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JUMPING PROSPECTS IN ENGLAND. Dalmatian and Mustapha Among Eminent Recruits to Across-Country Racing. Be far ihe weather has heen of 1h - mildest de-arriptlaa, and the only hati 11 nation arhirh lias been experienced «;i- araea fog prevented the completion 1.1 Ihe aaeaad day- program at Nottingham. That ■aaaer . • later amre severe BMatltloaa will prevail i-. imioi iiinaily only to be expected, lmt it is to be nosed thai the aaweteome visitations will he lew and far betweea, as there are exceptionally good prospects for January and Fein 11:11 y. What are i.aiu extraordinarj eatriea tor Jamping events have lieen obtained for ana f the meetings arranged tor ibe months nuno-.l. At Newbary Janaary gatb eriag, for lastaace. ao fewer than Bfty-oae entris* nave keea received for a 00 event, named the Moderate Handicap Hurdle Race, and this mast be something approachiag a record far a raei at liiis description. Other oinl sabacriptiona in , .1 ii.i with ihis 8a tare iaekade tlurty-eigbl entries foi the Baited Hunts Dap a three-miles baaslicap steepleehase .11 whk-b the competitors are 10 hi. a by aasa tears aad latrty-niae entries for a Maiden Foar Vear Old Hurdle Race. Agatha, at wbar] in alarch, there are thirty three aomina-n. .n for ihe Spring Hurdle Race, aad tweaty-. r 1 for the Newbnry Steeplechase, but a- each ot ibeae events is worth *2.5oo. ihey have hardly .1 m well as those of mora BMdest value as the earlin meeting. For the New Century Steeplechase ai Rarat Park on March 8, which is also a ,500 prise, there are thlrty-taro nominations, inclmling recruitf 11.. in the aerdUag ranks |B i.a.iy Madcap, Doctor Break, l.alhlii-i. Sauieine. Qneens Loch. Balnaspldsl. Matloa Cutlets, Oeaerara Priae and Grayling IV. The Igures varioasiy mentioned are entirely eclipsed by Iboae associated with the two principal siakes. in the Hooton Park nrogram for March 7 1, ml s. Ii has often been said — and there is more than n suggestion of tratb in the Btatemenl — that lue greater the Dnaneial ladaccmeat, the smaller will ihe entry be, bat these two Hootoa Park races, on., a bardie race at ned after the caarse, ami tie other the Great Cheshire Steeplechase, and each t which is of the valae of 85,000, have done remark :. ,h well wiih sixty-foer and forty four entries 1. -1, eel iveiv. In e.iili in-tance 8500 are sol aside 1.. 1 the aaeaad and 8338 for the third, so that even I olai e will yield a sum ei|iiivaenl t" what i-, for aacresafnl animals ai many meetings. Beth, bv the way. are optioaal selling affalra ■ eiasa ef event t" which tin- Hooton Park executive mi especially partial and there is a clause enacting thai horses far which « aelllag claim is catered are to carry a tie l weight, and tint- penalties which weald otherwise havi been haenrred are iaoaerative. Am. must ihe eiiine- Im the Hontoii Iark Hindi-Rare are several ii ■ aea Which have earned more or 1.-- ,.1 a ir natation a- Sal racers, sir Chariesi A--bet..ii Smith, for hsKtaaee, ha- eagaged Fomel aaalt. winner thi- rear of the Visitors Baadieap al Ascot .t nt 1 ihe Binary Cap, and in hi- only oth *r race third to Wilfrid f"i the Great Torkahh* at Baaaaavtar. Sir Thomas Ehrwac has the Siewm-ds" Cup winner. P.raxrod. find a deeidedlv in tereatfaag entry is that of old Mnatapha. whose Irsi appearaacc in the role of hurdler will be eagerly awaited. Tien P. f. Heyboam. who has aaly recently joined the ranks of racehorse owner-, has entered the Manton cast-off Moacato as well as Toiler. C. Bower laaaaj has Balhair in addition lo Dalnaspidal, Sir William Nelson bus 1 promising pair in Cramim-nt and Duke of Padua, and other 1l.11 race recruits include MacSherry, Thaddena, Me! eager. Whorl Crass. Tweedledum. C.P.. and Dal nialian. Plume. Herbert Vincent. Sore Toes. P.randi-mintine. Saaterne, Pollen. Asbhrooke, Generala Pride, Toyshop. Ratblea, ami Meridian are nam i; eluded in the list, ami thus ii will be seen thai there is abundant material to provide a highly interesting .-.Hi lest. Liinlon Sporting Life.