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HOW ALDERMAN CKICC0 GOT HIS NAME. When, on. day recently, a horse named Alderman Chleco, hy Senator McCarren- Catherine ft. won ai the lucrative pri f 0 i,, I, an episode which will go down in turf annals us one of the mosl amusing • •ii a race Hack Of cut ted. The horse when Started was a four year-old. a maiden, that had never previously 1 n senl to the tiii-t until this winter. He had heen a huggy hoi -e for a distant relative uf "Big Tim" Sullivan, t.. whom the Tiimmany politician had given him when he broke down as .• yearling. Word reached Archie /.miner Hint this maiden then iirmauicL w.i- good again, and he obtained the unknown to race this winter. Ir . in rime to tine- astonishing reports came from the dockers and work watcher- of a mysterious equine in Siaamers haru. This one had outworked the great Caugk Hill ai three -quartets of a mile. am] inasmuch as the record- showed no performer in the Simmer establishment that could approach this except Amou. the hitler wa- given credit for ihe performance. tin tin- occasion of his first start Aneau wa ne.irlv linked oil ihe hoards .,n the strength of the work watchers tip that he wa- the better horse when booked up in the morning with Caugk Hill. Aucou wa- beaten oft and the mystery remained as much ef a mystery as ever. The resourceful Ziniui r. who neer has been known to he second best when the dollar in concerned, decided ai last to christen the horse, and under lln- Jockey Clubs rules was required to deposit a forfeit fee i.f gsft foe naming tin- animal after he was two yean old. Alderman Lorrnso Chleco, a Charleston politician of Italian extraction and sportive predilection, ii traded Archie as a likely godfather for the hone. Would he stand sponsor for Ihe name: Indeed, he would, declared Ihe alderman, a- be hanged his hig list on the mahogany panel of his cafes principal fixture, and here was 1300 which Archie miisr ac repl far the honor. So clandestinely the bone waa christened, while hi- name continued t.. be a aaya tery to all hot a few. and hi- performaacea had th. rallbirds hy Hie ears. Zlmneers tai inanity is a matter of public renown in matters where the unveiling of hi- Stan • secrets are concerned. When, therefore, the bors was entered, and he gravely assured everyone that he would will Hie local turf CO-OOy was prone lu give a deaf ear lo his assurances. Alderman Chleco was entered and scratched with painful persistency, and when he wa- finally sent ir ihe purse he tow-ropeil his field, winning a hig wager for Simmer. the real alderman, and Larrv Mulligan, proprietor of ihe Hotel St. Deeds in New York, iii who-,- colors he raced. A I! those who had good humoreilly • teied Zimmer about ihe hone had regrets for not having hacked him. Since then Alderman Chleco has developed into a bleeder, and it is likely that he will I f little further use on ihe track. There have heen mam first starting four-year-old maidens on the American turf, hui few that furnished the thrills t.i a winter race like Ahh-rinan hire. did. Chariest JU Correspondence, Louisville Courier .lou ma 1.