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CAPT. E. B. CASSATTS 1913 STABLE. New Yotk. March ••—For tbe caaaiag season apt. :. B. i.:s, ait lias a |iromising atring. Flying Fairy, the three-year-old daughter of Aerauant and Millie a., ami Lawsuit, ri daughter ol Aeronaut and I. Hi ■ant, are the beat of tbe older division. Flying Fair was ailing last year, but she has rounded to nicely nou ami the indications are that si„. «ill be bean] from during tin- Pimlico meeting of the Maryland Jockej Club. Lawsuit raced will daring tic- meeting al Havre ile Grace last fall and si,,, baa picked up considerably since her retirement lo i best rbrook Farm at Berwyn, la. Ilu n there are three two-yeat olds :ii tin- farm that have shown enough to warrant tie- hop,- that they will race well. These are Scrapper, Sp.-a: bead ami Humiliation. Scramier is a chestnut son oi Aeronaut and Litigant, and. accordingly, brother to Lawsuit. He is rated by trainer -1. Simon Healy as tbe ii.-si juvenile he has in training over the training track. Spearhead, a two-year-old son of Aeronaut and liail.-c. is a picture horse, and If he will rai-i- Ii what he has In ,-n showing in private he i- sun- lo give a good ac.-oi:nt of himself. In tin- opinion of niim who have area him. be is the superior of Scrapper, but Healy likes the brother to Lawsuit better. Humiliation is the next best two-year-old that will race for Captain Cassatt during 1913. This one is a two-year-old chestnut coll by Aeronaut Millie A., ami accordingly a brother t" Flying Fairy. Ibis not far behind Scrapper and Spearhead in kwka .-1 perforn ■ no . I ben there is a brother to the useful Spring Board in Trap, a chestnul son ol Aeronaut and ltettie Bouncer. Breakfast, a -well-named daughter of Aeronaut and sunrise. iia~ worked fairlj well.