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• , . i . - 1 1 . 1 I 1 1 1 , I i 1 , i . , : 1 1 DISCUSSING TRIPLE CROWN J. N. CAMDENS SUGGESTION AROUSES INTER. EST AMONG KENTUCKY TURFMEN. Suggestion Advanced by George Voorhies That Proposed Series of Races Be Arranged Under a Weight-for-Age Schedule. Lexington, Ky.. January 11. — "T aree perfectly with Mr. Camden as to the conditions under whteh In- mis proposed the "Triple Ctoam to be run. as in iln races, ami tin- penalties for winning." sai.l George V hies, father .,1 Mrs. .lames ],. Hatmn. who is a iiiiiinan of the old school and a great student of home breeding and racing. -I think that it would be best Unit the hoi-es carry weight forage. In this case it would be mole dillicult lor one horse to win the three laces. lor instance in the iii-t race, one mile and an eighth ai Lexington a three y. ar old in April and May would carry 108 pounds, in September 112 pounds and in October UK pounds. A lour ear-old would carry 121 | ouiid-111 April, 122 pounds in May. September and ■-tober. Horses live year- ..ill and upward woiihl .-airy 125 pounds in April, 120 |hiiiii.Is in May anil 122 pounds in September and October. •If a three-year-old should win at Lexington be would have to take up a live pounds penalty in the race al ■ mile and a half at Louisville* which would make his weight 109 |h uih1s in May. 115 pounds in September and 110 pounds iu October. 11 a foiu year old should win ar Lexington Ins weight a I Louisville going 11 mile and a half in May, September or October, would i»-. lacladlag the live pounds penalty, 127 pounds. If a the. year old il would be 132 poande in May and 129 aaamda in September and October, and if a six year old or over. 133 pounds in May and 128 pounds In September or October. •Now. -hould the throe year old win at both Lexington and Louisville, he would be penalized ten pounds when In- cane t" the race of two miles and a half at Latoiiia in October, making bis weight US pounds. If the winner ot the two races iu the spring l e a four year-old his weight, including leu pounds penalty . for the race in October would he 132 iHiunds. if a five year-old l:;4 pounds and if a six-year old ar over 135 poaads. The weights in England are from tour to six pounds above the scale of the Kentucky State Racing Commission which t am quoting and under which the •Triple Crown would Ih- run. ••Any horse winning all three of these races would have 10 be a real stout on.-, but there have I, ecu many stoat ones jn the hlatery f the turf, as far example, in winning the Alexandria Plate, value. 87.500, two and seven-eighths miles. Trocadero. the French horse, at Bve years old. carried 148 pounds: Strafford, 5. 139; Lecturer. 4. 140: BliakkooUe, I. 140; Restitution, 4. 140: Doncastcr. 5, 1ST; kavens-bary, 5, 137: William ill.. 4. l.:o. and Fille de Air. another l-rcnch one. 4. 140. in winning the Goodwood Cup. 0,000, two miles and one half, Priam. 5. carried 139 pound-: Count Scliomrmrg, 5. an Irish horse, 142 poande; Tbalea, 4. 139, and Mart-egon. 5. 139. Win n Kil-allaghan won the Di u-caater Cnn of 0,009 at two miles he was live years old and carried 141 pirandtl. and William III. was a year younger and carried 140 iiounds when in- won 1 hat race, lannnmy was fear years old and his imp,--1 eras 134 pounds when be won the Oreat Ebor Handicap at one mile and throe nnaiteie, and Iln- following year iaoaomy won the Manchester Cup of 0,000 at one mile and three-quarter- with l",s poiiinl- on hi- hark. Tlic great Australian horse, Carbine, waa Ire years old .un carried 145 pounds when he ran two miles and won the 0,000 Melbourne Cup in :::2Si+ from thirty -eight other horses. the lowest weight Carried by any of them being ninety pounds. Win 11 the American horse, Ivil marnock, won the Municipal Prise of Paris, worth S20.OO0. al oue mile and a half, he was a four year old and had up 135 pound- and behind him arera todoman, 4. 141: La C.imago. ::. 127: Hal Gal, 4. 138, an, 1 others down to 110 nimndei "This shows thai good strong horses can win valuable races at long distances with the penalties named for the •Triple Crown. If. in three years on.- horse should not win each of tin- three races forming tin- Triple Crown. that event ill its fourth y.-ar would be opined with as much a- .ooo iu the slakes, and if nol won at the end of twelve years, the accumulation would am, unit to more than 0,000. Ih,-.- triple races, if won every year, by one bene, or even every two years, would be of little valu,- 10 the racing Interests, On the other hand, if WOa only once IB every twelve years 11 he average of the English Triple Crown, the reserve, 1 iiind by that time would he so great, the nam her of entries so Increased, and the -pirits of the hone men so heightened as to stimulate racing enthusiasm, that ii would pni n.-w life into the now far- inant spirit of the turf." . . , , . .