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i s ii ,. „ ,. . . .1 , • CANT COLLECT SCULLY COSTS. Tor., in,,, lint . March Ltl. An aftermath of the ea-e ,.r bookmaker lack Scully, against the Cans dioti Raring Aasociathms lor excluding him from Hun ia. i- courses was beard in tbe lodges chamber* at tharoode Hall yesterday. Really lost hi- en-.-. and was condemned in *i.iH coats. Ion the other lawyers never could liiul that he had anything to satisfy tin- Judgment, and when ho was brought up far examination m tin- matter they got no further. Recently Really wwn a cane he had against a local lawyer, who he claimed was a partner in some of his operations. The Jndgment was attached ill the hope of gelling tin- old costs that way. tun as il has ii., i I ii paid, the judge held yesterday that there wa- no money to garnishee. Scully- alleged punier has appealed his case and may never hav, to pay anything. - that Uncollect ion of the o.vsls Scully owe* iu the olhet case is still a long way off.