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i ■ , PALMETTO PARK STRUCK BY STORM. Changed Condition of Going While Races Arc Beinr Run Produces Upsets. Charleston, s. t .. March ill. A heavy rain storm thai ihveii.Me,i ait.-r the second race struck tin-Palmetto Park course with lull tone and changed conditions in a twlnklhig. Prevlouslj summer-like weather had prevailed and wa- resaonslbie for an Immense attendance, it being ladies day. Patrons •I the racing wen coiuddcrshlj Inconvenienced, a-the rain continued ine.--.inil . The changed going Isrougbt with it man,; surprises, some ol tie winners lading entirely neglected in .-f betting way. The chief upset came in the reatare race, wbe.i While W.nil made a show of his opfasaents and led for the entire ii, p. His coaaeclluos bad tried .1 I Igeutlj to et him excused from starting after tbe track became dren. In.l. reganiiug his cbauces as hopeless in ih. going. Merry Lad ami Milton B. held to be suited moat bj tbe comMtbms and were given the bulk of the saiNjairt. Merry I. id made a gaa ITort to displace Whin Woo! fr-jui the lead, but -neeuinbed iu the tin.-il drive. Milton is. again ran erratically ami wa- led to the Buisli h.v Flora Fins l.e third place. The third race. Iu which some fall sprinters met. al-o brought with It an upset hj Bethr Sues - i-cess. Tni- flllj had bees working Well and wa- In tended tor a pe--iide netting ...up. bin her connections, sre -i.d to have profited onlj slightly by her rletisry this afters Theresa Bill, tbe favorite. brought ni- in - eoud pla.-e. with Urwsseuor third. Armors rbtor] Is the elosinu dash brought with ii mi" of tbe biggest run up- of the meeting Ra teretl for stKMt. he was al.-ni.-d to gl.uas. at which thru re be was bough l by F. J. Peas. The latt bidding on Hi, horse wa- in retaUatioB for A. I. Blakeleys actbsj in taking Brossean and Con Cm ran out of rsces when owned by Mr. Pons Armor was -"in . d le.euiu b Mr. lUakelo. acting rnr T. 1. sh.e.u. f..i *vi.i. b.v tbe bidding process after b ■■ bad been returned winner. Cu Bou, which started in the tilth race, was laliiH-d b .1. !olui-t..n. acting for J. . Talbot! I fMO. ami later was transferred t" F. K. I.aird for STisr The layers were glvun a severe drubbing in im-second raee through tbe rietury of Msrtse. which was baekeil dowa Into odds on favorite from a hi.i quotation d I io l. At the c -Iii — » I the Chariestoa meeting t.ii. tain Buhaiue and k. Shevlin ol the Pinkcntou forces will leave for Norivik to take charge of Ui ■ isdicins of the Jamestown Jockey Club course. .1. W. May and .1. M. have arranged to ship 1 I heir stables trom h»te to Lexington oa Monday next. Tbej will br the Urst of the horsemen to depart with their strings for Kentucky. .lak" Murklein sad Peter Melter will leave for Cincinnati Kdward Mel.ude will sond bis burses to No, folk tomorrow in charge of James Arthur. Mr. Meltrid. this afternoon sold the two-year-old till Colors, by Vankei Mamie Worth, to Alfred Henry of Montreal for tttUU. 11. Bagley. owner of Mycenae, protested the runup 1 of that gelding b Sam Most on the grouud that i latter is in bad standing. The matter was taken up by the stewards. Mosl claims that be was re stored t" ".-.. staadiug i Messrs. lleaxlip and Ioi rlgaa ami he will be given an opportunity bj the stewards t explain the Incident and place himself tiyht in regard W the mutter.