Racing Statistics of the Year 1912, Daily Racing Form, 1913-01-02


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. i I 1 ; • : I 1 ■ ►h 4« RACING STATISTICS OF THE YEAR 1912 * — + The ii]..neal ahowing made by Anjcrieaa r::.iiij; daring the yea1 1!ii2 is rowifortuig. For the lirst time ■nice i blags began t«. u«. agaiuat ibe apoi i nearly ■ decade ago ilie auouin dlatributed In utake;- ami uuraea i... the va.ions racing aawia-latlona of the ITnlted siat.-s. Canada ami Mexico is la e.,-s- ,,! the Rhowing of tb. ; receding year. The lide had been ranning Ihe other ».. uendstentiy for years thai the change, slight as it in. iv -eetii. is .„, n-r — liin:;. It may be the harbinger of better things to folhiw, for viii.-ti ii,. devoted turfmen or the country nave been paticnti.v hoping ami wait bag. I: Indicates al any rale thai lie- snort is itev. ladding its own after a L.11:; ami hitherto unbroken imcee anion of setbacks. The .!:-;rit, hi ii.n ni ipi [a stakes and purses l.y tbe recngniaed I racks of North America amounted to :-l..-:!il.t;." . wbicti represents an Increase ol s.::.i:r.s in comparison with 1911. An intereating exnoaitlon nf |diase ,.t tin- spori. covering tbe yean, beginning with i ; k • r . i- herewith uiv.-n: Kaciim N... of : BaeJng No. of Year. Distribution. Days. Races. Year. IMatribntion. Days. Racea. 1912 •l..*»l,B25 9M ...soti itMis *=4.:t" l .i;.il 921 ."..iMiti 1911 2.:;::7.!i.".7 1.037 0,281 1907 5,375Xi04 1.IH14 6.252 1910 2.942.333;: S.504 1999 !i.420,381 1,999 5.940 1999 ". 149.996 7J4 4.510 lJ * 5,901,557 1,397 8.911 The Interesting liappenlngs of the year Included the opening ..i -l new race tracks derated to the II irotigbldircd. Tin s,. inibraced the Palmetto Talk course of rue Charleston Fair and Racing Association ai i barlestoa. s. .; the track of tbe Haiior.. Agriculture and Breeders Assoctatioo al Havre de lirace, M.I.. in close proximity to t..e great .iiies ,.t |*hiladelphla and Baltimore; tbe Piping Rock Racing Aasocia i i ni s; course on Ijaig Isatid. within eouvenh-nl ... ess ,,i Xcw York City: the course of the Ittieersal Kxpn iti. hi Company, Iu connection vviili Ibe N.-w St. Fair, al Si. Louis. Mo.: the half-mile truck . the Toronto Driving Club, known as Hlllcresl Park, al Toronto, Out., and Ihe coarse ..t the Mineral Sinni.-I Ley iiiiii ri Porter, In.l. Racing vas successfully over all these courses, with tbe exception ■ n tin- iasi miiinii. No eytcmled meetings were attempted al Piping Hock or Si. Louis, tin racing at both these piac s covering oulj a few day*. The Piping Rock meeting was ■ narttcularly hiilliant one, made so l.v the !avi-i. rapport accorded it by aonje ol the foremost leaders ol wealth ami fashion in the east. More ii .in ioo.imo person! patronised the priwipal .v. nt nl the St. Iuiis meeting, affording an extraordlaao :l,i-iiai:ou .| the pomiiaiily nl racing .is a spun in thai nieiio| ..lis ol the Mississippi Valey. The pro ji.-.ors or this ineeting are hopeful thai i: will lead to the permanent re-establishment of racing as one of ie in.. st popular of -....-:- in Missouri, ["be attempt to establish racing in Indiana within close proxlniitj 1.. I hicago -tided la :i ii.tseo. Another it.-M ..pineiit oi the year was the re-opening of the Douglas Park track at Isaisvllle. Iatil ihe pas; -. .isoti ii had 1 u out •! use for racing purpose* sim-e 1908. Extensive improvements were made prior to ihe re-opeuiug ..I the course and the pan- of its managemei!l contemplate thai it simii permanently .:.;,•■ its plu.e aiii.iiu : iii- inportaiii tracks of the nunirv from this time on. The Btmost liaiiitoiiy pi.-.. Is iciw .ni it- management and thane in contra nf Churchill Bowns on the matters of general polie.v and ii is the avowed nt Ibe two organlcatlona to work harmoniously together for the apbailduig ■ ! the -i« it. As .-I general rale iwosperltj marked tbe racing of tbe year. The Kentucky and Canadian tracks nroha i v enjoyed their nio-i prosperous -a-ui. l:.i ;.iuii racing was al higher qnalit.t than ever before and that -!..,,• is now high Important from the racing utandpolnt. As the result of a Provincial decision bohling Ibe ]i.-iii-mi.tiiei form of betting eveiupt ii. lie operations of the Miller A.-i the British Columbia Thor- roigiibrwl Association was enabled to conduct a more extensive meeting than in previous years and occupies an Important place in tbe distribution table, being fourth of all tbe racing aasoclatijons of laarrln la ; -.• ...mi distributed amoug the horsenien who pntroniaed its ineeting. Aided by the same decision, the Victoria Country tlnh likewise inade a greatly inipvnveil showing in litis respect. The meeting of lis; winter :;t .Jt.-irez was coinliicteil a! :t ptolit. for the lirsi time sim-e the oneniim of tbe course in 1909. and Ihe meeting which began in the fall ol HH2 hhls fair to In- the most satisfactory of am vit held al thai M. nan course. Ii now seem* safe Hi roaclude thai wintei racing i~ lirmlv established at ihis track, and Unit il is destined to go on to greater things than evi-r. Owing i an dnsatlstartory ■rrangemenl of dates iin-meitlngs al Coeur dAlene anil l.ayorni. in the far west, were no I as successful as in 1*111. ii is irndjerstood. A more satisfsctory schedule is In eon tent plat inn for the coming - as, u. The hope that tbe New York tracks mif;iii re-open failed of realisation, hut niu.-h optimism prevails hi this quarter respecting the coming reasons prospects. The winter tracks at Joares and rharleston stand hrsl and stcond in the Rem nf total distribution for ibe year, with the Latonia Jockey i luh. the British Colombia Thoroughbred Association and the New l.nitts ville ■ .li.ekev rliil, follow lag iii the order muried. From the stectional standpoint, tlto tracks of eastern Canada .-. itrilnited most liberally to the years total, while Kentucky, which had Hgnre.l tii -i in uis respect during the preceding year, sti.mis aecond. : i • Canadian total exceeiled . .iiH.i.Hfiti Im- the nrsi time, from which it may be inferred how nanrh Canadian racing lias expamieil and lew important it part it now plays. The percentage ni winning favorites ror tbe racing of l!M2 was ,41, ,-,s compared with .40 in 1011. .42 hi 1919. a:: in t.m!i and .40 iu nuts. The following table show-, mis phase of racing an the various tracks ■f the country: ~S "*■= E TS J; i; rr =5 **S ** * 5. " Track and Dale. Z~ l1- §2 in 3*» ?fi 7in S§ %% f£, d-Z : . : : . : I % % . § § jo leares, .Ian. 1-hfarch M 7. 4,8 $ 149,993 .".-17 IN 1 ;7 112 1 ;2 2f! .•::: M i .rlesion. Jan. 21 April 111 7r. 47s 194,155 102 1".". 199 129 I.V.I 99 4-I .42 v.lamestovv n. April 8-April 20 17 Ids 29.900 191 S!l 42 29 38 12 11 .4H I . dathurst. April 27 1 ." gg!i 13 13 1 2 2 O 2 .20 il.exingtou, April 27 May !i 11 c,7 39.9M 120 70 2:: 18 2". 10 K ..!4 Phnlico. April 27 May IS 10 III 50.990 297 122 ."■♦ 20 ::7 2n s .40 Coeur dAlene, April 27-Jnne 2n 55 ::::4 113.399 349 184 139 85 113 to 19 .41 Neailowhiook. May 4 1 .1 .t.-.n t:: in I i 1 in .so ri.mlild. May II 1 t; t,2:, i:, 12 3 2 1 :: 2 ..".0 Ilinehill Downs. May II May 28 1". o.t 7." 159 93 88 19 33 15 14 .42 IV-nning, May Iti May is 2 12 :i.or»o 20 22 8 :: 1 8 .93 Clectric Talk. May 10 Mav 27 1" 71 18.590 109 70 20 24 21 IO 0 .:I7 I Morini Ier Park, May is May 25 7 ."i:: 13.325 ! 2 58 is in 2." 2 4 ..".4 Woodbine, May 18-lday 2."i 7 is 51.9K3 Til :,n 04 s |g 1:, 11 .59 Maryland 1niied Hnnts.Maj 28-Juae 1 :: M 8.370 5d 4.s 12 004 1 .." o I aiimia. May 39-June 20 24 111 104.805 229 115 58 29 .TT 27 0 .40 T.ue Bonnets, June I -J s 7 50 33.915 I. to 00 10 13 21 s 10 .32 Marlboro. Jane 5-June hi 10 88 13.980 103 s.: 22 is 28 ." 8 .:;2 Belmont Talk Terminal, June o.Iune 8 2 12 4.350 ::i 2.". ." :: 4 :: :; .12 l»l lama lily. June O-.luly 4 2."i 183 33.193 107 07 83 2s 82 is 10 .41 I" •niiltoii. June l.i.litiie 22 7 ."iii 39.735 119 r,o 29 12 18 8 I .to Vallcyliehl. June ."i June 22 7 10 9,200 T-t 51 2o 0 12 7 8 ..".4 ;:-i okline. .Inn.- 1.".-.lune 22 :: is O.t.liO ::s -jt; ;t :: 1; 4 7 ..-,0 Wlddlesex. June lit 1 ;, 14 10 4 o 1 :: o .99 Baltimore, June 24 June 29 8 :ll O.Ota or. .,:: 10 s iu 7 2 .17 l.i 1 la ie. June 2! 1 July 8 7 r.ti ::2.:;.;ti 117 7n 22 0 22 I :: .4 1 IN-oi iinier Park. June 20-Jtilv 1; 7 .,.: !:;.47."i 07 00 28 s 10 i 4 to Vancouver, June 20 Sept. 2 . 99 42", 1 I.1.7011 202 193 IjUjoon. lul.v :; Jul.v 27 22 132 IJ.ttT.". 177 98 4s ::i :,:: 12 13 .38 Klkwood Tark. July 4. Inly ii 2 12 3.935 29 21 :: ."1 I :: :: .23 Fairmont, July 4 July 0 :: iti 2.925 40 28 0 4 0 1 •". 47 Tulsa, July s.lnly 20 2 X2 8.325 01 02 24 is 88 in o .33 V..:ievliel l. July l..Jiily 17 4 28 5.909 02 41 14 7 7 .: 1 ..",0 ..i.dsot. July I3-July 20 7 58 31.325 113 711 24 1 10 7 4 .48 King lalwat-il Tark. July 2n.lnl 27... 7 It l:;.lni 7!l 58 10 II 17 0 1" .:;•; I011 kit.- liilv 27 Aim. :: 7 40 32.810 II11 71 is 1:: is 7 :: .::7 Dnfferin Park, lulv ::l .Vine. 7 7 88 19.259 no 88 10 11 SB 4 :; 29 Butte, Aug. 1 Sept. 4 39 Isn 57.575 213 129 77 ::7 88 19 Is . :; Hamilton. An-.-. Hi Aim. 17 7 59 33.285 117 si 2", 13 12 8 8 58 l,exlngtoa Fair. Aug. 12-Ang. 10 ... .". N 1.809 19 10 King K.lwai.l Talk. Aug. 17-Aug. -21.. 7 41 I I.7IHI 70 84 24 12 8 II :i .".." T.a 1 1 int.iie. Ann. 10 Am:. 24 8 :!4 It sti 1 OH 10 12 11 II 2 .". Hilhrest Tark. Ang. 20-Ang. 27 7 .",2 19.708 s.: 58 15 11 20 8 1 lk.i Havre de Srace Ang. 24-Sept. 30 ... 28 170 89.948 Tis ot; 72 :,l :,2 24 22 41 Wioilsor. Aug. 20 s,p:. 2 7 "ni :::; 07.". 98 88 28 13 17 s s 411 Maryland Intted Hunts. Sept.2 :. l-h 0.385 4.". ::1 II I 8 " 2 35 Mi Ang. ::i 1 0 I.4O0 1 1 in 1 2 o 4 2 t;7 Ijcxlagton, Aii_. :l Sept. II 1:: 78 27.898 134 88 ■. * Is 38 1" 0 38 Vnae la. S.pi r.S.-i.i. 21 II S| 23.050 138 02 23 27 34 2 ; 27 Berkshire. Sept. 7 I 0 1.250 18 14 1 4 1 1 :, ?7 Ilu, Bonnets, s.i.t. 7 -Sept. 14 7 50 38.995 192 00 29 11 15 11 i; 111 Dnfferin Park, Sept. 7-Sept. 11 7 58 17.ihmi inr, 88 2:: 11 22 ~ 2 1 41 Victoria. Sept. 14 0.1. r, 10 132 35.910 183 Hi7 .. ll.liu-las Tnk. Sept. 10 Oct. 5 Is lis 73.229 138 88 47 26 Iii 10 S 4f WomRtlae. Sept. 21 Sept. 28 7 17 13.188 93 02 21 In it; p in 4:, Oklahoma «itv Sept. 24-Oct. 5 11 iti 19.789 88 I.t 1:1 it; 11 0 :: 39 Si. Iiiiii-. Sep! 2.: Sep,. 27 .1 IS 5.200 20 20 Helena, Sept. 23-Sept. 28 o ::i 10.975 Ot II .. Hlllcresl Tark. Oct. I Oct. s 7 58 17.508 07 88 28 11 28 .", • ir, I .-niiei Od. I -Oct. ::i 27 101 193.345 254 149 ol ::7 88 II 1? 37 While Marsh, Oct. 3-Oet. .". 2 Hi 1.925 17 13 si 19 2 80 Montreal linn Club. Oct. .". 1 S si;u |3 10 4 1 9 4 | sn Richmond, o.t. 7i .t. 12 8 21 8.988 4:: 39 .... Churchill Downs. Oct. 7 o.t. 19 0 ".4 14.329 198 77 18 1.-. 28 :: 7 •! Lag Oct. 7 Nov 9* 39 17: 17. list 297 138 74 ::;i 88 23 II 41 Pittsburgh. Oct. 12 i,t. 11 2 12 4. list ::o 04 ;, :; j n j 4.. Piping Rock, Oct. 12 Oct. p.i .: 17 10.210 39 ::u 7 7, 3 3 •; 47 |i aver, itci 12 11.1 20 12 01 12.350 77 -IN . Mineral Springs, o.t. 16-Xov. 2 8 ::4 12.90 02 4:: 10 8 0 C, • *S8 I 1 -.111.-1. ti.i 19-Nov. 0 Iti 111 7s. 010 17s 11S 4s 14 r,2 s o 42 Iteimonl Park Terminal. Oct. 28 nv. 1 .: 15 t.47.". :::: 24 10 2 :: 0 ■; ffj "V • ..v 12 ». HI 84 41.71". 198 ~7. 98 II 24 T* 7 1, Mi- id.. w Brook N.v 1 :, 1.000 15 12 2 1 2 • 2 4 i tJreat Neck. Nov. 1 1 0 120 8 0 :: 2 1 2 2 .".11 Jamestown N..v 1 3-Nov. 38 10 107 37.215 iss ij| n«.i M 10 11 4 -u Joares, N"..v. 28-Oec. ;i 39 isn 58.215 224 139 «."• Is 07 84 13 .• ,•, Iot.-ils 929 5.808 8*391.928 21171 1.197 1,949 888 iso 11 •Three d a.l beats .One Oa.l licit. iN.i betthag on one ta.e. Continued on Heeond price. 1 RACING STATISTICS OF THE YEAR 1912. m Continued from first pace. Following js the KCOrd of the disliihutiou by Organise tloae in 1012. compared with preceding yea Dtatriha Diatrfha- DhUrlha- Distribn Pacing Aaaociatloaa. tkahlttS. Uoa 1910. that 1911. Uoa 1912 Jockey Clnb Juarez s12s.u1 1167,165 1213,730 99,100 Charleston Fair and Racing Association 194,155 La touts Jockey Club I7v.n;.". 171,730 223,383 182,815 British Columbia Thoroughbred Association 67,076 39.875 44.107! 145.790 Nen Loohrrille Jockey clnb 78.730 144,839 176.989 119.00 Coeor dAlene Fair and Pacing Association 72.090 113.380 Maryland state Fair 108,823 103,345 Mai viand Joekcv Club 129,783 148,053 131,280 101,733 Ontario Jockey Club 121,280 88.008 86v366 95,170 Lagoon Fair and Racing Association *.n2.Pni *62,030 57,785 90,375 Harford Agricnltnre and Breedera Aaaociatlon ... 80,045 Douglas Park Jockey Club 75,220 Hamilton Joekcv Club 78,490 tiU.845 72,205 7t.XHi Montreal Jockey Cluli St. ..27 61.060 U0.555 18.980 Kentucky Association 10.5O0 ::•.». 711 1 10, 454 c.7.72."i Jamestown Jockey club 19.700 it;. 475 79.433 082215 Windsor Fair Grounds and Driving Park Assa.. 95,740 .",.",. 7T. 58.490 03,300 Niagara Racing Association !tfs.K2o 37.940 50,870 05,140 Butte Jockey club and Fair Association "t;.37n i:..v:u t:;. m:i :.7.r,7"» Oklahoma state Fair 28.450 22.:io»t 11.130 13,943 Victoria Country Club 78.000 7. .".09 2.143 :t5,910 Toronto Driving Club i:;,."imi ::i.2 hi Metropolitan Pacing Association 2."i.::." i 29,000 33.850 King Edward Jockey lull 4 -8,750 20,850 2.S.KMI Montreal Drirlng club jc.soo 20,400 20,800 Anaconda Jockey Ckab 11,850 19,300 19,050 23,050 Electric Park Bxpoaltion Co 18,500 Piping Rock Racing Association 1.U00 li.2ln Southern Maryland Fair and Agricultural Assn.. 14,520 ::i.4"H 15,850 Valleyncld Exhibition Co h.s ki Maryland United Hants Association b.o o..7o ll,S7." 14,753 Gentlemens Driving Park Raeiug and Fair Assn.. 13,700 Mineral Springs Jockey Club 12,000 Queen City Joekcv Club 13.900 12.:;"ii Montana State Fair 10.220 10,975 Brookline Countrj Club 10,765 9. ij » Tulsa County Fair Association 21 ::ihi ..:::. 9,830 9,325 United Hunts Racing Asoeiatlaa 7,145 8,820 Virginia Stale Fair .~ ..V 0,050 New St. LoOis Fair Fnivcisal Exposition Co 0.20, littsbiagli Fair and Racing Association 4.100 Washington Hunt and Riding Club 3,850 RIkwood Park Steeplechase Association 3,358 ::.;.:.. Fairmont Hunt Club —-*•—-" Meadow Brook Steeplechase Association 2,156 2.560 White Marsh Vallev Hunt Club 1.92.". MIR brook Hunt Club 1,408 Berkshire Hunt Club 1.230 Middlesex Hunt Club 1,058 Blue Grass Fair Association 1,130 1, J00 Rockaway Hunting Club 1.300 885 Montreal Hunt Club s ;ti Watehuiig Hunt Club QSJQ U25 Great Neck Pacing Aasoclatlsa 429 Totals IL38M12 73,758 ,774,Mi 6X381,625 ♦Utah lackey ciui . GeographicaUy the distribution was as follows, the figures coterlBR several years: Pacing Races Dtatriha- Dtetribu- Distrlha- DkUrlbu Locality. Days 1812. Run 1812, thai 1909. lion 1!K». tion I.ML lion 1912. Eastern Canada 138 887 488,887 6881,888 *t:: ;.71 6539,110 Kentucky 114 863 26B.95 ::." ."..! ;» 483,829 446,330 Maryland 120 766 138,288 1 K . ." 45 277.850 350.9:t0 Mexico MB 618 12. sou 1S7.K..". 251,868 199,100 South Carolina 75 47s ::2.7» 184.155 British Columbia .» 7.i 557 145. t 70 47.175 05.H15 145.791 Idaho 55 :;:;4 72.i .hi 113.391 Montana SB 295 18.221 03,130 74.145 91,000 ltah 52 .11 168,668 80.453 17.9::., 90.375 Virginia 1 ;!9 239 19,700 40.475 84,983 72.1.05 Oklahoma 4S 274 46.150 15,000 01,200 53.270 New York IS VI B86v889 7U0.i."Mi Hl.iMMj 30,280 Indiana i 84 12,800 Colorado . . 12 .1 15.900 12,350 Massachusetts 5 2:t 11.705 11,900 Pennsylvania 4 22 2.949 6,023 Missouri 5 IS 5.800 New Jersey | 18 4,685 1.2O0 District of Columbia 2 12 ...... 3,850 West Virginia 8 18 2,623 Totals J2i 5.80« .1K"..2t.", S2. 201. 473 81,818,T6f .391 .1:2: 5 In the matter of daily average ••! Money distributed among the successful owners of race horses n,, Ontario Jockey Club led all other organizations, as it had during the preceding year. Its dally average fell h.Ilgbtly below its showing of 1911, but was highly satisfying to owners who ware fortiinati enough to share in It. The Piping Pock Pacing Association, which is a young, but lusty, lacing organization, stands a highly creditable second, thanks to the liberality of iis management ami supporters. Its showing is remarkable, considering that il has just been organized and that it operates in s state in which racing lias deon siis ■leaded on what are known as the "big tracks since 1810 a~ a direct mail of the enactment of a law designed to hold the directors of race tracks criminally responsible for violations of the anti-betting laws, I other cognisant of the same or not. In passing, it aaaj be stated that the directors of the Piping Rock Pacing Associaton were In no waj involved or embarrased by the Directors Liability law. In fact, so rftorl was made to involve them. Thr tabulation Hint follows give* the daily average distribution Of tin-various organizations, compared with their averages in preceding years: Daily Av. Daily Av. • Daily Av. Dailv A- . Racing RaCes Dtetribu- Distribu- Distribu- Distribu- Track. • Days I8T2. Run 1812. tion 1900. tion 1910. ttoa 1911. Una 1912. Toioiito 1 Woodbine Park 11 88 86,738.33 66,883.43 67,822.11 86,787.86 Pildng Rock 3 17 1,808.00 5,4032-1 Hamilton 14 K*i X548.55 4.s4ti.ll 5,163.83 5,000.00 Churchill Downs 24 144 2,540.32 :.4tl.4 1,316.15 4:isr.M Montreal 1 Blue Bouuetsi U KMt 3,618.42 4,577.84 4,753.93 4.927.14 Windsor 14 109 3.191.83 3.97K93 4.177..SI1 4,664.29 Fort Brie It 88 3.294.88 1,138.1 ~ ~ 1.882.14 4,652.80 l.atonia 43 25s 2,486.28 3,188.56 4.9tJ7.91 4,251.51 Douglas p«k 18 188 . ... 4,178.89 Piiulico 26 175 1.325.5U 4.9;s.. n 4,878.80 3,912.88 Lava I 27 164 3.974.04 3,827.50 Brookline 5 is 3,665.08 3,220. mj Havre de Grace 29 17i 3,070.10 Lexington 84 145 IJ .88 8.68JL88 3.022.70 2.821 2S7 Charleston 75 47S 2,588.73 Mineral Springs . .f 1, ;;1 2.520 00 Maryland United Hunts 8 tl 1.931.25 1.990.05 1.979 17 2,459.17 Hillcrest It MS •1,828.57 2 112 Sli Vancouver JO 425 1.559.77 1.415.18 1.0-17. 30 2.429.V3 Diitleiin Park 14 112 1.S11.72 2,054,78 2.417.Si Coeur dAlem- : 55 331 ..«.*.. 2.019.17 2,061.45 Pittsburgh 2 12 2. 5" 00 King Edward II 88 1.250.00 1,476.43 2.007.11 Jamestown 33 815 1.313.33 1,888.88 1.S95.31 2.006.52 Penning 2 P! 1,975. SI Juarez MS 01S 2.140.00 2,282.50 1,887.48 1.933 01 Pulte 30 ISO 1 sti.i.iMi 1.527.i; 1.433:::: 1,919.17 Delonmier Park 11 DM! 1,386.40 1.457.11 1,814.29 Victoria Pi 132 1.288.32 12258.88 1.371.43 1,890.00 Electric Park 19 71 1,850.00 Helena i 31 1.703.35 1,829.13 KlkWood Park 2 12 1,675.80 1 .si7".n Belmont Park Terminal 5 27 1,453.:::; 1,705 00 Lagoon 52 311 1 1,340.00 tl,8B0.75 1 KM.l ::• 1 757 is Anaconda 14 SI 1,185418 1.37S.57 1.40357 Milt;,; Marlboro 14 18 1,452.00 l.:aii.l! 1.585.4* MillbriM.k 1 1 l.40iM« Valleytield II 74 1,345.45 Meadow Brook 2 lo 1. 077.50 1,275.00 Berkshire 1 0 ....... 1230 00 Oklahoma City 88 292 1.618.07 1.273.21 1.212.00 L220. » Baltimore 12 os 1.141.67 Middlesex 1 5 l,O50.MJ St. Louis 5 15 1.040. in Denver 1 lit 1.223.07 1029 17 Richmond 8 21 1,110.66 1.0082W White Marsh 2 16 962 5 C.-ilarhuist I 5 1,300.00 885.00 Fairmont 3 19 875.09 Montreal Hunt Club 1 S 880 I J Tills-, 12 72 734.48 779.17 749.77 T77/»S Pliiiilicld 1 I ..i 585.00 i2." 00 Ureal Neck 1 0 420.00 Lexington Bine Grass Fain 5 8 282.75 250.00 Totals 826 5,303 ,773.73 62,528.38 83,582.75 Meetlag at DahTeiaa Park. :salt Lake iiy. Io John W. Sclnrr or Memphis. Tcnn.. who bad nnlshed secoed to 8. c Hildrctfa the preceding year, fell the honor and distlnctloo of heading the list of American money winning owaeis tor 1812. Mr. Schorrs total exceeded the 647.473 to Mr. Biid reths credil in 1811 by a considerable amount, hit "I course I lib far below the showiag Of the leader in reals luiilrr back. II. G. Bed Well, who race- .1 lux.- stable of useful horsra, is ,-i credRable secoud while II. . Hsitenheck, P. T. Wilson and R. 1 Carman follow In the ordei naased. The thirty leaders ol the yeai are omhra 1 la the followi ig tabulation: Amount Owner. 1st 2d. 3d. Won. Schorr. J. W 83 38 "■" 858.225 Bed well. II. G 103 112 IP; 47,452 llalbnl.e. k. II. 1 1! 27 17 33,847 Wilsoi R. T 4* 85 ."•! 29.931 1 ■ man, R. F 17 35 21 23.491 DaTiee. R ::7 24 18 20.C|5 Tennessee Stable ::!i 36 42 20.120 McDowell. I C 24 Hi 17 19,925 lievei w.m k Stable 2s :::; g! 19,577 ir :: W. B Pi 31 33 is ! ; Bradley. B. R. 2 23 22 iv;:,i Grefer. F. J ::.". :;i M I7.06-3 Mackenzie. R .1 27 in .", 17 ■"••;v Wamwi ighl. J. It 21 2o 13 17 o|-: Iu- . k Sial.b- 21 in FJ 10.777 1. v ingsi,.,, |,». 1.. . ...... in p ] 1 ic. pi 1 Camden, J 14 .". 2 16, 1 Is Belmont. A 23 22 13 16.345 Weber A. Waul :;.". 21 ]s 15.829 Adair A Baker 2!» 23 2 15.610 Watklne, R. E 21 20 29 15.563 ewiu:in. 1 I" 42 30 ::s l". ;oj Parr. P 22 17 it 1 1 ,773 OsllaJter Bros 2: 3 1 21; I 1,751 S. hreiher. .1 :.ii ::l z~, 13.879 U Iford. C 28 39 22 13.634 Holland. J 1 ti 2:» 27 12.021. Anob-g il. . W I! 21 Is is 11. II Tmney. A 21 17 II 10.775 Weir, F. D 20 21 31 10,719 star Charter, on.- «,c Hie cracks ,. the s hoi stable, beads the list of money-winuiug horses of 1912. His record of siWi.v, [1 lustra tea the limited opportunities thai a good horse has nowadays ahen 11 is compared with the 872.636 that s| 1 to Nov citys credit when ho attained similar distinction only as ,iig ago as 1910. j. . Camdens crack gelding. Helios, the prospective favorite for II Kentucky Derby of PH.:. is second, with T C McDowells great throe year old. The Manager, ami J. P. Wain Wrights High Private following close-y. The record of Hie thirty leading raooey-winning horses of the year i- shown in the following coiu-pilatiou: Annul1 I Horse. .» ... sis. ls. 2d. 3d. Flip. Woa Star Charter 1 17 1; 2 .". 4 814 653 Helios 2 19 s 1 o 1 ij :,Ji The Manager :: ir, p 2 •_• • 12.270 High Private 1; :;i ]:; 1; :; p ] j , ;r, s niia r, t; g » 1 1 ik :7. Froglegs :; 21; in k i; -j ju.7i:. Bocklwrn :: 30 : .". :: 3 9*82*! Hawthorn 2 19 14 :: 1 1 .iia-;.: Leoehares 2 23 11 4 5 3 9. 173 Woiiii dead :; is .". 8 ! s :|-, 1 oione Holloway. ... :; tt 7 7 8 24 S777 Highbridge 8 17 • :• 2 2 I s li INI Plate ;iasv 1; 20 h 5 4 :: s.22d Gowell 2 34 7 ti 7 It 7 -VJ i. M. Miller S 47 13 13 9 12 7.20 Lahore 1 21 ti 7 2 i 7.580 Helen Rarbce 4 26 it :; 3 0 7 1::. Ldda I 18 7 I 1 4 7.]« Heres.1 . . :: 7 :: 1 1 2 7 315 Grover Hughes 4 311 12 :t .". 1 7 2s| Meridian 4 23 s 2 :i 7.1s: Adanss Express . 4 16 7 :: :; :: 6 412 Ambeiii.. •: it I ;, •; too olihorpe I 24 in 2 s 1: -, t;u. Fisher 1; 42 11 7 :: 21 B.110 Klla P.rysoii I IO II s 7 11 t; 022 Free Lance :: 8 4 9 o 2 ". ■" . Hamilton .". 27 in :: 5 0 r i875 Vankee Notions . .. 2 17 f :; :, 1 r 7s" John Fmlon- 4 32 I. n | l| 5,77S II was , . 1 , 1 v iec Milly ..•tiled that P. Hill, a U who has been ridinu excJnslrelj in I he far west, suhl have the distinction of heading the Amerioi; Hkej bsi for 1812. Various riders held the !"d 1 dilfci-nl times during the year and C. turner 4d tirs| :it the time of his retirement from tie- c foi thl e.ii ai the close sf the Jaaestowa lulling. Hill, who had lost Ike lead lo Tun t will- bile between the dosing of tbe Inter Mount 1,11 -*n and the opening al Juarez, regained tir-r 1 if some two weeks ago. It was a close timer hi twfci Cross and Butwell, two seasoned ri.lii -. 1 thii place, and be sane- cooditkm existed injfc tlielr !i,wiii5 hri e Pin lingame. Loftus. and TaiffW rhirollowiiig tabulation embraces the record ofYiio t Dua leading Jot k ys of the year: An niul J key. Mis. ist. 2d. sd.Lnp. P.c. Wou. Hill :x;7 168 111 129 529 .17 851 Pi. Iuiir. C lis:; 158 1 1 ". : t; .".14 .23 79,80" • irosi s:js 1 .-, 1:1s 13] 424 .17 54.827 Butv«] CM ill 122 110 308 .21 79,843 1- l". 516 122 89 si 221 .21 71.325 Purliiaine KMi 121 93 ln7 :;I5 .11 :,2 Tm Taplil ;,!,.; 120 .hi 67 286 .21 lO.BX Buxtfl 753 ins 12P 115 4 1 .14 44.948 MartllE i;:;7 100 P7 82 356 .1* 64.157 Goosel 531 «; 86 7s 271 .is 52.7X2 McTadart lln 90 86 i;o u:, .22 51.877 Teahal ::st si; :,!i 4;; p,., 22 is .i.v.i Koern.l t 174 M3 71 69 246 .is 15,102 CaTaaaVh 504 85 56 73 890 17 23,830 Uctabl |S4» s2 88 82 250 .17 49.609 Keogh 1 385 si 74 52 17 21 22.457 Seliut tiler 5.".2 79 PC 82 295 .11 11,3811 Moleswih 565 75 7:t 95 311 13 11.27s ID r kii; : 17.-, 72 i;s 53 282 15 36.278 Steele, I 41,0 70 .",:; 72 2i5 .15 :.V.i 2 Peak. 1 122 88 71 47 2:.:, n; 34.110 Skirvin 1 t;i.t 7.-, 62 414 .11 21.373 Forsyth 1. 4.". kS til 65 281 .13 19.477 Shilling. t. H. ...21 i iti 17 31 74 30 45 922 Dreyer l 393 m :,s 67 303 .16 17 IPs ■•■♦i* , 371 ti:; :.t 54 200 .17 17.160 Callabanl :,sn 82 M »2 351 .11 31.892 Schweblgl ::s ; 82 5s .".1212 Hi 21. .Sir, Hoffman.! 17s 61 p,s 50 299 13 22915 s»: " -1 451 58 52 is 272 .13 31.997 II. .. IhweU, who attalaed similar distinction In Plop, heai the list o| Aniericaii Iraiarrs so far as the niimiM ,,. winners saddled is e eraed. John F. Schorr. lo whose skill as a conditioner Of liie racing tbdWhbred much of the credit Tor his fathers p;|,; position as the leading OWaet ol Hi voir is dii,vtanils lirsl in respect to the iiggngi.o of _ money on. The record of the thirty leading trainers of Jc year is shown below . .,. Amount I lamer. Wins. Vo:,. Redwell. IL. si 642.595 •",u" ••••• , tii 28.450 Schorr. J. Fi ,;;; ;,s.,i , CarstMi. W 4:1 21 .:., . l-veiii in. J.J 17 21. lis Heal,,. T. J ,, .,7-i;:, r«-v" • F. M 13 35.117 1- itzsiinnioiis. J 4- 20.1II Newman. H.I 42 I5.:;.s. gfrtb. W.-.J M 25.41.. riser, . 11. J p, n ,.1 . Ward J. 8..t. . :::» 17 2 McDancl. H. 1 .;s , .. Garth, i .1 ;7 -5 1 Herdel, 11 !...;.... .",7 Ts Patters. 11. C. |! 33 |S Rtirltsi lieli. wk :;.", | John, P 34 8 -• Heath. V. S. . L :::; p.. IlalUllloli . . . 7 ;;• -.|| ,; Weir. F. U...A .....32 18.G7II Puckner. W. ll :;" II 7"ii Kinnk. |V. 11.1 :;n p.i.ol l Johnston. J 1 ;;n |t i-, Marshall. II... 1 :;n s :,,;: Gallaber, . c. . V 2:1 1 1 7". 1 Milil inac. J... I 2!i 15 5-34 Baker, j 2s HM80 Striker, 1 1 2s s mo Watkina, .. i;..l 27 16.810 W. Allei was i far the most successful slecpb- chase jcke of tj. year, lie piloted twenty -even wlaaera, wve Mnaath, who comes second, won ten races, rbe Hlowiag tabnlatlea esnbraces th« record of 111 stedJcchaSc Joekeys who piloted one or more winrs: Steepleduu • ,, | Jockey. |U 1st 2d 3d. 1 a« P C. Wou. Allen, W 7« 27 17 . 25 .38 0;0 M| Kermatb, I ,",.; in 12 7 21 .19 1 ..■, M Lynch. .1 it; j ]:; i 28 .10 .". s .*■ temberton rt s 1; ,"i 10 .2s 7. .12 ™ Donohne, I" p. 6 1 2 I .60 :;.sin Dowse,-. . *» r, 2 1 11 .2 i 2.1iio Simpson. II .1 .", ii :; 7 .21 1.150 h.n tranil. 1 r, 2 1 13 .2f 1,675 Keating h :, 4 s 12 .17 2.505 Poyle .i.J 4 1 7 S .20 2,305 Dayton 1 :; 2 0 li .27 1,220 Klenek. i: 17 3 9 5 tl .17 1.415 Stone, 11 Jet :; 1 2 13 .Hi 12235 Wolke K Ll ;; 1 1 Hi .1 t I. SI , Holder. F Io :; s 2 12 .12 2,193 Noe. W IS 3 :i ."■ 17 .11 I ..",113 •lacks C 10 3 7 4 Pi .in l.Hin Booth, W .Il 3 ii 4 21 .68 1,680 Kenneth I: 2 O 1 II .07 1,010 Daniels t. 2 O 2 1 .10 700 Gates f 2 » 0 5 228 1.92:. Patterson. W « 2 I 4 :: .2! 843 Murphy. W t 2 8 1 9 .17 535 Henderson, I I 2 i; 2 .". .15 79.". Ryan, .1 1 2 o :: p !i 1 1,153 Wickline 2 :: 2 s .1:: H85 l.camish I 2 .". 5 9 .11 2.803 McAfee. II ■ |; 1 23 .96 2.055 Hi-van ; 1 o 11 n 166 210 Walsh 1 1 n o 0 108 2mi Noel c I 1 n n 1 .58 ini Row lis * i « j ] -,| Jackson, w ■ 1 n 11 2 .:;:: 158 Killcullen I 1 ] 2 8 .23 750 Jackson. A I 1 1 1 1 .25 coo Riley I 1 11 1 2 .25 250 !lil-i es I 1 6 8 •". .25 350 Furuian I 1 n n 3 .25 2H» Lawless Ji u o :: .25 I r.". llannigaii 1 1 n 1 :; .20 2IMI Clark. J Il n 1 .". 239 150 OBrien, T I 1 1 2 2 .17 1.229 Drown i»l 1 I 3.17 2:1". Pearce 71] 1 ] 1 .11 70", Ford S|l 2 1 4 .15 son Pro iks. N S»i 2 O 5 .15 283 Gilbert. R si 1 n ,; .1:; nnf Stevenson. S P 4 O 4 .11 788 Pi. ant 61 2 1 S .11 L-.m Ibdtoi-d 9i n n s .11 245 Heatberington, J...37I 3 7 33 II 2.Hx Kelleher 18 1 1 :: 5 jo «;75 Tuck"-. T 34 ;; 7 23 .05 888 l_ "Tommy! Wright, wlena ride as skilfully as most proiessiouais. carl off tin years honors Bg the amateur lis. Mr. Wright piloted seventeen winners, as aiit ten to the credit of Mr. F. Alpers. who stai second. The record of the amateurs who rode 4 ot more winners is ii follows: Gentlemen Aasaamt Gulls. it. 1 s*., | . ;;,i. I np.P.l . Won. Mr. 1". Wright ....59 1*:; ii 11 .:; Sltsn Mr. F. Alpers IVt III-, ]t 21 .17 2.UO Mr. K. Tucker .",1 7 2 5 pi .21 1 •.-", Mr. P. Peluiont ...11 01:; 0 2 51 72". Mr. Von Slade II A-; 11 ;, . |;j 3,133 Lieut. Rockwell 22 if 7 7 .27 1.9m Mr. H. P.. 5|; 2 4 .38 1.125 Lieut. Lyman 15 "n •■ 1 :;:: 1 r7." Mr. II. Tuck,. i- 13 :,| ■_. - ..;.; ,m Mr. P.. Lewis 28 5 1 ;; 7 g | 11 ■ , Mr. F. C. Cowdin..21 5 1 3 7 .21 1.4/JO Mr. Tuckerman ....23 5 1 2 13 .22 1.543 Mr. J. Tucker 2i 5- 1 .1 .1:1 L070 Mr. P. Stereasoo. . .38 •"• 7 20 1:; ".17.-, Ml. Appleton 11 » ;; 2 .30 1 1125 Mr. P. Morlimer. l :; ,; » ysn Mr. W. II. Wihley..24 4 :; 17 f sun Mr. A. Greenley . . .1 1 S 2 1; "7 783 I Mr. J. Park 12 3 1 1; ~ r, 1..VMI ; Mr. Bamberger . . .29 :: t 30 .111 77-i Mr. C. K. Darkness. 1; 2 o 1 •;•; 1.300 Lidit. Harkness 8 2 . „ 2 :::: 4 15 I Lieut. Grabble. Jr.. 8 - 1 1 4 25 «80 Lieui. Alexander... 8 2 in 4 5- sjg M Prince i 2 J •; 4 • •• :; j;, Went. l i-kc 10 2 |i 1 "an 1.035 apt. M well 10 2 I 1 ■% -u •;., , Mr. II. I.. Itll : 2 I 1 5 21 220 Mr A Piute 1 I 1 ,| ,, pin inn .Mr. Forbes 1 1 ,, ,, t,ni :»n — M . Mart ind ale. Jr. .1 1 | a i | h» inn ■ j Mr. . Rawlins.... I 1 i»o » phi ■. , r I Mr. Ibardoii 1 I no 11 1011 210 x*. Watson 1 1 On n inn :.n Mr. Kerr 2 1 • 1 1 .08 1,220 Mr. Osborne 2 I II I ..y 4.-1 Ml . J 2 1 n i 1 .oil 340 Mr. T. R. Cottman.. 2 1 0 ri 1 ..".0 ••;, . Ml. L. Co.. mlis ... 2 1 6 I 1 .59 -"j- Mr. Iladdeu 2 I II | 0 .50 10i» Mi . W hiiieii-l .ib- . . :; l I li I .:;:; 17.-, Mi Paj lor 4 1 21 8 28 425 Mr. Gaul I 4 1 11 1 .25 .... Mr. s. Josepbtbal... 5 1 no i .20 411 Mr. Clapo ti I O 1 4 .li 115 Mr. H. Leo | 3; 7 .08 40j5

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