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COMMENDS SPIRIT OF OFFER OFFERNew New York May 22 District Attorney Wysong has replied as follows to tlio offer of the West chostor Itaeiiig Association to bear the expense of employing special deputy sheriffs at Bolmont Park to see that the New York law prohibiting book making Is enforced during the coming race meeting The tono of your letter is highly pleasing to me The people of this county desire tho enforce ¬ ment Of all laws and they can rely upon their otli cors to do their utmost to see that they are en ¬ forced The earnest cooperation of the racing asso ¬ ciations is much to l o desired and working to ¬ gether with tho otlicials gambling bookmaking and kindred form of law breaking can be abolished from our race tracks tracksSuperintendent Superintendent II L Pelz has had a big force of workmen busily employed for many weeks at Bcl moiit Park and so far as the big track is concerned it is ready now for the horses The Long Island Railroad lias decided to resume the horse special which will leave Sheepshend Bay each race day for the accommodation of horsemen who are stabling either there or at Gravosend As usual it will consist of horse cars enough to accommodate all tin thoroughbreds that are booked to race at the West Chester Racing Association track trackThe The board of governors of tho Turf and Field Club have Just reopened the clubhouse at Belmont Park