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KENTUCKY TRAINERS AT WORK. 1 liucton Kj March ■■ Iln weathei in m uu gad Mi. track fast, horses al tb Kentucky v ion iiHk were ill al exercise this un. I .-un dgtlaul half mile in "P.. and tin- per Im ma in e ol I r McDowells Hastings Monarka roll iu a ir.-n tion better than :SS. wen- the besl uwees. Pounds i in i- in., ii.- II. McKeunas Kentucky Derbj can did.iie and lie i- to |te| nis preparation at the hands of that Kkllful Derby trainer. Will hfcDaniel. Ihe Monarka rail i- n candblate f..r the Breeders lu- lillllt .11.1 i- . OIM I .1 ,.,i,« of tin- besl I W.i l. .11 olds .ii Ibe e.iiiiir.t . The Manage was lin-eaed ::i ■ twu-minuto dip, a- was also Joe Morris. This nW ravorite, in tin-atriag oi .t.i 1. Baket looks as load as be erei did. Out iheif is still ahoat hiui the suspicion thai f * il i p ■ - S I - ■ attaches i« ■ weakened tendon. The same applies to The Manager. .lack Ki-in- gave Johnson N Caindeli- Derby can didate. Helios, three-eighths iu : 12. This gelding is in line condition. Sebago. now being tralacd by Charles II. Hughe-. is one- of the most attractive burses al the course. lb j- getting a careful preparation ami Is in excel lent bodily condition. I In two-minute clip was gent-rally iu vogue thi- aioruiag. but if the track will remain good it will i.i.i be umny days before ererytiody will be speeding np. li is no exaggeration to say that the horses a-, an just a- forward In their preparation a- the.v an a any point iii the country and thai they will be ready when the meeting opens seven weeks hence.