Flat Racing Prospects in England, Daily Racing Form, 1913-02-28


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FLAT RACING PROSPECTS IN ENGLAND. There i- nothing t" report in He waj of sueeua tiou on tut ii: • events, and the Derby is a dead, lettel in that respect. Whispers are in the air r« tin- effect thai all i- id quite eouleur de rose witli Craganour, hat I am not in the positioa either to confirm or contradict them, ami ii is not a little curious that, although the favorite i- trained there, are have no report- of whai is daily doing at l-o hill, wln-ie also are located prominent Lincolnsbii • Handicap candidates in Wise Symon and Eton Boy. Prom Nevvmarket ".a- learns that the condition • : the gallopinK groumls i- gradually improving, an I that as a natural Mmseqnence the work of b»rs«*s with earl engagiments i- assuming a more busl ness like aspect. To the improved aptiearance el III" classic a-piranl-. S.inipihar and Louvois, aitin tion has already been called, and ii is will to hear that both these colts continue to make satisfactory progress I ■t-ii-v Peck Is raving steadilv on with .oi ! |o-"liei v - hois.- which has wintereil • xcepl ionall; well, and vvill strip oi f the best 1-H.kiii- three rear-okls oi the sea ou, bul wherhei "i ao hi stamina will be affected prejudicial It by bis sliln Whistling ains to In- -"en. .Mi that an be -aid at pri--"iit i- thai be seemed lo jun on stonily hwl pear, and never more -o than on tin- occasion of his last outing, when over the last seven farloaan of the severe Rowley Mil- he succumb d by a bead only after a battle roval with I.ouvois for the Dewhurst Plate, wilh Rocfc Ilint. U.i.v r..m-t. Harmoiiiecu. Radiant, ami others tieaten a king way from it.-pair. Ii wa- a game anil honest display on the na I ..f both, ami a- regards the heather to Lonrl :-which wa- ..nil beaten a fen laches after a ties aerate liuih foi the Derby by MJaaru, the seueul opinion among the accredited good judges at head quarters is that no- bane could have doae better r during tin- winter, added to which he re-einbl. -more , than ever his sire. Isinglass, in character an I I appearance. Of the dark horses, the staid" cola panioiis. Harry of Hereford, brother to Swynfoni. by John o Haunt oet of Canterbury Pilgrim, ami j the gigantic Voung Pegasus, bj Chaucer out of I Princess Melton, are getting well forward, and I both are considered colls of u-reat promise. u tie-oilier . baud. White Magic, a grand looking son of Sundiidge anil l.a Viergc thai has vol to make bis lirsi bow t" a public audience, has not been doiu . • well, and is. ill fact, turned out at tbiblw io; bury. Beyond offers of 1,000 to To on the Held the Lincolnshire Handicap has been seldom meutioaed but no doubt mailers will become more livelv urn-u lb" various candidate- get into active work. Ai ready some of I hem have started galloping, as. for example, Berrilldoa, which is looking and going well al Newmarket, but as concerning the son of Berrill and Contribution the sword of Damoele- i-aivva.vs banging over his head, in so far that under any strenWMH exertion he is liable to rupture a blood vessel. His best achievement last year was al Ascot, where he simply smothered ta-tlelon. Liberie. The Story, ami others in the Trial Stakes, and. needless lo add. a return to that form w ui d ensure bis making a big show- here. He failed io maintain that excellence afterwards, whereas ta-ileton put up some smart performaaees. and thus la accounted for no doubt the fact that in spite of Hi four length beating at the Royal meeting the American is called on to meet him on twelve pound worse term- by comparison. Young Alfred Sadler is paying close atleutiou to I.e Touquet, which il i-hoped will repeal Ihe Duke of Sparta coup of four years ago. and many clever people are among the adherents of Tuxedo, which is well handicapped. although he will have to concede seven p d. tool" io the Freemason Lodge candidate than vvh-i h" beat him upwards of four lengths for Hie Col entry Handicap at the Kemptoo Park meeting. Thai was the last appearance of Lord Carnarvons colt, which, however, had previous victories to In credit at Doncaster, where, in receipt of seventeen pounds. In- romped away from Wrack iu lb" llev. land Handicap and again iu tin- Heme Oak Plate at Windsor, though be was a little out of bis ol" iiiini when tackling Jingling Geordie al four pound* Im tin- Kingselere Stakes al Newbury. At Lincoln tie -on "f Soliniaii and Violet Sihoinberg is. as l;.i a- Wrack i- concerned, penalized eleven pounds, and the difference should bring them close together: indeed, may suffice to turn the scale in favor , . Iiril Roseberys handsome little horse which has also wintereil extremely well, it would be ii" new experience tor hi- lordships pretty hoops to figure in tin- van. for well I remember the big coups which w"ie landed over Controversy and Tout bet reanec lively, Percy Peek lias a second string lo bis |. .. iu Brancepetn, which, however, i- not an easy horse lo train, but li" has been bred since le- ran fourth I" Queen Til. Beaoreiialre, and Oliver Goldsmith f"i- tie- Markeatou Handicap at Derby last Nbvem ber. and may do better in the future, though I" can have nothing in hand here for Mr. Raphael cast-off. which was -"id during the winter to Mr. P. flow for 100 guinea- and ha- since been Iral.inl by Fallon. It seems not unlikely that of Mr. S. B. Joels con tlngent the Newmarket trained Potkerris will stand down iu fa"or of one ot tin- Alfrtaton pair. Long SVi or St. Nat. of which the one has his full measure of weight, while the other will need to mend his manlier- before he can inspire much confidence, well as hois treated on his -mart two-year-old form. As regards tb- top weight, he had all his work cut out to heal Simsnot at even weights in the Craven Slakes ,ii Eii-.iu. and I fancy he will find himself overtaxed in the endeavor t" give -i pounds to Snani-li Prince, which. I should say. is an rely the superior of the natty little - * Sundridge and Iota. The Prime i- indeed id by any means harshl] treated with l«o pounds ami if only Ihe down- al Wantage permit of his being tboroughlj trained he i -• me thai should be marked formidable, a- be has vvnii ui splendidly, and. it win ,, remembered, wound up last .season with a tme performaace in tin I-v.ril of llu Peal. Plate ai Derbj Mr. J. B. Joel ba- a second chain" with White Star which i- unquestionably will handicapped, if out be could be persuaded by put bis best ],.g tir-t but as to that there must be considerable doubt after the several experiences of the bygone ■eaaon. ITade Pat i- credited wilh having done wonderfully well sim-e he went to N a market, and there can be no doubt that he ba- more than one,, demonstrated himself a iv.ill.v sm:irl home in hiHUe trials, but his public form has I • -ii di-appo lining. Seven lines be ran l.-i-i year without one,- hiiting the mark, but ii may In- well lo r. iii. -nihil- that In- wa- second lo Long Soj for ill" Lincolnshire Haadicap. ami instead of meet Uig at thirteen pounds, as ou that occasion, they are here separated by a wider margin to the extent of sixteen, which is more than liberal allowance even for four lengths eusy heat ing. Ml-. George Bdwardes will probahli provide a fancied candidate in either Palv.s or Lesto. both of which are gifted wiih tine speed and favorably handicapped, and Cigat i- "ii" that claims favoraWe mention oa ome of hh running. He Is bowevet one ol ii" hlfty "i I in. I il i. ii" "•• n inl.iiioii lli.l II" astute" Whit combe people let him g" at the Newmarket Decembet ai. i venai tbe substantial Bgure of 2.000 guineas. Bi nnilimiiif in- which ha- been hurdling with noase success ami will, in consequence, be one of the fli teat, should run well, as be has only one pound more to carry than when he was second two years ago to Mercutio. anil in the same category may be Included Sohieski and Ormecbua. likewise Mary the Second. uhi.h distinguished herself by taking tin- principal prize ai Nice Wiih no more than ninety seven pound- "ii lor live ear ..Id back -be cannot coin plain of being overburdened. Inn she i- none too re liable, and. more than thai, ibis i- :i race -.-ltloin Wen bj one of her -c. -"Vigilant" iu London Spoilsman.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913022801/drf1913022801_1_4
Local Identifier: drf1913022801_1_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800