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HERESY IN FINE CONDITION . i KINGS PLATE WINNER OF LAST YEAR BENEFITS BY WINTERS REST. JIbs- Improved in Appearance and Filled Out So ■ Tha He Now Weighs 1.025 Pounds— His Stable Mateb Less Fortunate. / Tomato, Oat., March _i. Tbe many followers of the Brookdale Stable and friends of Albert and Blsaoa 1 mi-it i . will regret t lean that tbeii racers did not winter as well as usu;ii at Barrle. Cougha ami colds hare beea prevalent throughout tin -table practically all arbiter, while many of Hustling, not barring i in- yearlings, have bee* troubled lu -"UK extent with distemper. Last years Kings PUite winner, Heresy, has been tbc most fortunate of the striae snd hi • nrou derfully Improved horse in appearance over laal year. He has arlatered excellently ami U l.« .k in_. better , than ever before. This s,in of shin ami Hera baa grown it ii. I Hied • .n la grand etvle and bow weighs 1.025 pounds. That be will be a hard borae te heal iii events for Canadian bred* seems probable. Crystlawoga, drain. Brewiekowa and Stanislowa. all three-year-old*, are 1 1 » « • stables candidates for iln Kings Plate at Woodbine and. Judging from tbe I" i Imi luaneea f tbe quartet aa two-year-olds, they must sawn vast Improvement to be considered dan geroua factors i u tbe King! Guineas in May. With tbc execution of Brewiekowa, wbieb baii ■aver atarted, all bare bad racing experience and an stiil in tin- maiden class. Tbe beat of tbe numlier is andoabtedly tbe chest-uiii gelding. frystiawoge. He waa twice plaeed in tiv.- atte upts ia-i season, bfal beat effort being ni tin- Woodbine rail meeting, alma In _nisbed a i nilital.| mpcihmI !•• Maid ol Ironic Crystlawoga "a- i big, rang j youngster last year. Imi has tilled ■ in considerably this winter and should snow im i i -i.i ed let in aa « three 1 ear okl. ah E lf»ta .. lute Hly, and not three yean old uuiii next Jane, bas developed well since last rail. She Iihs grown and Blled out nicely. Iln her three trips i" tbe harrier last season, she |*?rformcd dlsap-IMdntingly, but was nut in condition. Crystlawoga and tin- daughter of Sain Df will be tbe main iiiiiiidini i .M the Barrle horsemen in tbe Kinds Plate. I ho itinera platers, Brewiekowa and Stanlsiowa. are iloubtfu] starters They both suffered from the trouble that visited tbe stable this winter and ap p, ninth with telling effect. Brewiekowa also went wrung hi her underpinning earl last summer, but Is ijiiu soundl] again and may -land training. Htanislowa ran creditably In her private, trials. Inn showed little in either of ber two appearances under . olols. II iipm -oluiii. a disappointment In last years kiu_s Plate, bas wintered well and taken on considerable weight. Tbe big gelding showed improvement a-the |yi_ season progressed and earned brackets twice in twelve appearances with colors up. lie ha-shown a distinct dislike to go a route and will be reserved ror races for bome-breds at sprinting dis lances this season. Marcevil, alsa a sprinter, bas done fairlj well and should also score iu short distance events in his . la — This year will mark lite tir-i appearance or any of the gel of the Imported horse. Bed Pox II.. a son of the great Flying I »x. and theh efforts will be watched with keen interest. Two of the roar two-year-olds, in the string, are by Red Pox II. The other- «rc b] Tongorder. The list follows: Beau Pbeval, eh. e, by Tongorder -Dene was. Grannys Pel h. I. bj Bed Pox II -Grandma II Mail Order l». e. by Tongorder Miss Morgan Mo- Pox. I.Ik. c. by Bed Pox II. Belte of 11 a i burg. !•.-- Fox i- much tin- tine-t looking one of the "mi mill i- i youngster that is a credit in api»ear line,- i l.r. ..l.i ■•! the tlmrongbhred. lie is atockily iiuin inii.ii on the lin.-s ol Henmy, but is niiuii- lin- lop ininl. i :n-. ■ la King .lame-. A la., to in- look* rill make him dangerous in any mini y He i- the urlih of the stable, baa worked a- a i.iiliir_ and i- a candidate lor the Coronation Slake-. iiitnny - Pel i- also a isromising looking BIM ..I -± I -i/.e and well put together. She luckily escaped the sickness of which Mail order ami Beau tbeval were rictima The latter suffered from pneumonia, but Is now rounding to. Mail Orders Irounle aas illstemper. Tbe disease apparently left - effects. The yearlings are ■ rather ine-lookktg collection innl iiuiiiImi nine. ;- follows: Bay e-lt. h kel-ton Drowsy V..i Hlly. P Bed Pox II. — Minnewaska. B .v illy, bj It. -I Pox II. Depends. Brow ii colt, ly rongo der Bias Morgan. i he-imit e..|;. i. Bed Fox II. -Clarmie. Cheatuul colt bj Bed l" II. Iair Annet. cin-iiiui eoit. by Tongorder Lady Black. ih.stniii ioli. by Tongorder Baroness Pepper. eh. -Hint colt, by Tongorder— Plying Bess, duly two foals have arrived a- vet. on. ;i phesl nit b Bed Pox 11 Hefarnds. and a bay lilly. h Bed Fox II. Belle •• Hamburg. 01 tbe other Ih Nslmai i- i .■ are in foal. II,. track mi the farm has been deep with snow tii,. I the horses r.-ieiv. their daily gallop on tbe ,,,;,. I. I;,.- stabb will, in all probability do tbe iihmi .,i their spring training on the track at Barrle will o ii ship to tb Woodbine until late in Ma]