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FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Selling 4859 100 2 123 Index Course DistTimeTckOdds Wt St StrFin Jockeys Started Order of Finish RINGLING 109407G b f 2 109 By Fatherless Ninone Beverwyck Stable 407G HdeGraee 5S 1002 fast 21 100 4 4 4 41 I1 C Turner 7 BriarPath Lawsuit KtlielhiirgIL 4SG2 HdeGrace 5S 101 fast 5 114 5 G 5 2l 15 C Turner G Briar Path Lawsuit Mimesis 4S15 HdeGrace 34 113 fast 21 104 4 4 2 1 I1 C Turner 4 Continental LitIIiigh Tea Rose 4731 HdeGrace 5S 101 fast 2 109 12 S 3 34 32 Byrne 18 Little Hugh Schaller Striker 4703 HdeGrace 5 f 1084 fast 85 109 4 3 3 31 21 Byrne 7 Montresor Yenghee Tea Kose 4591 HdeGrace 5S l01g fast 65 100 4 4 3 3 33i T Koerner 7 Sleuth Jonquil Ragusa 4555 HdeGrace 58 102 fast 7 104 3 5 4 31 24 McCahey 11 Genesta Jonquil Pop Gun 3529 Fort Erie 51 f 1074 fast 165 110 4 5 41 4 j Wolf 7 Chinook Brush Flabbergast 3474 Fort Erie 5S l01g fast 31 115 4 4 42 331 McTagrt 7 Star Actress Arcene Latent LatentBy MONTRESOR 1094S32 ch c 2 109 By Monfort Madchen R T Wilson 4S32 HdeGrace 5S 101 fast 10 109 1 1 li 23 Digcins fi Coy Schaller Crisco 4703 HdeGrace 51 f 1084 fast CO 103 5 1 1 I1 Diggins 7 Hingliug Yengiiee Tea Hose 4559 HdeGrace 5S 1020 fast 30 108 10 10STRIKER 14 15 15 Diggins 15 Tea Hose Vieuto Jewel of Asia STRIKER br e 2 109 By Disguise Contentious Quincy Stable 4759 HdeGrace 5S 101 fast 32 105 2 1 1s I2 Sehutger C Cordie F Honey Bee Van Deren 4731 HdeGrace 5S 101 fast S lOl 9 7 Gl 4 Ferguson 18 Little Hugh Schaller Ringling 2751 Montreal 5S 102J good 15 105 3 2 3 37i Ambrose 4 C o the Walk Buskin L Hugh HughBy SMASH ch f 2 By Yankee Flinders T Hitchcock Jr 497C HdeGrace 5S 1OOJ fast S S4S7f 5 G2 GUKarrick 7 Uiiigling Briar Path Lawsuit 4S7f Hde ITdeOrace O race 5S 100 fast 2 24SL7 1 II 25 J Glass 18 C Elliott InsMan Trojan Belle 4SL7 IIdeGrace 51 f l07g fast 5 2 I1 15 7 Glass 10 Stockton Chopin F Godmother 2237 Pimlico 41 f 584 slow 8 2 21 32J McTagrt 9 Lawsuit M Scribe Miccosukeu 2175 Pimlico S l03i hvy 30 100 5 4 42 512 Butweli Ringling Old Coin Fred Levy LevyBy CKILTON KING ch c 2 108 By Chilton Hanover Queen W 0 Joplin 4733 HdeGrace 5S l01g fast 12 107 1 1 I2 Il Alex 1G Big Dipper Fatty Grub Jonquil 4651 HdeGrace 58 102 fast 9 107 3 4 42 34J Alex 18 Cordie F Capt Elliott Schaller 4555 IIdeGrace 58 102 fast 20 107 1 5 5 5s Alex 11 Genesta Ringling Jonquil 2268 Pimlico 4 t 544 fast 30 110 3 7 7B 7I2JAlex 9 Tankard Monocaey Llndesta 2150 Pimlico 41 f 55 fast 15 105 7 7i CJ 7 f B Martin 7 Lace Ringling Little Hugh i 2004 Pimlico 41 f 541 fast 20 107 8 8LITTLE 7 55 Alex 12 Lace Spring Maid Genesta GenestaBy LITTLE JUPITER b e 2 103 1034S93 By Hastings Queen of Trent S Ross 4S93 HdeGrace 5 f 108 mud 85 104 4 32 I2 Sehutger 11 G Stoll FattyGrub Mary Ann K 4558 HdeGrace 5S l01g fast 6 104 It 13U1424 Ferguson 14 Progressive Bli of Keys Crisco 3502 Fort Erie 5S 1014 fast 6 109 7 6l 3s Sehutger 12 Lysander Gerrard Phew 3403 Fort Erie 58 101 fast 7 105 7 21 2s Schutger 12 Benanet Flabbergast Ch Bell 3005 Hamilton 51 f 1064 fast 30 104 4 3 2 ° J Robson 4 Tartar Sand Vale Lohengrin 2307 Pimlico 58 l01g fast 6 107 G GGLINT 3 45J Schutger G E Light C o the Walk Brush BrushBy GLINT br c 2 108 1084SSS By Marta Santa Tin Cup A Turney 4SSS HdeGrace 5S 1002 fast 15 107 3 32 35S C Turner 4 Gonesta Mbnocacy Early Light 4731 ILdeGrace 5S 101 fast 4 112 7 5i G9 C Turner 18 Little Hugh Schaller Ringling 3714 Windsor 5S 1051 slop 20 115 7 7EARLY 5T 3 1 C Turner 8 Barnegat Sweet Story Un Ohle EARLY LIGHT b c 2 103 1034SSS By Peep oDay Wantage C J Quinn 4SSS IIdeGrace 5S 100 fast C 103 4 4 4S5 Ford 4 Genesta Monocacv Glint 4559 IIdeGrace 5 f 106 fast 20 107 3 41 4lsJFord C FredkL Co theWalk Palquln 2S27 Montreal 5S l03i good 66 100 9 95S 71 Gl Lounsby M ScriiK Capt Elliott Ornwoc 2751 Montreal 5S 5S230G 102 goodll20 110 2 25S 11 I2 Lounsby G Marie T BESusau M Scribe 230G Pimlico 5S l01g fast 920 103 2 I1 l C Turner i Co the Walk Brush LitJuplter 2250 Pimlico 58 1024 good G 112 3 41 44 C Turner 7 Spring Maid Buskin Chch Bell 2078 Fimllco 12 12FILKENS 4S4 fast 6 10S 1 1FILKENS 22 2 McTagrt 12 Littlellugh Auriflc Fred Levy FILKENS blk c 2 102 10210S3 By John F Memories J L Holland 10S3 Charleston 12 49J fast 40 112 7 7IS 5i Holland5i 51F Moore S LShark Frederick MJohnson IS 10 Charleston 41 f 54 fast 100 108 4 4HANS 6 G14 F Moore G Jes Porter B Holder Yorkville HANS CREEK b c 2 94 By Potomac Onaga J J Moran 4019 HdeGrace 34 114 J fast 30 93 2 24S75 5 8t4lMinton 8 Honey Bee Carousel Ins Man 4S75 HdeGrace 58 1004 fast15 OS 12 12DOC 91 10 MInton 13 Capt Elliott Smash Ins Man DOC TRACY ch c 2 97 By Ben Strome Epidemic W L Oliver 4733 HdeGrace 5S l01g fast 100 93 5 10l Oliver10l llir Huffman 10 ChilKing BigDipper FattyGrub 4555 IIdeGrace 58102 fast 60 0710 071040S9 10 ° 10 R Hoffmanll Genesta Ringling Jonquil 40S9 iSort Erie 58 l01g faat 0 110 11 Hi i22McCahey 12 Carousel Tea Rose Miccosukee 3502 Fort Erie 58 101 fast GO 112 3 H3 H iLoftus 12 Lysander Gerrard Little Jupiter 3460 Fort Erie 58 1002 fast GO 110 1 C1 73Byrne 11 Leochares MIccosnkee M Allen 2770 Pimlico 58 1024 fast 4 110 7 72G99 72 82MNolan 8 Brush Beth Stanley Lazuli 2G99 Pimlico 12 50 slop 6 112 7 724S1 41 9Nolan 12 Ethelburg II Cbll Song Latent 24S1 ElectPk Ab58 101 fast 20 108 2 2ROBERT G1 LatentG1 7J7 Bergen 7 FLery Ethellmrg II Latent ROBERT BRADLEY ch c 3 112 By KcGee Lady Quex J S Tyree i First start