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DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHED DAILY. OAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. Entered as seeond-clas:, natter, April 2, 1S9C, at tin- p"st ollico at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March ; . i .:t. To be considered and answered, all queries to Daily Racing Form must be sent ever the lull name and with the address of writer. The names and ad-dreaaea are â– abject to a local and foreign directory test. BACK NUMBERS 5 CENTS EACH. If sent by mail lirst class only six cents. TERMS: Per Week S .50 1er Month 1.50 Half ear 9.00 line Year 17.00 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. JANUARY 27. ISIS.