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DUFFERIN PARK FORM CHART TORONTO Ont September 12 Fifth day Met ¬ ropolitan Racing Associations Second Meeting of 7 days Weather clear clearPresiding Presiding Judge Ed Cole Starter AV M Mur ¬ ray Racing Secretary AV R Norvell 5143 First Race About 5S Mile Purse 300 3003yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to towinner winner 210 second 00 third 30 Ind Horse AVtFin Jockey Op Cl ClOOC9 OOC9 Tiny Tim 107 in Montour 4 4 450G9 50G9 Lydia Lee 112 2 Warrington 4 4 4GGO Laura A 114 3 M Simmons 12 12 124CGO 4CGO Dora M Lutz 107 4s A Hanover S S 3325 Doctor Walz 112 5 C Knight C 7 3012Lady Maxim 112 G1 F Jackson 2 2i 40S1 The African 110 7 Dreyer 3 3 3Time Time 103 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner R D Carters ch g 4 by Ort AVclls The Scold trained by R D Carter CarterStart Start fair AAon driving second and third the 5144 Second Race About 5S Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Celling Net value to winner 210 second l0 third 30 Ind Horse Wt Wt50772Mothcr WtFin Jockey 50772Mothcr 103 103Mll 11 Dreyer Mll Red River 107 2l Montour 5010 Sen Hubble 112 3 C Knight 5074Servicence 115 4J Warrington 2 3 0078 Martre 105 5 J Bergen S S 4702 Silicic 112 C1 A Matthews S 12 1250C9Milpitas 50C9Milpitas 115 7 F Jackson 3 3 3Time Time 102 Track fast fastWinner Winner W II Frycs ch f 3 by Dick Welles Miss Melton trained by W II Frye FryeStart Start good Won driving second and third the same 5145 Third Race 7S Mile Purse 300 3year olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 210 second 00 third 30 Ind Horse WtFin Jockey 50CS Watch Me 10G 1 Snider TOOS Edna Collins 111 21 Connor r OCSsNoon 500S Inclement 109 4 Bobbins 10 7 5100 Rodman 111 i Warrington 5 5 5103 Outclassed 105 G G1 Montour 20 23 23r r 5105sAdriuche lor sAdrlnihe 111 72 J Bergen 2 2 5011 Won Worker 111 8 Whatley 15 20 5011 Little Marian 110 9 C Knight 3 4 401033Porcupine 01033Porcupine 105 10 A Hanover 15 20 20Time Time 133 Track fast fastWinner Winner II McCoulskysr br g 0 by Ogden Fatty trained by H McCoulsky McCoulskyStart Start good Won handily second and third the same 5146 Fourth Race 7S Mile Purse 300 3year olds and upward Soiling Net value to winner 210 second 00 third 30 Ind Horse AV AV50S2 AVtFin Jockey 50S2 Jim L 121H015 121 1 F Jackson H015 Dust 12J 23 A Hanover 501 G Mad River 121 12150S03Argonaut 33 C Knight 50S03Argonaut 127 127450G I3 Warrington 450G Dahomey Boy IK f Ji Montour 5081 Nada Mas 115 C8 Bobbins S G 0079 Boano 121 7 J Bergen 6 8 8Time Time 132 Track fast AVinner J II Lambs ch g 4 by Ben Strome Blue Jacket trained by P Gallagher GallagherStart Start bad AVon easily second and third the same 5147 Fifth Race About 5S Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 2SO second SO third 40 Ind Horse WtFin Tockey Op Cl 5109sDipper 107 1s J Bergen 5 5 5507SCarissima 507SCarissima 112 2 Whatley 12 15 1550S3Mod 50S3Mod Priscilla 102 3 Bobbins 5 G G01W 01W Isabel Casse 112 4 Dreyer 5 4 450Sl3Imprudent 50Sl3Imprudent 112 5 Warrington 5 G GOo753Miss Oo753Miss Jean 110 G F Jackson 32 S5 S5OOS2 OOS2 = Starboard 112 7 C Knight 21 3 3Time Time 101 Track fast fastWinner Winner T Hatflelds b f 3 bv Astronomer Helen OC trained by T Hatfleld HatfleldStart Start good Won easily second and third the same 5148 Sixth Race G 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3 3vearolds vearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 210 second 00 third 30 30Ind Ind Horse WtFin Jockey Op Cl 0077 Monkey 102 I3 Connor 2J 3 5010 Henrietta W 107 23 F Jackson 3 C5 C55107sLciaIolia 5107sLciaIolia 107 3 A Hanover S 10 105074Dorothy 5074Dorothy Webb 112 41 Warrington 2 3i 5073 M Cambon 112 5J C Knight S 8 84fi552Rinda 4fi552Rinda 107 G3 Bobbins 5 7 7OOC9 OOC9 S Griieninger 110 7 Whatley 15 20 20Time Time 123 Track fast fastWinner Winner J W Hedricks ch f 3 by Locohat chrc Missing Link trained by F Schelke SchelkeStart Start good Won easily second and third the same 5149 Seventh Race About 0S Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 210 second 60 third 30 Ind Horse WtFin Jockey Op Cl Cl5DS32Glipian 5DS32Glipian 112 I1 J Bergen 3 2 5015 Jennie Wells 112 2Z C Knight 5 3 5051 Song of Rocksll2 31 F Jackson G 6 50732Chilton Squawl07 4i Snider 2J 3 501 C John Robert 110 51 Warrington 12 12 51092Tolmny Wise 107 6 J Connor 5 1 5052 May Bride 107 7 Bobbins 4 G GTime Time l01l Track fast fastWinner Winner J H Moody s ch g 0 by Olympian Gliding By trained by J H Moody MoodyStart Start poor Won handily second and third the same