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RACING INTRODUCED AT CONSTANTINOPLE CONSTANTINOPLEConstantinople Constantinople recently had its first horse rae raeAll race raceAu Au Au enormous an and motlc motley crowd gathered athere last month monthon monthon on the beautiful plain of VeliEffendi l on the shonso shores shoresof o of the Marmora to see the spectacle which was re regartle regirded girded by the inhabitants of the Ottoman Ottolllalltnotropolis Ottolllalltnotropolisus metropolisas metropolis as a real sign of progress progressAlllo progressAmong progress progressAmoug Alllo Among g the l11an many thousands of spectators womenpredominated w011en w011enpteflonllnated women predominated Hours before the show they arrivedfrom arrived arrletlfrom from from cer every quarter with baskets of pro provisions lslons in int1IlIug intending ¬ tending to spend the whole day In gazing at and andcl1attln andchatting cl1attln chatting over the events of the day The groUIIof groups groupsof of Turkish women in their bright multIcoloredtcharhafs multicolored multicoloredtcharshafs picturesquein tcharshafs feredjehs an anti yashmaks asbllluks were picturesque in the hl highest he8t de degree degreeThe degreeThe ree The he ladies of the imperial harem watched the theraces tlteraceR races from their carriages The Sultan was fatigued fatiguedand fatiguedund and did 1t1 not attend and his absence was a great rtut thisappountmtnt this dlsaJlJlollltmut ¬ appointment to performers IUI and spectators alike alikeThere alikeThere nlikeThere There were six races and I1I the highest prize 100 lO0Turkish Turkish UIkish liras was scon won by Lieut Djelal I Effendi ffencli a asmart asmart smart officer who rode a beautiful Arab Arabhor1e horse Zip Zip7i il 7i J5jj 11I There was also n a steeplechase in which twoofficers two twoofficers officers participated and Rushdl Bey proc proved thcwinner the thewinter winner winnerSeveral Several deficiencies such as not keeping exacttime exn exact t ttlm tlm time and the inexperience of the judges will un undoubtedhy ¬ doubtedly oubte l be rcmedl remedied tI on the next occasion