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HILDRETH SCORES INITIAL SUCCESS ABROAD ABROADNoted Noted American Trainer Saddles Winner for His HisFrench HisFrench French Employer Day After He G Gets ts License LicenseNew New York JIII July 2 2An An u American lIIe1 an who rcccntl recently recentlyreturued retlllII returned d to this country from France says tbatHullwl that thatSonnet Samuel C Ilildreth sa saddled lUerI hi his lirst winner on a a1llncll aPreach French course June 7 the day a after ftcI his license was wasgrrutted wasrantell granted rantell HildrCths 11lhlr tl1s initial success In Europe WI was wasscored scored when a two twoyearold earolll colt owned h by Baron BaronHothschilli Baronltothschihl Rothschild defeated smart oppositionCharles opJo1 opposition oppositionCharles lion lionCl1arle Charles Kohlers Americanbred tutericau bred horses includln includlnthe Including Includingtime the Suburban winner Fitz Herbert Novelty and andZeus antiZCIIS Zeus were thoroughly schooled for croscountryratill crosscountry crosscountryracing ratill racing when the stable first arrived In I France rallc The ilmeabovementioned nlClhoclIIentllllletl abovementioned trio of stake winners Inners jumped ad admirabl ¬ mirabl mirably In their earliest attempts and eXllericncetiIWreJllln experienced experiencedhorsemen horsemen declare that they are the equal of IlIQsteeplechaers any anysteeplechasers steeplechasers or hurdlers abroad Vhen wn the Kohlerhorses Kohler Kohlerhorsls horses gave ae ample proof of developing into micomCuon uncoui 1I11COniwlln mou jumpers Mr Ir Ilildreth confined their t1ll1in training to togallllJJin togallopimig galloping 011 the Hat com8eslIihlreth courses coursesIlildreth coursesIuldreth Ilildreth ulwl always s a stickler for keeping his horses horsesItl horseshigh Itl high h in flesh hums his present cl1ll charges eS lookin looking ho hofl1 hog hugfat fl1 fat t compared with thos those handled h by other traillcrsill trainers In France The American 1I0rsIIat horsemans s brilliant success suc sucleSS ¬ cess in this cOlin country try was kuuw known kllllwnto n to tm turfmen finemi abroad abroadlung nllroadlOll lOll long before Ilildreth thought of raeill racing In u Europe EuropeConequlntl EuropeConsequently Consequently his methods were eagerly watched whenIll whenhe when he brought out a set of horses for cauteriug or for fortrials fortrlls trials trllsFOlli trialsForeign FOlli Foreign lI trainers after carefully noUn noting Hildrethslight Hildretlis lllhireths1Iht light train training in declare ho has not done enoughwith enough euoughwith with his collection and that an oldfashioned oldfaslifonellprep ol fashioucil fashioucilprel prop consisting of fain fagging out repeating and anda a general course of honing will be nccessar nccessarbefore necessary necessarybefore before his horses will bo able to win win11lhlretl1 winIlildreth winliudreth Ilildreth laughed than apllrl apprised d of If the criticismsand criticisms criticlswsan an and 1 said Strange how I was able to train DcrhySull11rhan Derby DerbySubmirban Suburban Futmlt Futurity and other winners for mum manyyears many years ears The muscles lIIusc1 s on my horses are firm and th theyare they are not fat inside either eitherPU eitherPuggins eitherPuggins PU Puggins lills a tllrec threeyearold earoltl owned by Mr 1 Kohlerwas Kohler Kohlerwus was recently tried with a good one trained II by the theAmerican themericau American horseman Fred Durio Burlew Puggius won the thetrial thntrial trial by a hi big margin A few days later ator the Burlew Burlewcolt TImlewcolt colt started and easily won from good opposition