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BELMONT DEFENDS RACING CHAIRMAN OF JOCKEY CLUB MAKES VIGOR OUS REPLY TO GOVERNOR SULZER Repels Insinuation That Violation of Laws of New York State Is Contemplated or Will Be Per ¬ mitted by Racing Associations New York May l Tliis Is the answer of August Hclmoiit chairman of tlie 1 IK key Cliili to Gov ¬ ernor Sulzers threat to enforce the antigambling laws when racing is revived at Helmont Park on Memorial Day DayThi Thi governors reply to the iiucstion as to his attitude toward gambling at the race courses in this stall is not only acccptiiblv to racing men and racing associations but is precisely what every good citizen would expect him to say The racing asso eiations will welcome with their ullieers track police anil detectives the presence and cooperation of tlii sheriff and his deputies in any numlier he may require The association do not need the assist ance of any law and order society or antigambling league to help them observe the law lawOh Oh tile part or the four associations about to conduct a race meeting at ISelmont Park I am authorized to repel with uniiualiticd emphasis any statement or insinuation from whatever quarter that the violation of the laws of this slate are contemplated or will be i erinitteil The malignity with which socalled pnrilicrs of public morals pers nte racing in this state under the guise of hostility to race track gambling is really aimed at the sport itself They do not wish lo see racing con ¬ ducted at all They lay to racing the existence of ity poolrooms tile cure for which should no more be sought in paralyxing the perfectly legitimate sport of racing and industry of horse breeding than the destruction of the vineyards and corn and rye lieIds to stop drinking drinkingThe The law will be observed whether the decision of he socalled Shane case is continued by the Court of Appeals or not The state today authorizes hors KUing anil its systematized conduct by law and those who desire and have the indisputable right drlinitions of laws applying to the personal conduct t particiiKile in racing are entitled to court of patrons and spectators The courts are and have been passing on them and whatever the verdicts the association will obey them and repudiate all anil any insinuations that they may attempt to evade them themA A word on this odicial reiterated nonsense about tin Sport of Kings It is framed to be and is conducted as a popular sport The passport to it is clean and honest dealing The rules of racing apply lo the humblest and biggest participant alike and are enforced in the same spirit It has no greater ditlicnlty In its efforts to exclude the unde ¬ sirable and dishonest than all other occupations of this great community whether for pleasure or business businessThis This state could abolish the bookmaker and pliin gcr with one stroke of the pen The French pari niutuel lias driven them from every race course on the continent of Europe and is doing the same today in Kentucky and in such states where the niutucl bet is permitted