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NOTES OF THE TURF. Col. Ah Lnbohl bestowed the name Christie on his yearling colt by Star Shoot -Chullta, iu lienor of a Cincinnati friend. Gavel net Haines of Idaho is ueoted as -axing that be expects to -i-u the anti-bookmaking hill re ccnlly parard by the Legislature r that state unless he ttml- some uuilsual Maw in Ihe mlanure. The Cerinan cream prince, says Deutseber Sport, ha- roaseated to become iwtroa of the Association of German Gentlemen Riders, thus testifying anew to the great Interest taken h.v his Inaaerlal highness iu spot i in- ma iters. At ihe rente-! of the New South Wales Breeders, Owners, and Trainers Association, the Australian Jockey Club has decided to amend the rule which provides thai two-year-olds shall not run in handicaps before December 1. George Ham has shipped tweaty-oae borscs be; longing io William Gersl from Nashville to Louis villi- to he urt pared for spring racing in Kentucky. Thi- is the biggest siring Mr. Gersl has had in training for manj yearn. At some tracks iu N.-w Zealand the rule* urovitk that the starlets in a race shall remain at : If- uosi until the totaUaal r .- closed and the various siiii- invested on the different competitors counted and announced. This process lake- considerable time, of course, -ouielinn - neatly half an hour. When- there is a demand there is generally a sup ply. and though iu New Zealand there is snpposcd io be absolutely bo tiettiug on horse racing oitisi-i- ol the totali-ator. il deal of starting-price betting. goes on there, ami di-uhle -hot t iug. accordiug to smni recent Sydney visitors lo that Dominion, i- rampant. The "phoney" betting ticket gin-- trouble in :: «■ Autlpodes, as well as occasionally in thla count The Wellington. New Zealand, Racing Club suffered :i |,,ss of Si:;. on a pari iiiiiluel ticket Which had he-r so skllfuUy altered from No. ].s to No. 13 lo lit the ci-e of a winner that it was paid before Ihe fraud was discovered. Whether ■ ptraoa who ha- purchased a ticket lo -ei a horse race uia. -in- the promoters of the race f-.i assault when forcialj denied admission was i guest km argued lasl week before the Btfprease Conn of Ihe 1 nited Slates. Joseph Marrulie. New Vork contractor, brought Hie suit against the Washing ton -I. ekej Club. 0a Ihe opening dav ••! the recent Johannesburg fart ciuh- meeting nbmil 209.090 passed through Ihe toialisaiei and in ad.liii.oi lorn bookmaker: did business. This clubs meetings are beJd at the Tnrffoatein course The winner of the Merchants Handicap on the opening dav ran tin er-ipinrlers In I ■r_" • over ■ atralghl eourae. Ih- Allendale Stock Farm has advertlaed foi Match 7 an auction sale of much of the thorough Pied -i.-ek which il Imported into Australia lasl year from this country. The lol cousists prin clpallj of broodmares and untried three w-.n old. Among those to he sold is the mare Vlrglnie by odd IV, low Virginia Lee. which recently "en a wdtet weight haadieap at an Au-tralian track. Though the members of the French Stud Look i •i!inii--i.. u assert that the new neguiaUoas roe . .-I mug the importation ol stallions and broodmares into France applj lo all .ouiitiie- except England. ii is thai the governments decision i-direeled chiefly against America. Anierican breeders, ii i- believed, will Bed it difficult to satisfy the French reynlrements except in the ease of eel tain horses of dlstinctlj Bngush origin.