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DISQUALIFICATION AT OKLAHOMA CITY CITYOklahoma Oklahoma City Okla July 2 2A A larg large crowd crowdwas erowdwa wa was onl IOtla today and the patronage of the mutuelswas mutuels mutuelswas was good 0011 considering cOllshltrin track cOIllH conditions Hons The 11C firstdlsqualiticntiarr first firstdltltllIllilicntion dlfejinlilication of the meeting occurred in the see ¬ ond seeinul race when lltn Tallo Tallow Dip which Hni ilnished hltl second secondu COIIII COIIIIlIS u WHS lIS ts disqualified for being eight pounds short of ofwei ofweight wei weight hl Pit apat easily won the fifth race the thefea thefeature fea feature Inre of the card Ochre Court which l finished llnishedto nishetllel to lel Kuiiiml cond lnd was probably best but ran almost to the theolltjille theoutside outside fence on the turns and seemingly does not 11L 1I0tIIIc like e a halfmile track