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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. L. it H.. Torooto, tun B. B. Caaaatts horses ai. now al hi- heme place ai Berwyn, Pa. Oatside i-i such unnamed two-year-olds a* In- may possess, bbi horses ire Sarins Board. Lawsuit, Heatberbroom, Mollbs Pitcher am! Ih im; Fairy. 1".. s. s,,nih i hi. -a--. . ill. Vh -n n horse ran* i ., .- in ii I. -i - of a mil- in 1:1:.. ii nm- al the rate 14.25 feel ■» i seeoad. Oa that i.a-- it is mfe to estimate that a horse beaten three lengths has covered the thrrr ajasrtrrs in about 1:13%.