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FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 95642 112 Indcx Course DistTlmeTckOdds Wt St StrFln Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy DUQUESNE br h 5 114 By Broomstick Falerna W M Wallace 2170 Lexington 34 l17g mud 710 114 5 3 3 31 431 Ganz 12 Viiiy Chaumere Illghtlown 2051 Lexington 34 115J hvy 9 113 1 1 1 in 31 Ganz 11 Sleeth Royal Captive Svlvestrts 89321 Latonia 34 117M hvy 1710113 1 1 3 31 21 T Kocrner 8 Magazine Camel Love Watches 99304 Latonia 34 116 slop 41 110 4 2 29920S 3 2l 2J Kennedy 9 Royal Captive Amoret U Jack 9920S Latonia 34 114 hvy 8 106 1 2 29S9SS 5 4 4 1 T Koerner 5 TMGrn RaleighPD GHughe 9S9SS Latonia 34 l13g slow 195 110 3 3 39S914 3 3s 2 Taplin 7 Amoret Phil Mohr Star Bine 9S914 Latonia 34 116J slop 4 112 7 4 49S742 2 I 1 Kennedy 12 Magazine T Bigbce Al Muller 9S742 Louisville 34 l15g hvy 10 312 2 5 59S653 4 3s 2s T Koerner 7 Winning Widow C Tux Donan 9S653 Louisville 34 1152 mud 10 111 7 4 2 11 11 T Kocrner 9 JGriffln II Workbor Imprudent 98472 Louisville 34 116 hvy 2710 in 3 1 1ROSE 1 in 2l Kennedy 10 Balronia Incision Amoret AmoretBy ROSE OF JEDDAH b f 3 95 9521GS By Cesarion Marcie C Woodford 21GS Lexington 51 f l08i mud 125 94 5 4 3 3 3 S J McCabe S Sunget Merry Lad Polly D 1350 Charleston 34 121S hvy 115 110 2 2 Fell McTagrt 9 Grif Ganadore Pierre Duma 1247 Charleston 51 f 1093 fast 35 102 10 4 4i 1J C Turner 14 CBrown TNIghtmare Jim Ray 1156 Charleston 61 f l09i good 35 102 2 2 2 2 2l C Turner 7 QueenBee IrisUtown Efficiency 99334 Latonia 51 f 1102 hvy 34 110 3 2 1 2 J 2i C Turner 9 lirig Acguin Salesia 99193 Latonia 34 1152 slow 7fi 104 4 4 3 2s 2 Gould 8 Viley Bonanza Bredwell 99115 Latonia 34 113 fast 17i 103 2 1 1 1 21 C Turner 8 GOxnard Island Queen Tonrist 99048 Latonia 51 f 1062 fast 17 103 4 3 3HIGHFLOWN 5 7 7s J Henry 7 Azyaide Gates Kaiser KaiserBy HIGHFLOWN ch f 4 107 By Peep oDay Rain Drop E E McCargo 2170 Lexington 34 l17g mud 9 109 G 5 5 4X 3 = 5 C H Shilgl2 Vlluy Chaumero DurpiegnR 2129 Lexington 34 114 fast 24 103 6 9 4 4i 561 Byrne 12 All Red GoldenAgnes TIIRoed 2049 Lexington 34 1172 hvy 335107 5 2 3 3H 3 C Peak 9 OrientPearl JWeaver JHBarr 1925 Charleston 51 f l09g mud 50 108 4 5 5 B 5 R Hoffman 5 Lewis Capsize Righteasy 1411 Charleston 7S l35g hvy Si 102 5 6 6 6 5 1 C Turner 8 MIssJonah Bodkln Westn Belle 1256 Charleston 34 l21g hvy 8 112 10 5 6 4i 57 McTagrt 13 Oakley Chllton Squaw JHBarr 1136 Charleston 34 1183 hvy 65 104 7 4 49S913 5 5 4 J J McCnbe 9 Brevitc Coletta Otilo 9S913 Columbia 34120 hvy 65 109 1 1 1inGHT 1 1s I2 McTagrt 8 Rinda Barn Dance LAppellc LAppellcBy inGHT MIST ch m 7 109 By Knight of Ellerslie Quagmire J Doyle 2129 Lexington 31 114 fast rid 105 9 G 5 5 451 J Henry 12 All Red GoldenAgnes JHReetl 99229 Latonia 1 116 148 good rid 107 656 6569SS57 9 S12 B Steelo II Corapton JohnFurlong PPender 9SS57 OklaCIty 61 f 121 fast 6 113 1139S852 4s Barham G Evran Clara W Dactylls 9S852 OklaCIty lm70yl4G2 fast 4 111 1119SS24 41 Barham 7 PJpo Vision Rampant Sw Sam 9SS24 OklaCity Im70yl463 fast 1 112 1129S731 1s Barham 7 CharleyWard Rampant Actuary 9S731 OklaCIty Im70yl45 fast 5 109 1099S722 21 Barham 8 Mamac Pipe Vision Sandpiper 9S722 OklaCity 1 148 fast 15 305 305J U Barham 6 JackWitt PiceVisIon Rampant J H BARR ch e 5 111 By Jean Bereaud Blaze 0 G K Johnson 2019 Lexington 34 1173 hvy 10 111 2 S 5 41 4B J Allen 9 Or Pearl JWeaver Highflown 1984 Charleston 34 114 fast 25 105 1 1 1193C 1 2 21 J Allen 11 Pharaoh Capsize Jessnp Burn 193C Charleston 51 f lOSg good 12 109 1 8 8CROSSOVER S 9 4J J Allen 12 Arbutus Dust Sam Rank CROSSOVER b m 6 109 By Octagon Lucy Cross F Otis 2131 Lexgton Im70y 143J fast 65 109 1 2 4 4 4 41 lMoleswh 4 PCallaway Mgr Mack Jabot 2092 Lexington 11402 fast 1710 111 322 3 5s 5IOJFain 8 Helene Brig Arbutus 2051 Lexington 34 1152 hvy 12 110 9 10 107S 9 7 791 Fain 11 Sleeth Royal Captive Duqnesne 1712 Juarez 7S l2Cy fast 12 102 322 3 21 1 Kedcris G Kootenay Meadow Ocean Queen 1603 Juarez 78 1302 mud S5 110 3 3 3 3 3 2 Euxton 4 Oxer Eye White The Hague 1421 Juarez 1 l3Sg fast 135 107 3 3 3 3 2 Ink Gross 4 Ymlr Dutch Rock Wolferton 1324 Juarez 1 l39g fast 3 102 3 1 1 1 11 1 ° Gross 5 UBen JLouis DangerousMarch 1257 Juarez 3 3ll 21 Buxton 4 DanMarch H Walbank Startler StartlerBy MILLO br o 3 By The Judge Break oDay T Frank 2051 Lexington 34 115 J hvy 62 104 6 5 5ii 61 J Henry 11 Sleetb Royal Captive Dnqtiesne 1709 Juarez 34 1HS fast 85 113 2 25S 1 I3 1 C Grand 13 McAlan R Dolly Calethuinpian 16S1 Juarez 5S 1018 fast 7 107 7 4 4 2 C Grand 12 Mandadero Isom Camarada 1362 Juarez 51 f 107 fast 3 110 8 4 7 8122Gross 10 Batwa Florence Kripp MEailly MEaillyBy PLUTOCRAT b g 4 By Sorcerer Emma Louise F E Driver 2110 Lexington 34 112 J fast 171 104 6 6 69C5SI 6 6 C14 Moleswh 7 Casey Jones Sea Cliff Snreget 9C5SI Latonia 34 1172 hvy 145115 4 2 296JG2 3 E 612 J Deavpt 7 Tay Pay Husky Lad Hawley 96JG2 Latonia 34 113 fast 20 105 3 3 39C233 3 2 21 Goose 11 Delaney Ben Lasca Baythorn 9C233 Latonia 34 113 fast 195 110 5 5 4 42 4 T Koerner 11 StarORyan Delaney Ben Lusca 96103 Louisville 34 1141 fast 38 100 2 5 B 31 21 Goose 10 Royal Captive Delaney Oxer 95784 Louisville 34 112J fast 32 111 4 12 129oCS3 12 11 llJKennedy 13 Win Widow Rogon Plnnutess 9oCS3 Lexgton Im20y 140J fast 35 961 G 6 6 7 7 710 J Moore 9 Arcite Montagaie Marian Casey 95615 Lexington 34 114 fast 7 103 3 2 2W 1 lh 1 Goose 10 Old Boy Butter Ball Bertis BertisBy W H FORD b c 3 100 By Cesarion Night Gown R J Powers 1310 Juarez 51 f 1062 fast 10 113 G 4 4 4s 4s Keogh 7 Acguin Free Mary Emily 1254 Juarez 51 f l07g fast 5 113 10 9 8 S 771 Wingfld 15 Evelina Odella Florence Kripp 1172 Juarez 34 1122 fast 10 95 3 3 3 33 4 Selden SeldenG 7 EWhite LytcKght LigbtKnight 1115 Juarez 34 113 J fast 21 97 7 5 G 6s 2 1 Hill 12 G Friar Balella B of the Hay 1107 Juarez 34 l12g fast 10 100 5 2 210SO 2 23 43i Carter 7 Marsand Toy Boy Hidden Hand 10SO Juarez 5i f l05iS fast 10 108 7 7 7 7 7 Small 8 Tourist Mannsseh Sidon 1055 Juarez 51 f 1082 fast 4 110 10 10 7 6 68 J Moore 10 Sidon Isom Florence Kripp 1040 Juarez 51 f 1OSJ fast 6 99 2 3 3EUCLID 4 31 11 Selden 9 Golden Ruby Balella Skillnte SkillnteBy EUCLID b s 4 109 By Hastings St Eudora L C Shobe 2173 Lexgton Im70y 1501 mud 214 106 3 1 4 6 G 6iNathan 7 Be Working Lad Saadrian 2033 Lexington 1 143J hvy 111 107 5 7 8 89S9SI 5 S 818lFain 8 Sir Catesby Tay Pay Sleeth SleethC 9S9SI Richmond 1 143J slow 104 1049S979 C Smith 7 LCavangh Ornamosa BBrnml 9S979 Richmond 5S 103J slow 115 115CHIEF 3 Ford 9 Ft Worth GeoGHall SLocks SLocksBy CHIEF JACKSON b g 3 87 By Cesarion Priceless J R Wainwright 2087 Lexington 34 114 fast 208 88 3 3 39S743 4 7J 795 McDonh 8 Prince Gal Sylvcstris Rash 9S743 Louisville 34 l17g hvy 156 106110 10 109S544 10 10 10 J Deavpt 10 Prcsumptn LLightngPatrnche 9S544 Louisville 34 116 slow 98 105 4 10 7 11 10 Taplin 12 Dilatory Patrucbe G Oxnard 98305 Lexington 68 106 hvy 11 104 7 5 5SS257 5 4l 4 C Turner 9 Igloo Leialoha Star Rose SS257 Lexington 58 l03i hvy 48 109 3 4 4AGNES 5 72 681 C Turner 11 Clearwater Chartler Patruche AGNES FORDNEY b f 4 107 By Griffon Hazel W Urst start