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■ • ; HAWTHORN WORKS A GOOD MILE. Louisville, Ky.. March 3ft. Hawthorn.- work does not indicate lhal there i- anything Hie matter with him and it Is suppflxed thai the reports circulated in other cities to Uu- effect that he i- lame arise from a desire lo see the odds against his Kentucky Derby cbanci-s lengthen. A day or two aad Haw thorn worked a mile in It::,. lie weiu the ipiar ter in :24. lln- half in 4!i--. am! three-quarters in 1:10. Haw Horn looks ■_ I and he i- good. He i- always anxious to run. Hi- trainer, v s. • Trevey, i- confident that he will win the Derby ar the Itovviis on May lo ami thai he will make a new lime record for the race.