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DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHED DAILY. Daily Racing Tonn Puhlishin Co. , »_ 441 ri.YMOUTH COURT. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. A Pally Baieotioa ur the Ainerhan Turf by Telegraph. Editor ami Proprietor. I II. Kninell. Asuxiale BditOT, Clinlou C. Riley. Becwtan. Mrs. F. II. r.riinell. Kiitcroil as second class mailer. April •_, lSDO. at llie post office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1S71. TERMS: Per Week $ .50 Per Month 1.50 Half Year 0.00 t n« Year 17.00 The alove rales are for bingle coiies as sealed letters — first-class mail. Dnily Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to sent! abigbe copies as first class mail in all cases. Local suliscriptions— outside Hip down-town district — will be declined at other than lirst-class mail matter rates, Subscriptions must be paid in advance. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS, MARCH 7. 1013. r