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MONTREAL S PROPOSED NEW TRACK. Charleston, s. c.. March !t. S. , Holatan apenl several days lure la-t week. He stoppeil oil in hai It-ion on hi way to Montreal from St. IVl.i-burg, Tla.. and laformtd the newspaper men "i Ihe plans for the dub Ibat was formed In Montreal la-t fall to build a track al Duval Station. Iln location i- iu-i seventeen minutes distant from Montreal, ami is close to where tin- old Bell Air track was. It i- about four miles from Clue Boa-nets. Mr. Ilolmaii claims thai the ground Is abso lately level and will reguire no grading whatever, except v, hat i- necessary to make the turn- safe. Tin- soil thai will be necessary to build np the till n- will nave to be i-aited from outside the course. plans bare already been drawn and work "ii iln-plant will be harried along with the opening of pimu. "i- ju-i as -i»iii a.- the workmen can begin I" tin n the ground. Ihe new track "ill be readj in July ami can be reached by i otli railroads. The trolley road will also t»- extended from Laebinc to iln grouuds. a distance "i two miles. Application im- dales will be made al the pril meeting of the i an. ill. in Racing Associations. The idea is to bare Ihe meetings tit in with those al Blue Bonnets. It is tin- Inteution of the club lo ie i trot Dug meeting as well ami Ibe grand rlnull date* illoted to Grand Rapids may be taken over.