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LINES WHICH BREED JUMPERS. Altaoagh there is bow, us there always has been, •1 - I deal of difference of opinion as to which is tm best juiupin;; there is 11. 1 doubt that the Hermit strata would lead ihe i oll were the question to be put to the vote. The wonderful mceeaa ai Hermits bob. Ascetic, as a sire of lumpers -aaaoag them the dual "National" hero. Cloister, Ascetics Silver also a "National" winner, and scores of other goiHi winmis is siiii too recent to be forgotten. Hermit ami his aaa, Ascetic, were lin ■■al descendants in the make lin. rrom Touchstoae, but a Hackler, the most aaccesaful aire of steeplechasers since As. ■lie. likewise traces in tail-male to T.iiehst via Newminstera son. Lord CHfden, it is evident that f..r the origin of the jumping anil ity "f rh~ breed one hum u..i ball al cither Hermit • r Hackler. These reeeetioas wen- led up t.. by tne sin 1, s. UTer bardies al UagSeld receatly of Doctor Break, who i- .1 hob of Charcot, ■ Snath Aaaericaa-bred stailioa, by Jay Hermit. Needless r.« say. ihe . l.itt r a sen .d Henry Chaplin* famous Derby winner, and himself a high! successful stall ion !a the land of his exile, where be, on variona occasions. Bgnred al the head of the winning list. One ini|s| go tint ln-r back even Ihan Touchstone. I"- in hi- veins ran the blo.«l which produced a horse celebrated in the beating field a eentnry io , in the shape of Beiivoliu. i.,i which Sir 1 h 1 lea Knigbtley accomplished h.s nace faaaons leap, as refolded by "The Druid." "of ihirt .me feel over a 1 i.ii.e and brook, in-t below Brixwarth Hill which has ever sime -"lie by tb nee ..f Kniulit lev - leap." Keuvolio was a hi;.- black horse. f..r which 1 Si, Charles gave 300 guineas out of Robsons -labi.-at Newmarket a- 1 live ye;. r old. and he was bv Alexander is.mi of Rcli|MM t of Brunette, bv - Amarantbas. He was foaled in ISStS. and in the following . season Brunette uiodaced ha own sinter lo him in Boadicea. Both these were bred bv ihe then l.o.d Wilton, and Boadicea followed her brother Into Sir Charles Kni.hi leys bontiag -table, but was , 11 . instilled to 1 1 Speiiier. at that linn Master of La- Pytchley. In bis aervlee Boadicea was bunted I lor four Reasons, as leraraad in the Read Book, which aeconat* for her imi having ■ foal from her ■far, in 1814. until 1820. in whi.h latter year she . was in Lard Oroaveaara trad. She was described 1 as a in.-hi little nun, but with perfect action, in , lN2i.. when Blatter B years old, she pave birth to a oily afterward called Ranter, whose union with Camel in due 1-0111-0 resulted in Touchstone. Had it not been for the | ben Lady Grosveaor there would I. 11. w m Touchstone line, hut when P.oadicca was -•nt up lo Tat to sails for sale by Lord Spcu-er wilh other hunters. Lady Grosveaor, who was a daughter ol the Carl of WiltoU. bought the mare i-..-100 guineas on accooai of her being one of bet fathers breedlag- Loadea Spoilsman.