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LEADING SIRES OF THIS COUNTRY THROUGH THE LAST SIX YEARS In American breeding the stallions with progeny which have won in the aggregate 40000 or more in the course of the racing of the last six years number 117 Of this sixtyone were bred abroad leaving lifty sx to figure as native bred One of the latter Hastings is the leader with a sum total of 470208 won by his sons and daughters The English horses Sain and Star Shoot are second and third respectively with the nativebred Commando fourth Heyond the shadow of a doubt It is the latter which would have been the leader had he been spared iong enough to send others like Colin and Celt into our racing Of the Amer ¬ ican families of which Glencoe through Virgil Eclipse through HImyar Australian Leamington Honnie Scotland and Hillet were the fountain heads Virgil has nine representatives with 072170 to their credit Himyar four ami 11321538 ArstraIan six and 808000 Leamington eight and 712208 Honnie Scotland four and 523100 and Hillet four and 370705 The table Ulow give the names of the sires entitled to a place in the list together with the winnings of their get each year from 1007 to 1012 inclusive inclusiveTotal TotalSire Total Total Sire 1007 100S 1000 1010 1011 1012 Pfrs Wings WingsHastings 470208Sain Hastings br h 18031 117740 154001 53875 04801 30107 40585 100 470208 Sain 433001Star br h 1804 135200 101170 08817 10701 37304 31214 240 433001 Star 410000Commando Shoot ch h U80S 00521 10727 714X1 54500 53805 70073 203 410000 Commando 381232Cesarion b h 180S 270472 01005 0310 0350 3000 305 37 381232 Cesarion 330453Plaudit b h 1N2 80231 45410 57100 10730 45732 42108 274 330453 Plaudit br h 1805 iO310 00377 72203 42033 30540 18872 158 324301 313770Voter VooJsthorpc 324301VooJsthorpc b h 1SSS 00740 58ic 75140 48210 27017 38040 242 313770 Voter ch h I 4l S1040 02581 40100 31045 24SH 21108 84 301581 270770Unianuiu Ogdin 301581Ogdin br h 1805 10101 130000 32808 20015 20002 30477 148 270770 Unianuiu 207500Hen ch h i804i C0800 00 01 12410 41125 22020 21528 103 207500 Hen 257427Yankee Hritsh b b 180 38071 03008 75473 52217 15342 12410 123 257427 Yankee 257344Hen b h 1800j 41401 2SOSO 03010 45757 34410 38777 112 257344 Hen 210570Hamburg Strome b h 1S80 01030 44153 V331S5 28807 21003 32710 187 210570 Hamburg b h 1805 770 18001 30315 14705 31805 10180 140 234540 Disguise 234540Disguise b h 1807 2053i 110204 20181 30220 7300 11410 70 227035 Kingston 227035Kingston 213047Bannockhimi br h 1884 57703 20720 28230 85220 8870 7108 07 213047 Bannockhimi 200348Kn hr h 1801 3O213 28844 31710 37055 3J557 37327 103 200348 103104S Kn of the Thistle b h IXCJl 51101 30723 21715 20017 27104 10500 111 103104 S Mnproniiis 1 h 1S01 202il 34571 30080 11252 20814 17211 170 102732 Mazagan 102732Mazagan b h 1800 34812 47724 22045 28124 28230 31570 148 102505 Pep 102505Pep 188801Fatherless oDay b h 1803 34000 27522 25530 20783 22122 48012 148 188801 Fatherless 178718Pcs b h 1800 48754 37010 23000 18011 21350 28724 148 178718 Pcs 174425rhliiidrs ira b h 1888 70570 0044S 18100 14075 8107 2375 58 174425 rhliiidrs b h 1807 28304 47305 20315 17000 20708 18280 82 108007 108007Sir Sir Dixon b h 1881 US ISO 18830 20085 10810 20804 10000 144 157805 Solitaire 157805Solitaire 150705KthellHrt II b h 1800 27310 33000 32411 10500 20225 20130 102 150705 KthellHrt 155078Nasturtium b h ISOO 0303 18050 54517 34000 17307 2U725 SO 155078 Nasturtium ch h 18i 40324 34 Oil 14505 10474 10004 25302 124 153400 The 153400The Commoner ch h 1S02 41017 0201 18005 34071 24087 24410 110 153200 153200Watercress Watercress 151771Meddler br h 1880 53i3 38840 10411 10328 10800 0743 108 151771 151001Golden Meddler b h lSIMJi 48071 31821 41215 12130 8200 5100 02 151001 Golden Garter ch h 18S 80101 13478 17375 12818 0004 10043 05 1457SJ 125025Goldcrcst Keyal 1457SJKeyal Flush III ch h 1S33 10000 32040 22140 0288 5081 0380 03 125025 12377Sorcerer Goldcrcst ch h 1803 25105 20050 22100 31742 13100 0405 11 12377 Sorcerer b h 1880 31 MIS 37221 21348 11013 11008 10330 85 123102 Oddfellow 123102Oddfellow b h 1887 17878 27075 30321 iO554 11282 212lii 7S 11023J1 11023J1Gciolstein Gciolstein br h 1805 47385 32700 8480 1 OI 37 7070 8232 05 11403C Handsel 11403CHandsel ch h 1803 25742 201 5 21750 14457 11857 17803 0 1121504 Clifford 1121504Clifford 111322Hroomstlck In h 1800 20310 10871 t 18246 17215 15540 10140 72 111322 I0073CCunard Hroomstlck b h 1001 nSfflfcSSltiaS 33018 i 3343 50 I0073C Cunard ch h 1800 7835 28310 21S70 23 I4 24527 87 10017C loddmgton 10017Cloddmgton b h 1808 33070 31400 20011 0111 5438 142 SO 10410S 10410SOruus Oruus ch h 1801 0700 10720 2007 32302 10314 8540 80 103775 Handspring 103775Handspring ch h 1803 48030 24570 0070 1129 0051 1010 87 10308 Sandriiigham 10308Sandriiigham 10082ftiS5el br h 1800 23551 30072 7010 0075 14107 0410 OS 10082f 0350CMasetto tiS5el b h 1888 38825 13711 0370 13002 12088 8000 100 0350C Masetto b h 1888 22528 24717 13240 5104 14057 13458 74 03101 03101Hlues Hlues b h 1SOS 11504 18102 11225 13003 18028 15201 SO 0277 Golden 0277Golden Maxim b h 1000 10535 12075 30010 25000 10270 51 8021 Galore 8021Galore br h 1885 10015 18288 15505 15700 15145 4000 40 88401 Canopus 88401Canopus b h 1805 10J100 27780 18215 0240 0470 0000 50 S7SH lvcseot S7SHlvcseot ch h 1807 13000 13040 11215 10020 14040 18122 103 8705 8705Galveston Galveston b h 1807 7080 11015 24515 10400 15527 0400 70 S027 Pirate S027Pirate of Penzanee br h 1882 45130 111705 7801 8230 lCSO 1474 SO 8400 Ingoldsby 8400Ingoldsby b or br h 1802 14702 15000 12020 17384 15430 4731 02 8084 8084Rubicon 70007Orlando Rubicon ch h 1801 10435 25035 15705 S2C2 8205 0235 07 70007 Orlando b h 1800 12875 12210 14705 14752 7823 14807 03 77231 77231Previous Previous b h 1805 18387 21021 15SCO 4015 0312 10407 50 75101 Marta 75101Marta Santa b h 1800 18300 8040 0201 0303 33015 00 70821 Lissak 70821Lissak blk h 1802 23854 14451 10105 5202 7004 13002 50 70 Star Hllby b h 1802 22200 15780 11070 12503 SS1O 0002 81 7053 7053Helvidere Helvidere b h 1884 53814 13001 7100 1730 115 37 700 ° Adam ch h 1002 45500 10100 8072 IS 7345 Lackford ch h 1805 0045 8180 10235 25100 15101 5203 45 7304 Garry Herrmann br h 1808 12307 3075 7710 15210 20444 8017 50 72011 Gold 72011Gold Heels b h 1S08 0015 8023 15305 10452 14338 10203 07 7150 Collar 7150Collar b h 1805 50121 10070 201 71 7 70101 Isidor 70101Isidor ch h 1804 0400 5315 11505 17040 10040 0702 44 Oootif Ciganteum OootifCiganteum br h 1801 20018 13043 0310 11221 0430 3200 72 OS 421 421Greenan Greenan b h 1805 21001 21148 12300 8535 3001 1421 74 OS 1S Pontiac blk h 1881 10510 22708 0535 7000 1705 4581 07 0325 AllanaDale 0325AllanaDale ch h 1800 0450 10045 0005 730 12023 0535 07 0 81 Goldfinch ch h 1SSO 28000 18277 10010 2320 875 1135 01 02251 Hox 02251Hox ch h 1804 8373 14800 15015 8040 7085 0870 70 02 01 Filigrane b h 1800 0405 3230 7700 11503 13705 1025O SO 0104 Handsome 0104Handsome br h 1S02 20482 11500 0245 3825 2335 4405 07 01851 llermence 01851llermence ch h 1883 2112 12805 13t0 5250 roOTi 3070 73 0070 LMemlonne 0070LMemlonne ch h 1801 13110 15255 7055 8702 530 ° 8001 40 1871 Leonid 1871Leonid eh h 1800 1500 10005 13857 18017 13222 41 18101 The 18101The Friar eh h 1804 18347 10073 8505 0770 5372 5 01 04 5733 5733Uock Uock Sand br h 1000 24281 11511 17103 0 50001 Orsini 50001Orsini br b 1800 0075 10255 12300 7510 5440 5471 81 50011 Ppssotlaw 50011Ppssotlaw br h 1800 27310 7042 3141 4300 7270 0 SM 51 5108 Macy 5108Macy b h 1804 17020 7520 4435 0883 11340 4525 50 3i lialgowan b h 1SSS 11200 000 10185 0205 8130 1010 73 1400 Free 1400Free Knight b h 1883 12440 0537 12715 7110 0402 0371 10 5401 Juvenal 5401Juvenal ch h 1880 13328 15518 0050 7423 3415 7537 47 5421 54obSi Eldie 5421Eldie Jones br h 1805 11870 7855 13840 7330 7105 5085 50 54ob Si Avonicus b h 1807 10040 2211f 0410 1105 1070 11 448 V 51 Kapallo b h 1804 30347 11002 3400 1001 73 37 517 Lamplighter 517Lamplighter br h 1SSO 28503 12080 0211 1505 1 031 i r 71 71 5 I Mirthful ch h 1S05 22010 10772 7130 1511 3005 030 4 rpoo Hanastar rpooHanastar ch h 1805 10000 10070 17082 0703 2731 805 34 1OS 1OSSlnlwart Slnlwart ch h 1001 5700 1873 ° 0 OS7 71 1lO Dick Welles b h 1000 0255 10031 1004 10722 10133 03 5113 Kismet 5113Kismet by Melton b h 1883 14525 8080 0515 1770 4481 7T 0 77 r04 V Cactus II cli h 1808 0002 7254 4201 0828 12 101 5317 V 5030 Pink 5030Pink Coat b h IS01 13045 25701 3701 4315 050 2015 1 101 Marchmt 101Marchmt It b or br h 1000 3070 0830 12501 7312 1014 11 4 Lord Ksterling ch h 1887 10001 12231 0830 0475 44 0140 40 4017 Irldgewater 4017Irldgewater b h 1804 0174 0555 3120 10780 8 OSO 11810 57 401 St 401St Gatien b h 1881 12058 12807 I300 0000 3031 l7r rO 4SV OritToil 4SVOritToil b h 1807 15300 0035 8075 8700 0 OJM1 4384 04 4soS Altamax 4soSAltamax b h 1804 14010 11255 1321 0830 4700 0140 07 4835 Hawkswick 4835Hawkswick br h 1800 0070 14880 7201 7055 7012 40S1 14 481 Athelillg br h 1883 24513 10800 5071 1020 040 il S 4700 Kinlev 4700Kinlev Mack b h 1805 14470 24020 0220 2450 IG5 474 Ileno b h 1800 8855 5005 530 11315 CS73 oOO T 410S Pr 410SPr of Melbourne ch h 1807 0071 7030 8205 1337 5830 sVl 41 44 Jack 44Jack Point br h 1SOO 0100 1725 0185 03X1 8110 lilTo 00 4410 Mcntana 4410Mcntana b h 18SS 10220 210 3210 2280 1035 4sr IMryear 4srIMryear I b h 18SO 3485 50 m842 13070 11708 4 47u Hockton 47uHockton b h 1807 1770 1005 4145 7OS5 14447 lo3S 4 1 8 Abe Frank ch h 1800 2525 0100 7411 310 10785 15207 34 44S Compute 44SCompute ch h 1SOO 17501 10222 4801 1320 1 30 SOT r joi J JSt St Carlo ch h 1887 12783 14713 720O 2015 2301 s 44 40171 Koanerges 40171Koanerges ch h 1804 14837 12100 2455 3720 4784 2140 4 4010