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i PROVIDING FOR JUMPERS STEEPLECHASE COURSE UNDER CONSTRUCTION AT HAVRE DE GRACE. Will Be Completed in Season for Next Month a Racing at Maryland Track. Between Baltimore and Philadelphia. * riuvro de Grace, Md.. March 20. — Rohert A. Tinker, superintendent of the Harford County Agriculture and Breeders Associations track, has arrived here from New York, and will prepare the track for the spring meeting and oversee ihe construction of the -i. eohi h i-e course, race- net when will form an attractive feature of tin- coming meeting. Additional -raiding will he huili to ue commodate several handled horses. Horse, have already began to arrive, including ihe ft, i. Carman siring fn. in .luarez. Mevico. The Harford County Racing Commission has ajot yet decided whether they will require the saw 1 1 lion to use the pari-muim 1 system of hitting. Ir i- claimed hy the track owners that they have nor had lime ti« secure the machines, and in view of this faet it i- almost certain Ihe commission wdll relent and allow ihi- meeting to go on with bookmakers. II i- certain, however, thai the imiehiiH-s mi;-: he u-eil at all future meetings in this county.