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BREEDERS TO THE FRONT CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN TENNESSEE IN INTEREST OF RACING LEGISLATION. Officials of Tri-Statc Fair Association, Who Aio Taking Initiative. Believe Request for Trial of Pari-Mutuel System Will Be Granted, St. Louis. Mo., Janiary 10. — Joseph A Murphy. general Miai«t ol the Universal Exposition, has received an invilalioii to meet a number of i romin -ut breeders ami fair people of tne State of Tennessee at a conference to be held at Nashville in the Mil tut me. President A. L. Parker, of the Tri-State Fair at Memphis, is at the head of n niovenient to revive racing in the State of Tennessee, under the pari-iniituel system. Tin- Tri State lair, which is held on the grounds of the famous Montgomery 1ark. is owned and managed *• • the eitizms of Memphis and is not subsidized by the state. While the fair is | nneenaa, there is a general de luand for a high-class race meeting to help pay the fixed charges of the plant and for the purpose of l pending it. The sentiment against in Tennessee has died "lit to ■ real extent and the fair association officials tliink their request for a two-yean trial under the pari-mutneJ system will be granted. ■•I have wiitteii that 1 will try to attend." said J Why Murphy. "I believe that racing, properly conducted, will once more became one of tin- great spuria of the people, and nothing would give me greater pleasure than to aid in its revival in Teu-neamee; bat 1 am m busy getting a big fair together for the city, that I have but little time to tliink of racing. When General Jackson had Belle Meade, and Charles Seed, Fairview. Tennessee was .■in- of the greatest breeding states in the union. Charles Seed paid 00,000 for St. Blaise at the dispersal sale of the elder August Belmont, and some of the most famous horses of history were reared in the blue grass section of Toiinc-si-o. ••Repressive laws have done to tin- breeding inter esl* thole wlii! the* have done to those jjl Missouri, bul there seems to be light ahead" in Ten ncswee."