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GIDDINGS HORSES WINTER WELL. Hearts ot Oak Comes Through the Cold Season in Fine Condition at Cedar Grove Farm. Toroato. iiui.. March 21.— Sever before in the bis-lorj f Harry Giddings Cedar Orove Farm at Oak-ille did his stable of whiter in siiea 1 grand style as during tbe cold spell now drawing to 1 close. Not ■ rough or an ailment of any descrip lion has affect .1 one of his horses and all ase h* kin. iu 1 he pink of condition. Kleves will make up tie shipment Iti Woodbine Psrk. Toronto, about April 3U, to receive daily w.nk in tirepaialioii for be summer i-ampaign. Five two ] ea 1 -old-, tiv tbree-yeai old- and a four-year-old. make up tbe stable. SI. 15 iss. which i- at present being used for breeding purposes. will in all probability be raced during the fall, ii" is goinz along soundly again and it is expected be will -taml training. Most Interest natural! centers In the Kings Platers, Hear!- of Oak. Ondramida. Widow Wse and Venus Crania. Heart- of Onk is freely admitted to be one of the tiuisi looking horses 1 1 red in Canada. The second morning be was asked to step along at Woodbine last spring, and before he bad ever • snorted colors, his owner refused $."..ihki for hint. IF-le.oi.l of four win-, a second and a third out • ; -even starts as a two-year-old -peaks volumes. Tbe sou of Bassetlaw and Lady Ugbtfoul has shown , he can carry weight, go a route and thai In is game, Last -ens. .11 in- had a tendency lo eel fracthiusly on hi- WSJ to the barri.-r and a l the start. He shows L no siieh signs now and i- as kind as a kitten. II ■• - was 1 bi tWO-year-Old and. coiisiMUieiilly. hSS 11 . 1 grown much, but ha- Blled oal well ami at present i- a- lim a specimen of the thoroughbred as sue a onid wish to see. In oii.liiuuida the stable has a good second string. Sh" started -even times as a two-year old. won threa races, was second once and thrice unplaced. This lilly was the best of her age and sex of the Canadia j 1 home bred- and could run in an. kind of going, ih daughter of Baasetlaw and My Honey is .1 ball -i-ler to Oudramon. She has probably Improved mo than Heart- of Oak since last sessou. having grown i and Blled out in grand styhf Ondramida. along with , Karotta. are tbe -tables 1 seminations for the MapK Leal Slake-. .nil- Crania and Widow Wise, the other two i platers, have greatl Improved In appearance. Both i have had raciug experience and although still in im-uiaklea i. class, tbej have worked encouragingly aud I ui.n develop Into useful three-year-oids. Smolta I is never been given tbe chance t. prove her real worth like the others, bnt has performed creditably both in private .in. I public. Ondramon. tie Coronation Btakes winner, as a 1 1 w .. year hi- heretofore been 1 hard horse to u round Into shape for tbe earl] spring racing, but bis !, owners hone that .hi- season will prove an excep I loll. Five two-year-old colts make up tbe juvenile m • isioii of the String and they are an exceptionally line lookiug hit. Owner tikkliugs 1- pari cula I. -weet on Alii.. — , a strapping bay colt. This m 1- n Coionai on Stake candidate, as are Beehive .111 1 I Halflaw. The li- and their breeding follows: AIIImfs, b c. in Bassetlaw .lai All. Banjo. I. bv David Oarrick Cuba Free. Kechive b c. hi Basselbtw Mv Hon. Ha Maw, b. c, bj Bassetlaw Better Half. Sunloop. br. • by Peep oDay All Charm The latter Is not ■ nrovhare-bred, bat was pur chased i the stable at the Parmer sale la-i fall at Detroit. There are onl f..ur yearlings iu tbe stable, three of which an- lilies, as follows Filly by Martini. is My Maryland. mix b Bassetlaw Cuba Free. Flllj bj Basset Is u Lad] Bets sister In •.. Ba I oil b I.a — . tlaw M H on. v Tin- latter Is .1 straisjiing bay ami bas alread be. .1 .1 broken, -oiinihin. unusual M earij in the sessoa M lluoej ban a chestnut UI] foal b] Bassetlaw at 1 a 1 u !, her and Lady Beta 1 bay tilly by the same sire. Brvnwood. Gargle and Destiny, three mares be longing to C. c. Cam -ll of Montreal, have »r ,,v,.,| ,1 Cedar Grove Farm, to be mated wiih Bas setlaw T. P Phelans widows Mite and Burnetts will be mated to t. Baas.