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GENERAL HORSE BREEDING PROFITABLE PROFITABLEWashington Washington 1 C April 14 Horse breeding in the United States is a profitable industry experts of the Department of Agriculture have discovered and they set forth their discovery in a preliminary statement just Issued The department bases its conclusions on the reports of 10000 breeders in all comers of the country and us a result declare that then is a profit of approximately forty per cent in a threeyearold colt over and above the cost of its raising raisingThe The experts announce that the net cost of pro ¬ ducing and raising a colt to the age of three years averages 9G54 while the selling price of the ani ¬ mals averages fl3 517 The principal cost of rear ¬ ing a foal to maturity is chargeable to feeding 54 per cent of the outlay going to keep it in lufy grain pasturage and other feeds and 1C per cent to care and shelter The remainder is necessary to meet the cost ot breaking to halter veterinary service and miscellaneous items itemsThe The department found that the cost of threeyear olds was greatest in Rhode Island where they brought on the average of 1550 apiece In New Mexico a good animal of that age could be bought for 59IiO and Wyoming and Texas in the order named were the next lowest markets