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IISilNO A NLW rOIALISATOU. An lackland, New Zealand corre pondenl ends an Interesting storj of the public trial ol • new ;i lalixator that has been installed there bj i sviiucy coiupiiuv : "It i- iu appearance extremelj complex, though its iiitiliiplieit . 1 pari- i- iu Ihe main due to simple repetition, as ii i- contrived to deal with thirty borses. Inside the paj window- i- a long row ol mat bines, each to be -operated by the clerk in charge ol the window. Ou the front of each Dutch ine arc thirty levels, numbered from one to thirty. When the totalisatur i- opened for a race small ni.-tal plates corresponding tu the minders or the borses starting In the race are lowered, and unlock i icir respective levers, the others remaining fixed and effectaallj preventing the hame of a wrong ticket. "When an Investor buys a ticket the clerk takes the past board slip, Inserts it la ■ slot which is exposed io the shirting oi tin- small plate, and pull Ih.- level This action punches m the ticket la t .ii.- ,.i small hole-, a larg figure tbowing the aunibei ■• the horse and the ticket t- ahead printed nith the number of the race Vlthougl th vvhoh- ni.i.-iriie appears to he it tangled nm ol .ii. He wheels and rods, M Is .put., simple, in fact, ami an Ingenious arrangement of wheel enables the number for each horse to be aecaratelj recorded Rverj addition to any ■ total is recorded als.. upon the grand total dial, which litis a separate mechanism, moved h.v separate driving gear. In, maehlue came through Ihe trial satlsfaetorlh and ,,-. !iv.- hiuiiire.l tickets p.i iniiiiii. were Issued wll out difficulty, it was mole iiuite . v i.l al that the .-i-e.i i- then ill! right."