement has been made to facilitate transactions to connection with the parlmutuel systemThis system This will be the last spring for the big stable which stands near the paddock The coming sum ¬ mer It will be removed All of the ground adjacent to the paddock will be graded and sodded Trees will be planted just as they have been In the in ¬ field which has been graded and planted witli grass seed This lawn will be beautiful Mr Winn will also close the inside track to trainers and beantify it Here flowers will bloom from the far stretch turn to a point far beyond the club house turn From time to time additional improvements will b made with BO other purpose in view than to make Churchill Downs the Ideal most inviting and most beautiful race course in all America AmericaNicias Nicias which if anything happens to Free Lance will be George J Longs standard bearer in the Kentucky Derby this spring did about the best work of any threeyearold at the local courses to ¬ day The tracks were fast In company with the threeyearold filly Fernanda also In the Long stable the son of Sir Huon worked threequarters in 114 He went the first eighth in the quarter in 24 three furlongs In 3G the half in 49 and five furlongs in 102 Free Lance was the only other Derby candidate to work He went three furlongs in 39 presumably as a tuning up for a fast workout tomorrow The Koyal Prince in James S Evermans stable did about the fastest work of the older horses going a mile in 143 pulled up He worked with T M Green which went the first seven furlongs with him in 129 The pair worked the half in 49 Other trials were wereBachelor 49Cliff Bachelor Boy Half mile in 49 Cliff Top Seveneighths in 130 Cockspur 130Cockspur Threequarters in 110 first half in 49 49Ella Ella Bryson Threequarters in 118 first half in 51 51Feather Feather Duster Fiveeighths in 105 first half in 52 52Froglegs Froglegs Mile in 144 This Latonia Derby can ¬ didate seems fit fitGagnet Gagnet Seveneighths in 131 pulling up first half in 49 49Hopsack Hopsack Half mile in SO SOJack Jack Bunn Half mile in 53 cantering canteringJack Jack Parker Threequarters in 120 cantering Jean canteringJean Gray Half mile in 50 50John canteringJohn John Furlong Mile in 149 cantering John canteringJohn Louis Threequarters in 120 cantering John Reunion Mile in 44 first threequarters Ja 110 Looks good anil is about ready Pass readyPass On Half mile iu 50 threeeighths in SC Puck SCPuck Mile in 151 151Spindle Spindle 50Star Seveneighths in 130 first half In 50 Star Charter Fiveeighths in 105 first half in 52 Veneta Strorne Fiveeighths in 104 first half in 50 Winning Widow Threequarters in 110 first half in 48 Has her speed speedSecretary Secretary Lyman II Davis received notice this morning from Capt E B Cassatt the Pennsylvania multimillionaire turfman that he will ship nine horses iu the next few days to the Downs Ainoig them are his Clark Handicap candidate Heather broom and the fillies Flying Fairy and Lawsuit Debutante Stakes candidates candidatesL L H Adalr a wealthy St Louis turfman was an arrival here today He has a stable of horses quartered here in charge of Hanley Baker and is In the market for any other good horses that may be for priceP sale at a reasonable price P H Donnellys noted mare Ethel D is at Douglas Park and her trainer has been having dif ¬ ficulty in getting her to work on the track Age does not seem to improve her temperament but she appears to have all her brilliant speed Mr Don ¬ nelly is trying to get her ready to race in the Louisville HandicapA Handicap A field of twelve starters in the Derby is not im ¬ possible Secretary Lymau H Davis thinks the following may face the barrier barrierName Name Owner Jockey The JockeyThe Manager T C McDowell T Koerncr KoerncrWorth Worth H C Hallenbeck G II Shilling ShillingSonnda Sonnda Catcsby Woodford C Peak PeakFreeLance FreeLance George J Long J Deavenport DeavenportGuarauola Guarauola Henderson Hogau Moles worth Wheelwright worthWheelwright J N Camden Ganz GanzPatruche ByrneFlamina Patruche II Bensinger Byrne Flamina T It Coudran Butwell Dilatory ButwellDilatory GooseSir II H Emmons Goose Sir Blaise B F Guthrie J Henry HenryDuval Duval Gallaher Bros Fain FainChief Chief Lindsey D Lehan Lof tus tusNonwinners Nonwinners of a threeyearold race of the value of 1500 are allowed five pounds in tho Derby which makes the weight for all colts which have not won such a race 117 pounds Geldings and fillies allowanceOn are entitled to tho usual sex allowance On their form as twoyearolds Worth The Man ¬ ager and Sonada stand out among the probable start ¬ ers in the Derby this spring but it sometimes hap pens that good twoyearolds do not race up to ex ¬ pectations as threeyearolds The work of some of the prospective Derby starters which did not show stake winning form last season has this spring been as good as anything shown by the stars that are in this race Worths mile in 141 at Lex ¬ ington Friday is no better than tho work of Gunr anola and Free Lance at the Downs several days ago Of course Worth showed much earlier speed in his trials than Guaranola or Free Lance but speed does not always win a Derby It takes stam ¬ ina as well If Worth was strung out at the end of his mile it was not as good a performance as the trials here of the Henderson Hogan colt or of George J Longs crack Sonuda won a race at Lex ¬ ington a few days ago in about the sarao time and beat in that race three of the Derby candidates Duval Sir Blaise and Wheelwright As far as his race goes though the track was a bit slow it is not considered a better performance than the mil of DownsIt cither Guaranola or Free Lance at the Downs It is nearly a certainty now that Flamma will go In the Derby She was classed us a doubtful starter until she worked a mile and a quarter at the Downs She came out of that work so satisfactorily that her trainer lias about concluded to send her after the rich prize

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912050501/drf1912050501_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1912050501_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800