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: RACING DATES FOR 1913. Jockey Club Juarez. Juarez. Meat.: November 2s. 1814, to March 14. 101?, loo days. Charleston lair and Racing Association, Charleston, S. C: January -■" to March 2i 65 days. Lagoon Fair and Rating Association, Salt Lake City, Utah: May 15 to July o 4." days. Ontario Jockey club. Toronto, Out.: Maty 24 to May 31, l" days. Montreal Joekey Club. Montreal, Que.: June 4 to June 11 7 days. . Cennanghl Park Jockey club. Ottawa, Ont.: June 14 t. June 21 i? days. Hamilton Jockey Club. Hamilton. Ont.: June 25 In July 2 7 days.