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SCALES OF WEIGHTS FOR JUNE 1913 OneHalf Mile MileTwoyearolds Twoyearolds fjThreeyearolds j i fj Threeyearolds H 11 1 Fouryearolds i J Fiveyearolds JFiveyearolds and iipl2i 1 1TkreeQuarters TkreeQuarters Mile MileTwoyearolds Twoyearolds JJl S SThreeyearolds Threeyearolds lr0 111 11 11Fouryearolds Fouryearolds 1 1 Fiveyearolds and up loo li i Ono Mile Fouryearolds 1J i iFiveyearolds Fiveyearolds and up2t 1 One and OneHalf Miles MilesThreeyearolds Threeyearolds 1 1 1 Fouryearolds lJ 1 1Fiveyearolds Fiveyearolds J Sixyearolds JSixyearolds and upi upiThreeyearolds Threeyearolds 101 103 100 101 103 103Fouryearolds Fouryearolds 11 1 fa Fiveyearolds faFiveyearolds l 1 T i vA vASixyearolds ls Sixyearolds and up 128 l S 1b Two and OneHalf Miles MilesThreeyearolds Threeyearolds ijFouryearolds 102 J Jn ° n ij Fouryearolds j 5 j Fouryearolds i iFiveyearolds Fiveyearolds 1 1Sixyearolds Sixyearolds and upl Four Threeyearolds s or fimr and for il not be less than 120 pounds lb lbrac rac e h lf voyea US louuds Vn VnTxclUely TxclUely for threcycarolds 122 pou SU of Uve Uver hit there shall be au allowance r in races of ofSSlS SSlS SSlSlgthe lgthe weights for the shorter distance shall be cai caiIn In a race exclusively for twojv hlf a0 fcrexclusively for threeyearolds the tafirthereS e an allowance of uve uve110E 110E cer Tn TnSSX SSX SSVln races where tho weights re tixcd absolutely totoc Mik ttjm two years old and geldings ot all i MIJII in allowed three iHunls and lillies and inares llir years old and upwanl shall be allowed livo pounds before September 1 and three pounds thereafter SOUTHERN JOCKKY CLUB In races of inlerniLdlate lengths tho weights fcr the shorter distance are to be carried twoyearolds the weights weightsSm l In a race exclusively for Sm a Exclusively for threeyearolds tho weights shall be 122 pounds poundsliT liT heat races there shall be an allowance of five pounds from the scale of weights weightsExcept Except in handicaps and In races where th weights arc fixed absolutely in the conditions allies two years old and geldings of all agos shall be Al ¬ lowed three pounds and lillies and mares three years old and upward shall be allowed live ixiuuds bcfofj September 1 and three pounds thereafter thereafterCANADIAN CANADIAN RACING ASSOCIATIONS ASSOCIATIONSIn In races of intermediate lengths the weights for the shorter distance shall be carried carriedIn In races exclusively for threeyearolds or four yearolds the weights shall be 12J pounds and for twoyearolds US pounds Except In handicaps and in all races where the conditions expressly state to the contrary fillies two years old shall be allowed three pounds ami tillies and mares three years old and upward sha1 be allowed live pounds before the first of September and three iiouuds thereafter Geldings allowed three pounds poundsIn In all races except in handicaps where forcign breds are not penalized as such horses foaled in Can ¬ ada shall be allowed up to and including three years 7 pounds four years and upward 5 pounds poundsWelter Welter weights shall bo US pounds added to the weight for age In heavyweight handicaps tlie top weight shall not be less than 140 pounds poundsNo No twoyearolds shall compete in an allaged race prior to August 1 In all handicaps when tho added monoy exceeds GOO top weight shall not be less than ILG pounds STEEPLECHASE WEIGHTS WEIGHTSAt At the eastern tracks all steeplechase races are run under the rules of the National Steepleehano and Hunt Association which provides these weights weightsFor For steeplechases less than three miles l ron January 1 to August J1 inclusive three years KJJ pounds four years 14 iMMiuds live years l i pounds six years and over 152 pounds From Sep ¬ tember 1 to December SI inclusive for three years Io7 pounds four years 151 pounds five years 160 pounds six years and over Ki2 pounds poundsFor For steeplechases of three miles and over From January 1 to August 51 inclusive four years 145 pounds live years 155 pounds six years and over 100 pounds From September 1 to December in elusive for four years 14 pounds live years ITiS pounds six years and over 10 pounds poundsFor For Hurdle Raees From January 1 to August 1 inclusive threo years lr pounds four years 142 pounds five years Iff pounds six years and over Ififi iKJiinds From September 1 to December il in ¬ clusive three years 142 pounds four years 155 pounds five years and over 1G1 pounds In races exclusively for threeyearolds the weight shall be 14 pounds Except poundsExcept In handicaps and In races where the weights are lixed absolutely in the conditions mares shall be allowed live pounds before September 1 and three pounds afterward Geldings shall be al ¬ lowed poundsFor three pounds For races on the Hat under Hunt Club auspices the scale of weights adopted by tho Jockey Club slmll govern and in respect of such races welter weights shall be 28 pounds above the weight for age In ageIn the west the weights spec lied by the Western Jockey Club and the American Turf Association arc identical and are as follows followsJan OctAge Jan April July Oct Age Feb May Aug Nov NovMarch March June Sept Dee DeeTycarolds Tycarolds 125 12 m 110 1yearolds 1101yearolds 147 14 151 irt irtfiyearolds fiyearolds 157 KO llii 1 GycaroIds 17The and up 18 170 171 17 The rules of the Canadian Racing Associations governing steeplechases and hurdle races provide that no horse shall be permitted to start in any steeple ¬ chase or hurdle race carrying less than itO pounds When a scale of weights for age is not lixed by tho regulations of any course or by the conditions of a meeting or race tho following scale shall govern For governFor steeplechases and hurdle races less than threo miles from January 1 to July 1 Inclusive four years 145 pounds live years 15 pounds six years and over 1GG pounds From August 1 to December I51 Inclusive three years 138 pounds four yuais lu5pounds live years 163 pounds six years aid over poundsFor 1G pounds For steeplechases of threo miles and over Janu ¬ ary l to August 1 Inclusive four years 138 pounds live years 157 pounds six years and over Kit pounds From September 1 to Dcccinlwr J1 Inclu ¬ sive four years 14J pounds live years 1G1 pounds six years and over 1GG pounds Except poundsExcept in handicaps and in all races where the couditJonsi expressly state to the contrary mares shall be allowed live pounds lieforc the llrst of Sep ¬ tember and three pounds thereafter Geldings al ¬ lowed three pounds