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, ____ ___ _ 9 Mb H + . 4. I 4* THE LEADING AMERICAN JOCKEY OF 1912 ..... .... - — j, JOCKEY HILL PHARROW llll. I., the lad who headed the America a jockey list for 1912, ba- been riding with a fair degree ol saccess at Jnarea since the beginning of the new year. He was horn at Elk City. Okla.. and is sivieen years of age at the present time. A I Ihe age Of fourteen he became bnbued with a desire to become a jockey and I.. W. Hicks, an Oklahoma bane-man, look him iu charge. lie found thai Unhid possessed much natural ability as ,i rider and it wa- not long before he gave him an op porluuil.v to show what he could do in actual racing eompetltoo At Okial a City. Jane 17. P.m. Hill had Ihe salisfaciiou of piloting his lir-t winner. II was not until the Jnarea meet lag of last season neared il- close, however, thai he came to the flint as a rising young jocko.. The eiosc of me aeaaua at the Mexican course found his services in great demand and later in Hie v umbo continued lo ride with such success over the track- of ihe Inter Mountain circuit and iu British Columbia thai Ihe early fall found him leading the jockeys of the country iu winning nut-. Later on be lost In- lead for a time ou acconal of a snail of inactivity when there was no racing in the far west, tint when tin- present Juarez meeting opened he resumed riding and speedily regained first place. He is one of the youngest riders who ever achieved the distinction of heading the American jockey list. Hill has never left he employ of the horse niin who developed him. He is Ranted to be i a lad of quirt and unassuming demeanor and of good habits. A good seal, a line pair of bands and good judgment are hi- strong points, from the borx-nien- standpoint, while the ability to -it siill ou a horse that is so often lacking Iu .voting and comparatively inexperienced rider- i-oiie of the things that has helped this young man to -.uccess iu his chosen Vacation. He is -till able to ride al as low a weight a- ninety five pounds and it seems likely thai he will n-able auic to io ride riue for rur a a considerable cuusnieranie time nine before oeiore the mo auic to io ride riue for rur a a considerable cuusnieranie time nine before oeiore the mo bngabua of the j«srkey-iiicreasing-weighl will cart ail uis opportunities. Hill role in M7 races la-t year and won lus ollbi-ui, giving niin a winning percentage of .IT. He was placed iu 170 of the I races he failed to wm. So far Ibis year be ha- won with fourteen of his 11 mounts. I ,