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JUAREZ HORSES ARRIVE AT MARLBORO. larli oro. Md.. March 20. -It is aeeaaalaaj evlikao that Mai II... o will have a better claca of bor-en than usual tor its annual aacetias. uiiirli ooi-tt-aext Wwlemiaj efteraou*. Tin -Mpaaeat from Cliaili-stoii will imludc many aaefal racer* Tin late*! a|t|ioiutnit-ut of an otriclnl to In: 111 Jt 1. ■ 1. that at r-rae»1 Hall as paaMaeh Jadge to aaceeed W. W. I.ti *;. who is critically ill at a Charleatoa hoapHal and ulio will i.r uimlilt- to 08-clatc, aa had beea originally latrnrtii Mr. flail is tti«- sou of Carter ;. Mall, who raced th.. Jaaaawc Berfuo, Uilea aad other useful bene* auaae aea-uaa ecu. lit- ha-acted aa paddock Judge at Plaalieo, Foci Brie, Keadl oriii. Hamilton ami other traefca. Tin- track is gettiag into excellent condition and luoniis.s t, I,,- faater than ever. The list of owners who have made reset at learn for the aarrttm is of lamer provurtioaa than had he.-u anticipated l.y tl nVials of the track and. unices predtctiotta ejo awry, it will unnnest he one of the heal ateetiaga ever held over a half mile track in this ream try or. Canada. l-i Mexico ban- ceane Sonn .•" Rocks. Daaacioeuj March, Gariand lily Paxtoa, Jim 1... Chaa. Goeta .•mil three or foar others that raced well darlag the winter session of aped over the MexJcaa track. The horses all stoi ,l the long journey well, for there was no! a si. k on,- when they were taken oT the eats at Btraeiaa;, where they will he heaajed while the Marlboro meeting is in areajreee, Th. sbipmcnl came in rharge ox H. Laaah and William Norton. While it is hi id to tell now hn anal of lht division of the atrlaga, win, will haec the largeet hand or h. h.-r-. it apueara from the preaent Indlca-ham that William Carta will have as many. If not mop than any other hwraea-aa that "ill patruaise the meeting. A i though no small aortloa of Uartha establishment baa been sent to JaaaaaMnsjra he will have a Mg BCT-Bg to try for the liaiidiea[is and paraea dartaaj the aace4hag.